03-18-2022, 04:58 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-19-2022, 04:42 PM by Dekalb_Blues.)
Or, A x B x C = AHH
or, The Tropical F*** Storm Cometh
Pepe_2MuchInfo.png (Size: 134.9 KB / Downloads: 6)
Too much information running through my brain
Too much information driving me insane
Too much information running through my brain
Too much information driving me insane
I've seen the whole world six times over
Sea of Japan to the Cliffs of Dover
I've seen the whole world six times over
Sea of Japan to the Cliffs of Dover
Overkill, overview
Over my dead body
Over me, over you
Over everybody
Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!
Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!
65.6 Questioner: Would the coming changes as we progress into fourth density— I’m speaking of changes not only in the physical third-density planet due to the heating effect but also the changes that are heralding fourth-density vibrations such as the ability of people to perform what we term paranormal activities— I’m assuming that both of these are also and will act as catalyst to create a greater seeking. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is partially correct. The paranormal events occurring are not designed to increase seeking but are manifestations of those whose vibratory configuration enables these entities to contact the gateway to intelligent infinity. These entities capable of paranormal service may determine to be of such service on a conscious level. This, however, is a function of the entity and its free will and not the paranormal ability.
The correct portion of your statements is the greater opportunity for service due to the many changes which will offer many challenges, difficulties, and seeming distresses within your illusion to many who then will seek to understand, if we may use this misnomer, the reason for the malfunctioning of the physical rhythms of their planet.
Moreover, there exist probability/possibility vortices which spiral towards your bellicose actions. Many of these vortices are not of the nuclear war but of the less annihilatory but more lengthy so-called "conventional" war. This situation, if formed in your illusion, would offer many opportunities for seeking and for service.
65.7 Questioner: How would conventional warfare offer the opportunities for seeking and service?
Ra: I am Ra. The possibility/probabilities exist for situations in which great portions of your continent and the globe in general might be involved in the type of warfare which you might liken to guerrilla warfare. The ideal of freedom from the so-called invading force of either the controlled fascism or the equally controlled social common ownership of all things would stimulate great quantities of contemplation upon the great polarization implicit in the contrast between freedom and control. In this scenario which is being considered at this time/space nexus the idea of obliterating valuable sites and personnel would not be considered an useful one. Other weapons would be used which do not destroy as your nuclear arms would. In this ongoing struggle the light of freedom would burn within the mind/body/spirit complexes capable of such polarization. Lacking the opportunity for overt expression of the love of freedom, the seeking for inner knowledge would take root aided by those of the Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow which remember their calling upon this sphere.
Voice To Skull, the brainchild of artist Theo Karon, is a direct response to being overwhelmed by technology, as well as affecting investigation into what kinds of meaning it is possible to make in collaboration with artificial intelligence. “The film is an emotional response to just how it feels to be alive and consume media right now, when everything is cast out on everything else, all the time,” describes Karon. “You get worked up about something and then it turns out to be debunked, or to have just been more complex than the initial presentation of it that you encountered let on. So you’re stuck. It’s like perpetual jetlag. You’re constantly waking up from a dream and you’re reading about an atrocity and trying to figure out what to order for lunch, both on your phone, at the same time.” Narrated by Chino Amobi, with whom Actual Objects collaborated with on his 2018 film Welcome To Paradiso (City In The Sea), Voice To Skull assumes the perspective of a “data harvester”, a consciousness scouring a hard drive for the last remnants of data, searching for anything resembling information. Citing the work of object-oriented ontologist Timothy Morton, the assemblage of avant-garde artist and experimental filmmaker Joseph Cornell and countless hours spent immersed in online conspiracy theory forums, Karon seeks to render visible the residue left behind when different kinds of media interact within a larger system.
Whether it’s the exhaustion and malaise felt when flitting between social media voyeurism and compulsive doom scrolling, the psychic deformities that begin to appear after the quotidian barrage of disinformation found online, or the organic growth of a paranoid logic in the schizophrenic interactions of members of online message boards, Voice To Skull captures all of these feelings. In the words of the film’s narrator, “there is a dim sort of magic to be found here, but first it must be trapped.” This process of entrapment takes the form of a total collaboration with machine learning, in which both the script and elements of the imagery are generated using A.I. For the script, Karon utilized GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), an autoregressive A.I. language model that uses machine learning to produce eerily human-like text. Feeding the model with excerpts of a novel Karon had abandoned writing, as well as numerous conspiracy forum posts, the ensuing dialogue became the basis from which the script for Voice To Skull, itself only the first iteration of a wider Actual Objects project, Disintegration-2, was adapted. “It needs a lot of curation, it would run for a while and then I would do a lot of editing, but in the context of the world that process felt very fitting to me, in that it was this continual layering, adding, subtracting, remixing it back into itself,” they explain.
“That’s an important point about the way all of us at Actual Objects want to use A.I.,” notes Rick Farin. “It’s basically Holly Herndon’s whole idea, it’s not about presenting A.I. as it is, it’s about human collaboration with it.” It’s this entanglement of different kinds of intelligence that manifests as a narrative through-line in Voice To Skull, in which the narrator seems preoccupied with distinguishing between artificial and organic consciousness. “YOU APPEAR HUMAN, BUT YOU’RE NOT…” flashes across the screen at one point, while later the narrator describes a process of “regular voice-to-skull communication with the broken artificial intelligences that inhabit this world.” These attempts at categorisation cast doubt on the fundamental qualities of the voice we’re listening to. In this world, is humanity, and by extension the viewer, considered a broken artificial intelligence? Perhaps the title’s reference to bone conduction functions metaphorically and our narrator is only able to make meaning on the inside of the world it seems to be in the process of creating, just as our voices sound other when not heard amidst the vibrations they make across our own skulls. “None of the individual pieces of clips in there have any real significance on their own,” says Rick, “but when they’re all stuck together and then integrated with the audio, some kind of emotional response ends up becoming generated.”
"A Primer on V2K vs. Mind-Reading Technologies"
Yuval Noah Harari At The World Economic Forum In Davos 2020. Hacking of Humanity.
"AI: Hacking without Humans -- How Can Human Brains Be Hacked?"
"Dr. James Giordano: Battlescape Brain: Military and Intelligence Use of Neurocognitive Science"
"Brain Science from Bench to Battlefield: The Realities – and Risks – of Neuroweapons | CGSR Seminar"
"Neuroweapons and the Law"
"Hybrid warfare is a theory of military strategy . . . which employs political warfare and blends conventional warfare, irregular warfare, and cyberwarfare with other influencing methods, such as fake news, diplomacy, lawfare, and foreign electoral intervention. By combining kinetic ["hard power" or shooting-war] operations with subversive efforts, the aggressor intends to avoid attribution or retribution. The concept of hybrid warfare has been criticized by a number of academics and practitioners due to its alleged vagueness, its disputed constitutive elements, and its alleged historical distortions." --- Wickedpedia
A foundational strategy of the hybrid approach (capitalizing on previous soft-power culture-war conditioning barrages which subvert the target population's traditional Identification-Friend-or-Foe algorithm) is to position in the mass mind the actual aggressor as the imagined aggressed, and vice-versa. This exploits behaviourally one of the strongest forces in the unregenerate human psyche: the naive identification of individuals and groups with what turns out to be merely the current artificially-contrived configuration of their all-too-easily-hacked thought and belief systems. They will tend to defend this identity to the death &/or to the deaths of others who stubbornly won't Go Along With What's Right. Not a shabby mechanism to co-opt! -- if you are an STS Psywar-Plans-&-Designs wonk and your job is to foment "good" wars, "righteous" wars for "freedom" and "peace" against "Evil Others", the kind of "noble" wars that "right-thinking", "humanitarian" nominally-STO people can fully "understand" with their rendered-inflexible minds and "empathize with" in their colder-than-they-think hearts. This leads them to manifest certain predictable actions and inactions which are eminently exploitable for further force-multiplication in the culture-war theatre of operations. The fuller-spectrum information (often supplied non-coercively by certain worldly-wise agents of the STO endeavour offering such service in their capacity as being among "those of the Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow which remember their calling upon this sphere") that these good-natured, well-intentioned naïfs in fact might well need to counter the weaponized narrative practically imprisoning their everyday affect and effect -- well, this they will have been conditioned to perceive as diabolically-deceptive STS black propaganda, disinformation, fear-mongering, false-flagging, etc. This is how the psywar technique of extrajection, or weaponized projection (what used to be called demonization) works. And 'round & 'round it goes seemingly unendingly, a sort of self-referentially amnesiac hide-&-seek game of the subjective, conditioned, false self with the objective human psyche's deep, shadowy, naturally-potential selves -- with polaric losses, gains, and stand-offs, until certain natural time-limits in the greater design of Necessity exert their objectively overwhelming force, and there begins a new phase of catalyst for everyone involved.
Or, A x B x C = AHH
or, The Tropical F*** Storm Cometh

Too much information running through my brain
Too much information driving me insane
Too much information running through my brain
Too much information driving me insane
I've seen the whole world six times over
Sea of Japan to the Cliffs of Dover
I've seen the whole world six times over
Sea of Japan to the Cliffs of Dover
Overkill, overview
Over my dead body
Over me, over you
Over everybody
Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!
Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!
65.6 Questioner: Would the coming changes as we progress into fourth density— I’m speaking of changes not only in the physical third-density planet due to the heating effect but also the changes that are heralding fourth-density vibrations such as the ability of people to perform what we term paranormal activities— I’m assuming that both of these are also and will act as catalyst to create a greater seeking. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is partially correct. The paranormal events occurring are not designed to increase seeking but are manifestations of those whose vibratory configuration enables these entities to contact the gateway to intelligent infinity. These entities capable of paranormal service may determine to be of such service on a conscious level. This, however, is a function of the entity and its free will and not the paranormal ability.
The correct portion of your statements is the greater opportunity for service due to the many changes which will offer many challenges, difficulties, and seeming distresses within your illusion to many who then will seek to understand, if we may use this misnomer, the reason for the malfunctioning of the physical rhythms of their planet.
Moreover, there exist probability/possibility vortices which spiral towards your bellicose actions. Many of these vortices are not of the nuclear war but of the less annihilatory but more lengthy so-called "conventional" war. This situation, if formed in your illusion, would offer many opportunities for seeking and for service.
65.7 Questioner: How would conventional warfare offer the opportunities for seeking and service?
Ra: I am Ra. The possibility/probabilities exist for situations in which great portions of your continent and the globe in general might be involved in the type of warfare which you might liken to guerrilla warfare. The ideal of freedom from the so-called invading force of either the controlled fascism or the equally controlled social common ownership of all things would stimulate great quantities of contemplation upon the great polarization implicit in the contrast between freedom and control. In this scenario which is being considered at this time/space nexus the idea of obliterating valuable sites and personnel would not be considered an useful one. Other weapons would be used which do not destroy as your nuclear arms would. In this ongoing struggle the light of freedom would burn within the mind/body/spirit complexes capable of such polarization. Lacking the opportunity for overt expression of the love of freedom, the seeking for inner knowledge would take root aided by those of the Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow which remember their calling upon this sphere.
Voice To Skull, the brainchild of artist Theo Karon, is a direct response to being overwhelmed by technology, as well as affecting investigation into what kinds of meaning it is possible to make in collaboration with artificial intelligence. “The film is an emotional response to just how it feels to be alive and consume media right now, when everything is cast out on everything else, all the time,” describes Karon. “You get worked up about something and then it turns out to be debunked, or to have just been more complex than the initial presentation of it that you encountered let on. So you’re stuck. It’s like perpetual jetlag. You’re constantly waking up from a dream and you’re reading about an atrocity and trying to figure out what to order for lunch, both on your phone, at the same time.” Narrated by Chino Amobi, with whom Actual Objects collaborated with on his 2018 film Welcome To Paradiso (City In The Sea), Voice To Skull assumes the perspective of a “data harvester”, a consciousness scouring a hard drive for the last remnants of data, searching for anything resembling information. Citing the work of object-oriented ontologist Timothy Morton, the assemblage of avant-garde artist and experimental filmmaker Joseph Cornell and countless hours spent immersed in online conspiracy theory forums, Karon seeks to render visible the residue left behind when different kinds of media interact within a larger system.
Whether it’s the exhaustion and malaise felt when flitting between social media voyeurism and compulsive doom scrolling, the psychic deformities that begin to appear after the quotidian barrage of disinformation found online, or the organic growth of a paranoid logic in the schizophrenic interactions of members of online message boards, Voice To Skull captures all of these feelings. In the words of the film’s narrator, “there is a dim sort of magic to be found here, but first it must be trapped.” This process of entrapment takes the form of a total collaboration with machine learning, in which both the script and elements of the imagery are generated using A.I. For the script, Karon utilized GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), an autoregressive A.I. language model that uses machine learning to produce eerily human-like text. Feeding the model with excerpts of a novel Karon had abandoned writing, as well as numerous conspiracy forum posts, the ensuing dialogue became the basis from which the script for Voice To Skull, itself only the first iteration of a wider Actual Objects project, Disintegration-2, was adapted. “It needs a lot of curation, it would run for a while and then I would do a lot of editing, but in the context of the world that process felt very fitting to me, in that it was this continual layering, adding, subtracting, remixing it back into itself,” they explain.
“That’s an important point about the way all of us at Actual Objects want to use A.I.,” notes Rick Farin. “It’s basically Holly Herndon’s whole idea, it’s not about presenting A.I. as it is, it’s about human collaboration with it.” It’s this entanglement of different kinds of intelligence that manifests as a narrative through-line in Voice To Skull, in which the narrator seems preoccupied with distinguishing between artificial and organic consciousness. “YOU APPEAR HUMAN, BUT YOU’RE NOT…” flashes across the screen at one point, while later the narrator describes a process of “regular voice-to-skull communication with the broken artificial intelligences that inhabit this world.” These attempts at categorisation cast doubt on the fundamental qualities of the voice we’re listening to. In this world, is humanity, and by extension the viewer, considered a broken artificial intelligence? Perhaps the title’s reference to bone conduction functions metaphorically and our narrator is only able to make meaning on the inside of the world it seems to be in the process of creating, just as our voices sound other when not heard amidst the vibrations they make across our own skulls. “None of the individual pieces of clips in there have any real significance on their own,” says Rick, “but when they’re all stuck together and then integrated with the audio, some kind of emotional response ends up becoming generated.”
"A Primer on V2K vs. Mind-Reading Technologies"
Yuval Noah Harari At The World Economic Forum In Davos 2020. Hacking of Humanity.
"AI: Hacking without Humans -- How Can Human Brains Be Hacked?"
"Dr. James Giordano: Battlescape Brain: Military and Intelligence Use of Neurocognitive Science"
"Brain Science from Bench to Battlefield: The Realities – and Risks – of Neuroweapons | CGSR Seminar"
"Neuroweapons and the Law"
"Hybrid warfare is a theory of military strategy . . . which employs political warfare and blends conventional warfare, irregular warfare, and cyberwarfare with other influencing methods, such as fake news, diplomacy, lawfare, and foreign electoral intervention. By combining kinetic ["hard power" or shooting-war] operations with subversive efforts, the aggressor intends to avoid attribution or retribution. The concept of hybrid warfare has been criticized by a number of academics and practitioners due to its alleged vagueness, its disputed constitutive elements, and its alleged historical distortions." --- Wickedpedia
A foundational strategy of the hybrid approach (capitalizing on previous soft-power culture-war conditioning barrages which subvert the target population's traditional Identification-Friend-or-Foe algorithm) is to position in the mass mind the actual aggressor as the imagined aggressed, and vice-versa. This exploits behaviourally one of the strongest forces in the unregenerate human psyche: the naive identification of individuals and groups with what turns out to be merely the current artificially-contrived configuration of their all-too-easily-hacked thought and belief systems. They will tend to defend this identity to the death &/or to the deaths of others who stubbornly won't Go Along With What's Right. Not a shabby mechanism to co-opt! -- if you are an STS Psywar-Plans-&-Designs wonk and your job is to foment "good" wars, "righteous" wars for "freedom" and "peace" against "Evil Others", the kind of "noble" wars that "right-thinking", "humanitarian" nominally-STO people can fully "understand" with their rendered-inflexible minds and "empathize with" in their colder-than-they-think hearts. This leads them to manifest certain predictable actions and inactions which are eminently exploitable for further force-multiplication in the culture-war theatre of operations. The fuller-spectrum information (often supplied non-coercively by certain worldly-wise agents of the STO endeavour offering such service in their capacity as being among "those of the Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow which remember their calling upon this sphere") that these good-natured, well-intentioned naïfs in fact might well need to counter the weaponized narrative practically imprisoning their everyday affect and effect -- well, this they will have been conditioned to perceive as diabolically-deceptive STS black propaganda, disinformation, fear-mongering, false-flagging, etc. This is how the psywar technique of extrajection, or weaponized projection (what used to be called demonization) works. And 'round & 'round it goes seemingly unendingly, a sort of self-referentially amnesiac hide-&-seek game of the subjective, conditioned, false self with the objective human psyche's deep, shadowy, naturally-potential selves -- with polaric losses, gains, and stand-offs, until certain natural time-limits in the greater design of Necessity exert their objectively overwhelming force, and there begins a new phase of catalyst for everyone involved.