12-04-2021, 06:49 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-05-2022, 01:38 PM by Dekalb_Blues.)
![[Image: giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47qec9l8mb6cdnh8qrnw...y.gif&ct=g]](https://media0.giphy.com/media/i48JkZQQHmdZ6/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47qec9l8mb6cdnh8qrnwi43hpwzjgxxkie61u23bem&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)
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12-04-2021, 06:49 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-05-2022, 01:38 PM by Dekalb_Blues.)
CRISIS IN CLONKA MINKUS ![]() Does anyone here like Seinfeld? if you have netflix you are lucky, cuz apparently they are showing the series now. There are a lot of new Seinfeld clips on youtube and the other night, I watched for two hours, also the bloopers (hilarious, the actress who plays Elaine had so many fits of laughter during the filming, some scenes took ages until they were done) and then went to bed. And the funny thing was - it continued in my dream! I dreamt I was in an episode of Seinfeld and talked and laughed with Jerry and the others. I woke up in the middle of the night remembering the dream and spent the rest of the night basically laughin my a... off haha ![]() It was a lot of fun. Enjoy the clip! And "serenity now" is actually a good mantra for spiritual seekers ![]()
12-12-2021, 04:42 AM
12-14-2021, 06:33 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-12-2022, 12:23 PM by Dekalb_Blues.)
(12-09-2021, 03:26 AM)Margan Wrote: Re. Seinfeld -- "Serenity Now" A complexly-layered show that covertly breaks the 4th wall in bizarre ways. For instance, the George Costanza character -- a hilariously sad and angry little man so amazingly enacted by Jason Alexander -- is in fact the alter ego of the show's eccentric creator and writer, Larry David, who has admitted as much. He feeds this real-life multi-persona situation back into his current comedy series, in which various fictional versions of David (playing "himself") and his real-life entourage are even more complexly interlinked in an ongoing metastory that satirizes and caricatures -- even subverts -- almost anything, however conventionally sacrosanct. All of which makes Seinfeld (and now Curb Your Enthusiasm) redolent of the actual multi-storied play of real life in progress, as presented metaphorically through the unintentionally ludicrous, passionately-pursued but ill-fated doings of a small clannish group (a nascent social memory complex?) of un-self-aware eccentrics, misfits, and neurotics, unable to learn from their constant self-thwartings and self-induced misfortunes. It certainly helps in appreciating Seinfeld's complexities to understand the history and folklore of the Russian/Polish Jewish transplanted-shtetl Yiddish culture in New York City, with its overarching cultural concern with the crucial survival issue of essential identity versus superficial image. Meanwhile, the character of Frank Costanza is brilliantly enacted by Jerry Stiller, whose career persona seems to have been destined to its apotheosis in Seinfeld. I remember seeing him performing in a duo with his comedienne wife, Anne Meara, on various prime-time television variety shows when I was a wee lad in the early '60s. Foreshadowing the "Frank" & "Estelle" vibe, circa 1966 on The Ed Sullivan Show -- note the somewhat daring -- for the era -- presentation of a seemingly-at-odds Jewish/Catholic-Gentile marriage in their celebrated "I Hate You" routine (which, wonderfully, revealed the bickering couple's actual unconquerable love for each other). [Edit:The despicable YouTube once again its wonders performs in its devolutionary role as cultural-memory-controller, using a certain proprietary algorithm which detects Narrative-disadvantageous off-site usage, blocking this by any means in its bottomless bag of soft-censoring tricks. Alas, there's no other freely available example to be found online of this quintessentially American comedy routine. See this article.] Merry Festivus! ![]()
For the wedic 'europeans' here are some explanations about the rites of christmas (german):
Quote:This Solstice or Yule festival was once celebrated for twelve days. These were the Rauh or smoke nights, in which the yard, house and stable were fumigated with spicy herbs. And since the gods and ancestors are so close in the Julzeit, it was also a good opportunity to ask them for advice and to ask oracles. The spirits of the dead were also fed and invited to join in the celebrations. After the twelve holy nights the three goddesses came by - still in the Middle Ages they were known as the three Bethen: Ambeth, Wilbeth, Worbeth - and blessed each house for the coming year, before the strong golden-bristled boar of the benevolent Freyr pushed the yearly wheel with his power again. (The Jul boar lives on in the form of the lucky pig made of marzipan, which we give away at the New Year).
12-27-2021, 10:59 AM
(12-27-2021, 04:17 AM)Quincunx Wrote: Could the three Bethen be the Norns: Urdr, Verdandi and Skuld? I only say this because Freyr (son of Njordr) is mentioned in your quote. Sorry - I don't know. I never was going into detail with this part of rites. I found the video interesting, because it is showing the roots of what is christmas now.
01-03-2022, 11:23 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-30-2022, 04:02 AM by Dekalb_Blues.)
-- TEIL 1 (VON 2) [Putting all your pigs in one pigsty; going the whole hog] (12-26-2021, 07:09 AM)tadeus Wrote: For the wedic 'europeans' here are some explanations about the rites of christmas (german): Due-diligence dislosure of genetic bias: Being of largely German and Swedish heritage (e.g., my maternal grandmother, born in the 1880s in Brooklyn in the Deutsche-town of Flatbush, toured the U.S. and Europe very successfully as a professional operatic soloist performing at the then-ubiquitous local Sängervereinigungen [Singers' associations], giving recitals of sacred, classical, and romantic Lieder [songs] by the great German/Austrian composers, as well as Lieder des gemeinen Volkes [Songs of the common folk; folk songs]; meine liebe Mutter [my dear Mother], born in 1931, also in Brooklyn, was the first of my German ancestors for whom English was their first language -- though by that time they had been in America for three generations), I perhaps have a certain built-in affinity for these types of "pagan" (read: ![]() In many important ways the saying Das Geheimnis ist im Blut [The secret is in the blood] is true; of course, there's a wide chasm between that and, say, the Hitler Youth slogan Blut und Ehre [Blood and honor] or the supposedly-more-grown-up Blut und Ruhm [Blood and glory], which understandably segue via all-too-easy stages into Blut und Geld [Blood and wealth] and Geld und Ruhm [Wealth and glory] and Blut und Kriege für Ruhm und Reichtum [Blood and war for fame and fortune]. Which tend to return us to a Dienst-an-sich-selbst / Macht-ist-alles [Service-to-self / Power-is-everything], Blut und Wärme [Bloody and hot-headed] state of endeavour. "Wer seine Hände in Blut badet, wird sie mit Tränen waschen müssen." "He who bathes his hands in blood will have to wash them with tears." RAUHNÄCHTE (Magic Nights): THE TWELVE NIGHTS AFTER CHRISTMAS (Contemporary note of interesting coincidence: 12 nights after our modern Christmas brings us up to about January 6th... the traditional date for the feast-day of Epiphany. An epiphany (from the ancient Greek ἐπιφάνεια, epiphanea, "manifestation, striking appearance") is an experience of a sudden and striking realization.) Sonargöltr (alpha herd-boar sacrifice) => today's Jul (Yule) boar smorgasbörd The Revenge of the European Boars (and even moar boar-revenge has European Man bristling over the ignominy of it all) (Dutch-history buffs will grimace appreciatively in relief that no further attempt at a play on "Boer War" was made.) ![]() "Such a world is not governed by physics or logic but by belief and narrative resolution." "Hogswatchnight" (i.e., the 32nd of December) and its observance on that singular Discworld whose One Semi-Infinite Creator was the late Sir Terry Pratchett. ![]() "Alles zu glauben ist zu viel, nichts zu glauben ist nicht genug." ["Believing everything is too much, believing nothing is not enough."]
01-03-2022, 11:34 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-15-2022, 12:48 PM by Dekalb_Blues.)
-- TEIL 2 (VON 2) [Putting all your pigs in one pigsty; going the whole hog -- Part 1 (of 2)] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Über die Entstehung der Verfilmung von Hogfather:
02-18-2022, 10:25 AM
Love this man's heart and wisdom.
02-20-2022, 08:47 AM
02-25-2022, 09:58 AM
very interesting, thoughtful individual!
03-17-2022, 06:05 PM
06-23-2022, 06:36 PM
Many years ago when I was a little kid, at school we were forced to borrow books from the library. For years I repetitively borrowed 2 books over and over, one was about ufo phenomena, the other was about the Earths polar reversal.
For the last few years I have been growing a seed of thought in an attempt to perceive a little more of that I cannot perceive. One is connected consciences, of other things and at different levels of awareness. The Sun has grown as a compulsion for me, and my connection to it. I have been watching it for a few years and it seems to be responding or causing a similar movement here on Earth. As the Sun changes, we feel it, and it affects us, and I wonder if it is us that is causing the changes in the Sun too, how far are we actually connected. I thought about creating a thread under the science criteria, but thought I might just start here, as it is what I have been watching for years. Sci-en-tif-ic-ally the Sun is at the end of a 12,000 year cycle... (coincidence?) and whether we like it or not, we are going to notice very soon, as other civilizations have noticed before us. When you look at this with an awareness of the densities and applied to socially unacceptable science, it is certainly a very exciting time to be here. Looks like doom and gloom, but is this part of bring4th? Some things included, CME's coronal mass ejections, and micronova Earths weakening magnetic field Polar reversal, rotation changes Geomagnetic shifts For those interested here is a link to a playlist. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL...irgfXwhfsw
06-25-2022, 11:22 PM
I am watching "Mormon No More" on Hulu. Mormon No More
07-09-2022, 05:09 PM
08-04-2022, 11:31 PM
Magnifying The Scope Of That Which You Observe
...Until Spiritual Gravity Takes Over Strategic overwatch ![]() The Daily Q'uote for August 10, 2021 "Please consider how long this spiritual journey is, and how infinitely fine the distinctions and the enlightenments become as the Spirit progresses through the densities to gaze at the long view. Not only are you attempting within incarnation to balance the being and the doing, the resting and the acting, but there are millions and millions of your years ahead in which you shall only tighten and magnify the scope of that which you observe, looking always not at what has been gained, but at what there is to do. These lessons, shall we call them, go on forever, until time itself becomes meaningless and spiritual gravity takes over." + read full Q'uo session ![]() Peleliu Bunker-Clearing -- Part 1/2 Part 2/2: “There was a right and there was a wrong, but it didn’t feel like the wrong was that far away from the right, so I stepped over the line, and it didn’t feel no different.” "You turn an enemy into an object, it's no big deal. It's that split second in between when they're just a person that gets to you." “All you have to do is pull the trigger... the gun does the rest.” (^ Excerpted from Dutch filmmaker Coco Schrijber's 2001 documentary on Vietnam War experiencers, First Kill ) ![]() Aces Up. (NVA = North Vietnamese Army; VC = Viet Cong) ![]() Sequel: "Sniper Answers Your Questions" ![]() Prescience Gravity
08-05-2022, 04:14 AM
08-05-2022, 04:32 AM
Some Human-Teratological Context For All You Budding STO Psychoanthropologists
(Who Wish To "Learn The Way To Hell In Order To Flee From It") ...Or All You Budding STS Machiavels (Who wish To "Learn The Way To Hell In Order To Travel Along It") --- Reality Is An Equal-Opportunity Employer Of Free Wills! ![]() 34.13 Questioner: What is the general overall effect of television on our society with respect to this catalyst? Ra: I am Ra. Without ignoring the green-ray attempts of many to communicate via this medium such information, truth, and beauty as may be helpful, we must suggest that the sum effect of this gadget is that of distraction and sleep. ![]()
08-05-2022, 08:24 PM
[quote pid="240189" dateline="1518106435"]
Diana said: I've been watching this Stevie Ray Vaughn concert while jumping on my trampoline and dancing. ![]() [Vid: Stevie Ray Vaughan - Full Concert - 09/21/85 - Capitol Theatre (OFFICIAL) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOYoM1mEL0Q ] [/quote] ~ Diana -- sure, like there's any other way! ![]() SRV's dear to my black heart, as I reached a sort of guitarist's satori while playing along with his prodigious '89 Austin City Limits gig back when it first aired. I was busy faking it as per usual (and mind you, I was then making a good side-income teaching guitar & performing!) when -- come the above particular number -- something of his energy broke through the force-field of my towering self-obsessed vanity re. my technically-impressive-but-glib robotic performance of clichéd sonic memes and realized with an awful ineffable clarity something crucial about what Gurdjieff called objective music (-- as opposed to the pathetically childish and utterly subjective Guitar Hero noises I was so proudly making, all ripped-off from those who originally made them as natural expressions of their own unique life-experience). J. D. Salinger, in his short story "De Daumier-Smith's Blue Period" from Nine Stories (1953) captures something of this kind of thing: Something extremely out of the way happened to me some fifteen minutes later. A statement, I'm aware, that has all the unpleasant earmarks of a build-up, but quite the contrary is true. I'm about to touch on an extraordinary experience, one that still strikes me as having been quite transcendent, and I'd like, if possible, to avoid seeming to pass it off as a case, or even a borderline case, of genuine mysticism. (To do otherwise, I feel, would be tantamount to implying or stating that the difference in spiritual sorties between St. Francis and the average, highstrung, Sunday leper-kisser is only a vertical one.) . . . . It was just then that I had my Experience. Suddenly (and I say this, I believe, with all due self-consciousness), the sun came up and sped toward the bridge of my nose at the rate of ninety-three million miles a second. Blinded and very frightened -- I had to put my hand on the glass to keep my balance. The thing lasted for no more than a few seconds. When I got my sight back. . . Here's the playlist of Albert C.'s first album, Be True To Yourself (2004): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lk6Onh6l...Op7ay8bnA0 featuring the ex-Double Trouble rhythm section (bassist Tommy Shannon, drummer Chris Layton), produced by SRV's own producer, Jim Gaines. Hmmm. . . do you get the feeling that maybe somebody agrees with me that he is a very worthy follower in Stevie's giant footsteps? Speaking of which, in relation to dancing. . . Many Icarus-like attempts are made at covering Stevie's tunes; only the bravely-spirited few succeed in bringing out the energy! Traditional Korean music has a distinctive scale which is called gungsanggakchiu, pretty much the same as the good old "Western" bluesian pentatonic scale (or "five notes & you're good to go; if you need more, bend 'em"). Just apply a little awesome chops & powerful grooviness to the nearest gayageum and let the 짱 times roll ![i] [jjang = super, tip-top] [/i] |