Ra spoke of how their social memory complex came from venus and that thier third dinsity experience on venus was billions of years ago and they progressed right through the densities until fifth where many decided to leave to be of service, Ra also stated that venus was no long inhabitable for 3rd density entitiies..
Now once again science is just catching up stating that recent findings state that venus and Earth are not all that different and that Venus may once have been inhabitabal and harboured oceans... I found it astonishing that they addmited that it could have once harboured life but I found it even more astonishing when they said this would have been billions of years ago which correlates perfectly to when Ra said thier third density experience was.
Questioner: How many of our years ago was Ra’s third density ended?
Ra: I am Ra. The calculations necessary for establishing this point are difficult since so much of what you call time is taken up before and after third density as you see the progress of time from your vantage point. We may say in general that the time of our enjoyment of the choice-making was approximately 2.6 million of your sun-years in your past. However—we correct this instrument. Your term is billion, 2.6 billion of your years in your past. However, this time, as you call it, is not meaningful for our intervening space/time has been experienced in a manner quite unlike your third-density experience of space/time.
It seems as though science is finally catching up to the teachings of Ra.
Now once again science is just catching up stating that recent findings state that venus and Earth are not all that different and that Venus may once have been inhabitabal and harboured oceans... I found it astonishing that they addmited that it could have once harboured life but I found it even more astonishing when they said this would have been billions of years ago which correlates perfectly to when Ra said thier third density experience was.
Questioner: How many of our years ago was Ra’s third density ended?
Ra: I am Ra. The calculations necessary for establishing this point are difficult since so much of what you call time is taken up before and after third density as you see the progress of time from your vantage point. We may say in general that the time of our enjoyment of the choice-making was approximately 2.6 million of your sun-years in your past. However—we correct this instrument. Your term is billion, 2.6 billion of your years in your past. However, this time, as you call it, is not meaningful for our intervening space/time has been experienced in a manner quite unlike your third-density experience of space/time.
It seems as though science is finally catching up to the teachings of Ra.