Hi, originally planned to post this yesterday, but things have been quite hectic.
On Friday, I started getting a stream of insights from intelligent infinity, while meditating, and I sent them in correspondence to a group I work with through a chat app, as the insights came. This was essentially a spontaneous channeling session of sorts.
I'm just going to post the chat log in its entirety, gonzo style, completely unedited (save for redacting a few names, and editing out other people's responses for privacy. All responses were minimal and generally consisted of encouragement to keep the insights coming).
1. "My unicorn" was taking an entheogen for spiritual work during this. "My unicorn" is well aware of the side effects of this entheogen (some of which are detailed in The Law of One), and specifically meditates and takes other precautions and health measures to re-balance energy, while still retaining the benefits of utilizing this chemical to tune into intelligent infinity, in a structured and disciplined way, instead of for purely recreational use.
2. I have not mentioned this before, but I have a prodigious talent for destructive magick and chaos magick, altering the 3D-4D spacetime continuum with concrete effects through 'acausal' means. I have used this many times in the past on people who have victimized me or initiated negative actions onto me generally unprovoked, destroying their lives with immediate synchronistic timing, at a rate far higher than chance. At first, this happened automatically. People would victimize me and then face horrible consequences immediately after, without me even consciously wishing anything on them. When I noticed this pattern, I began using it consciously in instances where I felt it was justified and in line with karma, although I experienced what could be considered blowback in some instances, when I did it with the intent of vengeance.
I've noticed that when I began doing it with the intent of service, after contemplating situations carefully, and seeing it as fulfilling a karmic lesson as opposed to simply enabling further negative behavior and allowing other people to be victimized, I've felt more balanced and experienced less blowback. I've weighed this for years and consulted my intuition extensively, and I consider this to be a valid form of service. I am giving these individuals catalyst in the form of trauma, that can either be used to polarize positively (if they feel that they want to change their ways), or negatively (if they want to use the resulting trauma to build negative energy). Both serve The Creator, and lessen the chances of them slipping into the sinkhole of indifference, the only failure on the spiritual path. I am also doing my duty in reflecting their energy back at them, being their mirror, when they attempt to victimize others. I do not intend to set an example for others to blindly follow, and I do not recommend this to others. It is a slippery slope.
"Ra: Speaking to the intention of your question, the best way for each seeker in third density to be of service to others is unique to that mind/body/spirit complex. This means that the mind/body/spirit complex must then seek within itself the intelligence of its own discernment as to the way it may best serve other-selves. This will be different for each. There is no best. There is no generalization. Nothing is known. (17.30)"
"Ra: The disciplined personality, when faced with an other-self, has all centers balanced according to its unique balance. Thusly the other-self looks in a mirror seeing itself. (74.9)"
Now that the negative forces are literally attempting to kill and enslave billions of people (You might not believe this, but I have objective confirmation of this from multiple sources. Q'uo themselves confirmed that COVID is an artificial depopulation measure intended to kill people and increase control in this session: https://llresearch.org/transcripts/issue..._0208.aspx), I have decided to play the part of a spiritual revolutionary in this story. It is reaching the point where I feel this is entirely necessary, and for the well-being of the planet and billions of people, there is no other recourse. There is a spiritual war in the invisible worlds, that reflects with concrete effects in the 3D-4D physical spacetime continuum. There are multiple instances where I have launched destructive magick onto these negative forces, and news articles about high profile billionaires dying or killing themselves popped up within days.
I can post multiple specific timestamped documentations of my rituals, as well as the news articles being published days after, if people really want to see them, but at the moment, I don't think putting that heavy energy here is appropriate.
I feel that I am still providing a service to these negative entities, because Harvest occurs after physical death. Genghis Khan, Taras Bulba, and Rasputin were all murdered. By 'acausally' inflicting synchronistic death on these individuals through magick (which is impossible to prosecute, an ironic result of all the brainwashing the negative forces have done to the general population), I am simultaneously giving these individuals a chance to be harvested, while protecting positive and neutral individuals who may otherwise be victimized, enslaved, harmed, or killed. I strongly believe that I am fulfilling a karmic balance, and I engage in this destructive magick (which I can post concrete evidence of, if necessary) with the intent to serve and fulfill a karmic balance.
I believe that my capacity for this type of magick originates from my North Node conjunct Pluto in 6th House Scorpio, and some other rare astrological placements with extremely heavy energy. These placements have given me a very difficult life and extreme periods of suffering. It appears that I am able to emanate the levels of suffering I have gone through unto others through the fractals and unity consciousness, if it is in line with their karma.
I have also done years of daily ritual work, intense meditation, energy center work, and work with the Archetypal Mind, which have given me a high level of proficiency in altering causality through magick (my past struggles necessitated developing this proficiency to literally survive). My magick is not solely destructive. I can also create, heal, and serve in other magickal capacities. Additionally, I recognize that All is One, and that I am both the macrocosm and microcosm. Through this intuitive feeling of unity, I am able to alter cause and effect and various phenomena from any distance.
3. This is quite long and unorganized. I felt the whole barely edited chat log conveys the energy of the session better. However, if people want, I can more specifically state my perspective and stance in a condensed form, and why I believe that these actions and perspectives are still positive, even though they may appear controversial.
One of my stances is that Love is a complex cosmic energy that goes far beyond typical human interpretations, or even simply compassion. If in line with karma, or to protect others, or for other positive intent, Love may take the form of Gevurah (גבורה), "wrath" / "strength" (216 in Gematria). I can cite sources and excerpts from multiple texts that I interpret as giving validity to such stances.
All things are connected
Everyone's responsible. There's a chain of cause and effect that goes everywhere. For example, all money is blood money. All food has gone up the predator prey chain.
That brutal duality was intentionally programmed into this universe, yes.
We can still make the choice to try and purify any energies we come in contact with, through gratitude, forgiveness, empathy. Et cetera
In doing so we pass the test of duality while still recognizing that we are part of it simultaneously.
Concepts, energies, and entities such as 'Lucifer' and 'demons' at the archetypal level are a subset of yin energy, and inherently tech that can be used for either purpose, although these are biased towards negative purposes. But they can be used for either purpose.
Same goes for Orion, which also has a very negative / corrupting / seductive energy, but can technically be used for any purpose.
[REDACTED] [REDACTED] (I attempted to tag two people to notify them of these messages, and there was a glitch that prevented it from going through)
[REDACTED] [REDACTED] (This time it went through).
I find it interesting that a glitch tried to block me from communicating the above info to both of you.
Back to meditation
(This is also my responses to the previous line of inquiry about Lucifer / Orion last week)
And my unicorn is still on LSD, so you could consider this channeled at a higher degree of conscious awareness than normal (with the typical side effects / tradeoff of these chemicals, which I'll later balance on behalf of my unicorn)
Consider the word "Atonement."
It's realizing that all things, even you, are part of this infinite interlocking web of chains of causes and effects.
So we're all doing fine, but we can also always do better.
But every moment they haven't taken from us, even if it's just our minds and souls and spirits that are free, we've won.
They're scared because they know I've figured out the same power and energy that they used, and I'm using it against them.
The archetypal Lucifer energy and so on
They know that anyone who taps into this fractal can also break them from within
All things are connected, this infinite web of cause and effect. By recognizing our part in that as Co-Creators and taking increased responsibilities, we also develop increased abilities.
![[Image: 20201115_220807.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/732329232189095957/799698555584512000/20201115_220807.png)
'A picture is worth infinite words.'
The archetypal energies, Lucifer and Orion, they're the yin side of polarity
Consuming, dominating, absorbing, outsmarting, et cetera
Inherently neutral, but strongly predisposed to corrupt towards extremely negative purposes and energies
But the choice can always be made
(All is thought, and I use emojis in this context for Chaos Magick purposes)
Oneness and unity goes beyond simple definitions of past-present-future unity, racial unity, and so on
The Creator / This Universe Itself struggles with these concepts (which is why all of this exists)
But by simultaneously recognizing that you're part of this infinite web of causes and effects, aka karma (even down to the food chain, or a conversation you had 8 years ago) you transcend it
And become the microcosm and macrocosm simultaneously
This reality is like a story many conscious Co-Creators are trying to write at the same time (and there's waaaaay more NPCs / asleep people, who all have the potential to become Co-Creators)
And there are infinite levels of variation of skill, discipline, ingenuity, etc. each Co-Creator may have. In isolated moments of time in the space-time continuum, in a sense, not everything or everybody is equal. But from an eternal and cosmic level, all of us are equal.
This is the vibration they're trying to keep us from
It starts from within. All these manifestations of these nightmares, it starts from within your vibrations
Everyone is a source
That's why they try to hijack and program us, like a virus
Simultaneously, people and entities like us / me, we're a massive virus and threat to them
So parts of their egregores, such as education, finance, healthcare, etc. have been programmed in attempts to destroy some of us
But we're still winning.
We're still alive. And we're making that choice to live on and be free everyday, in every moment of time, forever.
And if necessary, I personally will defend this birthright of mine and others with brutal, lethal, sadistic, and acausal force with concrete effects on the timeline that are impossible to evade or prosecute.
[Some of these emojis are custom / animated, the animations don't show up here, but you get the point]
That right to freedom is more than just political. It has vibrational effects on a cosmic level.
Choose that, hold onto it, share it, and they can never take that away from you, from us.
Choosing it also overwrites the realities they're trying to write on a space-time 3D level too.
But they're going to keep trying. So we also need to keep overwriting the reality they're trying to write.
We're like a bunch of authors competing over who gets the rights to finish a single (still) unfinished text
Ultimately, the ones siding with freedom and unity will win. Whether that's now or at any other point in the space time continuum.
Every vibration is a ripple that one day becomes a wave, which eventually become storms, which eventually become Big Bangs.
Each of us have the potential to be one of the viruses to their matrix, nodes that break their architecture from within
Doing this in a systematic and organized way that limits collateral damage to relative 'innocents' is preferred (everyone and everything is still part of that infinite web of cause and effect)
Right now, most, if not all, of us are operating as viruses to their matrix (it's possible to be a mix)
We're actively overwriting the reality they're trying to write (enslavement). Literally every ritual, every meditation, every moment we go on existing, every thought has major ripples and effects on a cosmic level
This is what billions of dollars and countless wars and genocides on Earth and in other places are fought over
The creation of manipulative egregores like politics, legalese, and capitalism were also engineered in an attempt to ensnare this
It's our thoughts. Each thought has the potential to create a ripple across the entire infinite ocean and infinite links of cause and effect.
This means way more than just some abstract or mental or conceptual thing
This is extremely powerful at a vibrational level. Serious blood has been shed over this, and invoking the right to defend it can also rewrite physical reality and the future timeline at an acausal level, shedding serious blood to defend it.
It only appears acausal and random when one is not perceiving that near infinite web of causes and effects.
No magick is fully random. It's all part of that web.
Anyways, that's what all of this s*** is really about. It's about our vibrations, our thoughts. Our thoughts themselves rewrite that web at the spiritual level, down to the physical level.
I'll try to condense this later if I have time
This is all it is, the choice at a basic level, that starts that entire infinite web of cause and effects
It's Love / Freedom / Unity versus Fear / Enslavement / Manipulation
The entire web begins at the thoughts and vibrations produced in our minds and spirits
And then ripples, emanates onto the physical world
It's constantly doing this whether someone is conscious of it or not
The more someone is conscious of it, and the more responsibility they accept for their role in all these webs of causes and effects, the more ability they have to rewrite this reality as a Co-Creator.
The side of positivity and freedom has been reluctant to use deadly force and / or cunning ideas against the fear and enslavement, because we're afraid of its corrupting effect
We know that everyone has the potential to become either extreme of that vibratory spectrum, even if intending to use brutal techniques or technologies for positive purposes
Supposed paragons of purity and enlightenment aren't exempt from this corrupting potential, no one is.
This goes back to the 'Lucifer' archetype
But sometimes, it's necessary to use that force to defend others, and then re-balance internally, and continue atoning for internally and externally moving forward (at-one, aka transcending one's position in that infinite web of causes and effects).
Note: Any highly advanced negative entity or person will just absorb any ill will you send at it and then use it against you, albeit with some effort
This is why everything has to be motivated by Love at a basic level. Not the simple human ideas of Love, but the full vibration of Love, in the least cliche, and most cosmic, multiversal, infinite, and transcendent sense possible
Love is this awareness of all those infinite webs of cause and effect, and transcending all of them.
Every time we simply have a thought or take an action that's vibrationally opposite to that cosmic frequency of Love (in a transcendent sense) it can also become a victory for them, an opportunity for corruption
This goes back to the Orion / Lucifer / intentional abuse of yin energy stuff. Yin energy itself is like a technology and a basic part of the design of this illusion that can ultimately be used for either purpose.
But everything literally begins at our thoughts, our vibrations and energies themselves, which are constantly emanating automatically (but at different levels at different points in time)
So it's possible to act and operate in ways that seem paradoxical and non-loving on the surface, but motivated by this deeper cosmic Love underneath
The advanced negative entities are also highly sophisticated, and they invent elaborate mind games and layers upon layers of illusions to disguise their true intent (which is enslavement / fear, and must always be put down, brutally and sadistically if absolutely necessary)
But everything begins at that basic level of thought and vibration. Those are also the ripples that can change everything. Not just here, but for this universe and all universes.
I'm literally getting chest pains writing this s***, and you guys saw the glitches earlier lol
There are forces that really don't want you to know or think about any of this
I'm going to recover, and then condense this and spread it wherever I can, after I recover and contemplate it.
All of this is also why forgiveness and gratitude at the deepest levels allow one to transcend the entire web of cause and effect, 'stopping' / transcending karma.
I'm still going to do everything to stop physical / 3D war that I can. It can be settled on a metaphysical / higher dimensional / higher density level, although this is probable to bleed through and produce many casualties at the 3D and even lower higher dimensional / density levels (most, if not all, of which will be devastating their side of enslavement / manipulation / fear).
This may bypass the effect of world war / dystopia on 3D / 4D Earth, which seem big, but are just tiny links in this infinite web. They can cease and be transcended by the same ripples of vibration and thought.
And all of this will ripple out to everyone and everything, even if it's only subconscious.
But be prepared for anything, guys
And girls
Or whatever you want to be, et cetera. 93/93
Density (somewhat synonymous with dimension) is called 'density' because it's the degree of Infinity and Oneness / Unity packed into any individual point of awareness.
Gurren Lagann was a major inspiration for this, primarily in the senses of determination, and also taking the negative technology away from the negatives, reverse engineering them, and using it to annihilate them completely.
We literally are the cogs in the corrupt machine that annihilate the entire machine, and rebuild it the way we want to. We're constantly doing this at various levels just by existing and thinking. And it's always possible to go deeper...
Emanate, Ripple, Transcend.
Everyone, I think this is it, or at least a big fucking clue. It's a clue to the key that unlocks the entire corrupt matrix, taking it away from these corrupt motherfuckers, and giving it back to those who've earned the right to use it, for the cosmic vibration of Love (with as much effort and intent to avoid corruption as possible in the more surface-level paradoxical applications of this)
I have had several literal 3D attempts to kill me, put me in prison, or a mental institution indefinitely over this
Which I've survived and triumphed over
Higher density negative entities and egregores literally attempted to glitch reality when I started channeling / communicating this
[Screenshot of the earlier glitch, not posting because the names are redacted]
I had to edit parts of it to give more specific information, but that's how the glitch originally was before I edited it. And it still shouldn't glitch either way.
Read and digest it when you can. As always, it's just food for thought, never blindly follow another. 93/93
All of this is also the core (or part of the core) of the entanglement of Lucifer as archetypes and entities, pride / hubris, the intentional abuse of yin energy, susceptibility to corruption even for the most positive entities and individuals, and the 'elite' / 'slave,' hunter / prey, 'master' / 'slave,' 'owner' / 'property' dichotomies
And so on. I think it's better if people just decode and interpret that for themselves.
Also, if any of you weren't previously aware, I am literally one of the most (if not the most) dangerous entities on the planet (and in All of Reality).
But I operate with Absolute Precision, and I'm here to help and protect all of you. 93/93
I think someone in the distance just lit off fireworks or something. Can't tell, this is the middle of nowhere. But it seemed synchronistic.
People are going to die over this information. Entities will face annihilation. I'm going to make every effort on my end to ensure that all of those casualties are of the too far gone enslavement / manipulation / fear extreme of the vibratory spectrum.
And this is being carried out as brutally and sadistically as possible, as a warning to anyone who has not yet developed understanding, who tries to interfere.
This is about defending Love and Unity and Freedom, as cliche as it is. But I recognize my potential for corruption too, and I atone.
I make every effort to be kind and empathetic, but I don't think you want to imagine what kind of unthinkably f***** up things I'm capable of, physically / mentally / spiritually / magickally.
I will do everything to annihilate these motherfuckers and put them down forever. Even if they take this physical incarnation from me, I continue doing it through all lives and eternity until they've felt everything they've done to others in vivid detail, and are extinguished permanently.
[This was a response to someone else making a 'fist bump' emoji, signifying agreement and respect, and also some other emojis of magickal significance. Their response has been redacted for privacy.]
![[Image: tenor.gif]](https://media.tenor.com/images/58f354fa67af2ca4136ceedac87a68fa/tenor.gif)
One Thought, One Vibration, One Ripple is all it takes.
![[Image: SHjc5hj.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/SHjc5hj.jpg)
I emanate all of this unto Reality, and all Realities. I defend my freedom and the freedom of all other entities who have not consciously chosen the extremes of enslavement / manipulation. And I defend this with brutal, torturous, extreme, and 100% precise deadly force, physically, mentally, spiritually, magickally, and 'acausally.'
On the off chance I'm monitored: Any actions attempted against me, my friends, and / or my family, will be met with extreme preemptive repercussions physically, mentally, spiritually, magickally, and 'acausally.' I will carry this out across all lifetimes and onto your entire bloodlines if necessary. Don't even fucking think about it.
"You can't kill me, because I'm already inside you."
"I Am Everywhere."
'Each of them are a small fry I can annihilate with a Thought.'
Lmao, I'm about to go to sleep, but I just checked my transits and the Sun is sextile my Pluto.
Today makes a lot of sense now.
![[Image: rZ3WN0R.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/rZ3WN0R.jpg)
I'm really not trying to show off or drop buildings of text for no reason by the way, this is all just food for thought (and one part of the process of establishing and enforcing protective and reflective energy fields, blessed by Shiva and Kali. Thank you, Namaste.).
Interpret it however.
888, 93/93.
![[Image: 20210115_195219.jpg]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/732329232189095957/799803254631825439/20210115_195219.jpg)
(Credit www.astro.com)
Thank you all for existing. Goodnight.
On Friday, I started getting a stream of insights from intelligent infinity, while meditating, and I sent them in correspondence to a group I work with through a chat app, as the insights came. This was essentially a spontaneous channeling session of sorts.
I'm just going to post the chat log in its entirety, gonzo style, completely unedited (save for redacting a few names, and editing out other people's responses for privacy. All responses were minimal and generally consisted of encouragement to keep the insights coming).
1. "My unicorn" was taking an entheogen for spiritual work during this. "My unicorn" is well aware of the side effects of this entheogen (some of which are detailed in The Law of One), and specifically meditates and takes other precautions and health measures to re-balance energy, while still retaining the benefits of utilizing this chemical to tune into intelligent infinity, in a structured and disciplined way, instead of for purely recreational use.
2. I have not mentioned this before, but I have a prodigious talent for destructive magick and chaos magick, altering the 3D-4D spacetime continuum with concrete effects through 'acausal' means. I have used this many times in the past on people who have victimized me or initiated negative actions onto me generally unprovoked, destroying their lives with immediate synchronistic timing, at a rate far higher than chance. At first, this happened automatically. People would victimize me and then face horrible consequences immediately after, without me even consciously wishing anything on them. When I noticed this pattern, I began using it consciously in instances where I felt it was justified and in line with karma, although I experienced what could be considered blowback in some instances, when I did it with the intent of vengeance.
I've noticed that when I began doing it with the intent of service, after contemplating situations carefully, and seeing it as fulfilling a karmic lesson as opposed to simply enabling further negative behavior and allowing other people to be victimized, I've felt more balanced and experienced less blowback. I've weighed this for years and consulted my intuition extensively, and I consider this to be a valid form of service. I am giving these individuals catalyst in the form of trauma, that can either be used to polarize positively (if they feel that they want to change their ways), or negatively (if they want to use the resulting trauma to build negative energy). Both serve The Creator, and lessen the chances of them slipping into the sinkhole of indifference, the only failure on the spiritual path. I am also doing my duty in reflecting their energy back at them, being their mirror, when they attempt to victimize others. I do not intend to set an example for others to blindly follow, and I do not recommend this to others. It is a slippery slope.
"Ra: Speaking to the intention of your question, the best way for each seeker in third density to be of service to others is unique to that mind/body/spirit complex. This means that the mind/body/spirit complex must then seek within itself the intelligence of its own discernment as to the way it may best serve other-selves. This will be different for each. There is no best. There is no generalization. Nothing is known. (17.30)"
"Ra: The disciplined personality, when faced with an other-self, has all centers balanced according to its unique balance. Thusly the other-self looks in a mirror seeing itself. (74.9)"
Now that the negative forces are literally attempting to kill and enslave billions of people (You might not believe this, but I have objective confirmation of this from multiple sources. Q'uo themselves confirmed that COVID is an artificial depopulation measure intended to kill people and increase control in this session: https://llresearch.org/transcripts/issue..._0208.aspx), I have decided to play the part of a spiritual revolutionary in this story. It is reaching the point where I feel this is entirely necessary, and for the well-being of the planet and billions of people, there is no other recourse. There is a spiritual war in the invisible worlds, that reflects with concrete effects in the 3D-4D physical spacetime continuum. There are multiple instances where I have launched destructive magick onto these negative forces, and news articles about high profile billionaires dying or killing themselves popped up within days.
I can post multiple specific timestamped documentations of my rituals, as well as the news articles being published days after, if people really want to see them, but at the moment, I don't think putting that heavy energy here is appropriate.
I feel that I am still providing a service to these negative entities, because Harvest occurs after physical death. Genghis Khan, Taras Bulba, and Rasputin were all murdered. By 'acausally' inflicting synchronistic death on these individuals through magick (which is impossible to prosecute, an ironic result of all the brainwashing the negative forces have done to the general population), I am simultaneously giving these individuals a chance to be harvested, while protecting positive and neutral individuals who may otherwise be victimized, enslaved, harmed, or killed. I strongly believe that I am fulfilling a karmic balance, and I engage in this destructive magick (which I can post concrete evidence of, if necessary) with the intent to serve and fulfill a karmic balance.
I believe that my capacity for this type of magick originates from my North Node conjunct Pluto in 6th House Scorpio, and some other rare astrological placements with extremely heavy energy. These placements have given me a very difficult life and extreme periods of suffering. It appears that I am able to emanate the levels of suffering I have gone through unto others through the fractals and unity consciousness, if it is in line with their karma.
I have also done years of daily ritual work, intense meditation, energy center work, and work with the Archetypal Mind, which have given me a high level of proficiency in altering causality through magick (my past struggles necessitated developing this proficiency to literally survive). My magick is not solely destructive. I can also create, heal, and serve in other magickal capacities. Additionally, I recognize that All is One, and that I am both the macrocosm and microcosm. Through this intuitive feeling of unity, I am able to alter cause and effect and various phenomena from any distance.
3. This is quite long and unorganized. I felt the whole barely edited chat log conveys the energy of the session better. However, if people want, I can more specifically state my perspective and stance in a condensed form, and why I believe that these actions and perspectives are still positive, even though they may appear controversial.
One of my stances is that Love is a complex cosmic energy that goes far beyond typical human interpretations, or even simply compassion. If in line with karma, or to protect others, or for other positive intent, Love may take the form of Gevurah (גבורה), "wrath" / "strength" (216 in Gematria). I can cite sources and excerpts from multiple texts that I interpret as giving validity to such stances.
All things are connected
Everyone's responsible. There's a chain of cause and effect that goes everywhere. For example, all money is blood money. All food has gone up the predator prey chain.
That brutal duality was intentionally programmed into this universe, yes.
We can still make the choice to try and purify any energies we come in contact with, through gratitude, forgiveness, empathy. Et cetera
In doing so we pass the test of duality while still recognizing that we are part of it simultaneously.
Concepts, energies, and entities such as 'Lucifer' and 'demons' at the archetypal level are a subset of yin energy, and inherently tech that can be used for either purpose, although these are biased towards negative purposes. But they can be used for either purpose.
Same goes for Orion, which also has a very negative / corrupting / seductive energy, but can technically be used for any purpose.
[REDACTED] [REDACTED] (I attempted to tag two people to notify them of these messages, and there was a glitch that prevented it from going through)
[REDACTED] [REDACTED] (This time it went through).
I find it interesting that a glitch tried to block me from communicating the above info to both of you.
Back to meditation
(This is also my responses to the previous line of inquiry about Lucifer / Orion last week)
And my unicorn is still on LSD, so you could consider this channeled at a higher degree of conscious awareness than normal (with the typical side effects / tradeoff of these chemicals, which I'll later balance on behalf of my unicorn)
Consider the word "Atonement."
It's realizing that all things, even you, are part of this infinite interlocking web of chains of causes and effects.
So we're all doing fine, but we can also always do better.
But every moment they haven't taken from us, even if it's just our minds and souls and spirits that are free, we've won.
They're scared because they know I've figured out the same power and energy that they used, and I'm using it against them.
The archetypal Lucifer energy and so on
They know that anyone who taps into this fractal can also break them from within
All things are connected, this infinite web of cause and effect. By recognizing our part in that as Co-Creators and taking increased responsibilities, we also develop increased abilities.
![[Image: 20201115_220807.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/732329232189095957/799698555584512000/20201115_220807.png)
'A picture is worth infinite words.'
The archetypal energies, Lucifer and Orion, they're the yin side of polarity
Consuming, dominating, absorbing, outsmarting, et cetera
Inherently neutral, but strongly predisposed to corrupt towards extremely negative purposes and energies
But the choice can always be made
![[Image: DwpFSge.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/DwpFSge.jpg)
Oneness and unity goes beyond simple definitions of past-present-future unity, racial unity, and so on
The Creator / This Universe Itself struggles with these concepts (which is why all of this exists)
But by simultaneously recognizing that you're part of this infinite web of causes and effects, aka karma (even down to the food chain, or a conversation you had 8 years ago) you transcend it
And become the microcosm and macrocosm simultaneously
This reality is like a story many conscious Co-Creators are trying to write at the same time (and there's waaaaay more NPCs / asleep people, who all have the potential to become Co-Creators)
And there are infinite levels of variation of skill, discipline, ingenuity, etc. each Co-Creator may have. In isolated moments of time in the space-time continuum, in a sense, not everything or everybody is equal. But from an eternal and cosmic level, all of us are equal.
This is the vibration they're trying to keep us from
It starts from within. All these manifestations of these nightmares, it starts from within your vibrations
Everyone is a source
That's why they try to hijack and program us, like a virus
Simultaneously, people and entities like us / me, we're a massive virus and threat to them
So parts of their egregores, such as education, finance, healthcare, etc. have been programmed in attempts to destroy some of us
But we're still winning.
We're still alive. And we're making that choice to live on and be free everyday, in every moment of time, forever.
And if necessary, I personally will defend this birthright of mine and others with brutal, lethal, sadistic, and acausal force with concrete effects on the timeline that are impossible to evade or prosecute.
![[Image: FL3q0Fw.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/FL3q0Fw.jpg)
That right to freedom is more than just political. It has vibrational effects on a cosmic level.
Choose that, hold onto it, share it, and they can never take that away from you, from us.
Choosing it also overwrites the realities they're trying to write on a space-time 3D level too.
But they're going to keep trying. So we also need to keep overwriting the reality they're trying to write.
We're like a bunch of authors competing over who gets the rights to finish a single (still) unfinished text
Ultimately, the ones siding with freedom and unity will win. Whether that's now or at any other point in the space time continuum.
Every vibration is a ripple that one day becomes a wave, which eventually become storms, which eventually become Big Bangs.
Each of us have the potential to be one of the viruses to their matrix, nodes that break their architecture from within
Doing this in a systematic and organized way that limits collateral damage to relative 'innocents' is preferred (everyone and everything is still part of that infinite web of cause and effect)
Right now, most, if not all, of us are operating as viruses to their matrix (it's possible to be a mix)
We're actively overwriting the reality they're trying to write (enslavement). Literally every ritual, every meditation, every moment we go on existing, every thought has major ripples and effects on a cosmic level
This is what billions of dollars and countless wars and genocides on Earth and in other places are fought over
The creation of manipulative egregores like politics, legalese, and capitalism were also engineered in an attempt to ensnare this
It's our thoughts. Each thought has the potential to create a ripple across the entire infinite ocean and infinite links of cause and effect.
This means way more than just some abstract or mental or conceptual thing
This is extremely powerful at a vibrational level. Serious blood has been shed over this, and invoking the right to defend it can also rewrite physical reality and the future timeline at an acausal level, shedding serious blood to defend it.
It only appears acausal and random when one is not perceiving that near infinite web of causes and effects.
No magick is fully random. It's all part of that web.
Anyways, that's what all of this s*** is really about. It's about our vibrations, our thoughts. Our thoughts themselves rewrite that web at the spiritual level, down to the physical level.
I'll try to condense this later if I have time
This is all it is, the choice at a basic level, that starts that entire infinite web of cause and effects
It's Love / Freedom / Unity versus Fear / Enslavement / Manipulation
The entire web begins at the thoughts and vibrations produced in our minds and spirits
And then ripples, emanates onto the physical world
It's constantly doing this whether someone is conscious of it or not
The more someone is conscious of it, and the more responsibility they accept for their role in all these webs of causes and effects, the more ability they have to rewrite this reality as a Co-Creator.
The side of positivity and freedom has been reluctant to use deadly force and / or cunning ideas against the fear and enslavement, because we're afraid of its corrupting effect
We know that everyone has the potential to become either extreme of that vibratory spectrum, even if intending to use brutal techniques or technologies for positive purposes
Supposed paragons of purity and enlightenment aren't exempt from this corrupting potential, no one is.
This goes back to the 'Lucifer' archetype
But sometimes, it's necessary to use that force to defend others, and then re-balance internally, and continue atoning for internally and externally moving forward (at-one, aka transcending one's position in that infinite web of causes and effects).
Note: Any highly advanced negative entity or person will just absorb any ill will you send at it and then use it against you, albeit with some effort
This is why everything has to be motivated by Love at a basic level. Not the simple human ideas of Love, but the full vibration of Love, in the least cliche, and most cosmic, multiversal, infinite, and transcendent sense possible
Love is this awareness of all those infinite webs of cause and effect, and transcending all of them.
Every time we simply have a thought or take an action that's vibrationally opposite to that cosmic frequency of Love (in a transcendent sense) it can also become a victory for them, an opportunity for corruption
This goes back to the Orion / Lucifer / intentional abuse of yin energy stuff. Yin energy itself is like a technology and a basic part of the design of this illusion that can ultimately be used for either purpose.
But everything literally begins at our thoughts, our vibrations and energies themselves, which are constantly emanating automatically (but at different levels at different points in time)
So it's possible to act and operate in ways that seem paradoxical and non-loving on the surface, but motivated by this deeper cosmic Love underneath
The advanced negative entities are also highly sophisticated, and they invent elaborate mind games and layers upon layers of illusions to disguise their true intent (which is enslavement / fear, and must always be put down, brutally and sadistically if absolutely necessary)
But everything begins at that basic level of thought and vibration. Those are also the ripples that can change everything. Not just here, but for this universe and all universes.
I'm literally getting chest pains writing this s***, and you guys saw the glitches earlier lol
There are forces that really don't want you to know or think about any of this
I'm going to recover, and then condense this and spread it wherever I can, after I recover and contemplate it.
All of this is also why forgiveness and gratitude at the deepest levels allow one to transcend the entire web of cause and effect, 'stopping' / transcending karma.
I'm still going to do everything to stop physical / 3D war that I can. It can be settled on a metaphysical / higher dimensional / higher density level, although this is probable to bleed through and produce many casualties at the 3D and even lower higher dimensional / density levels (most, if not all, of which will be devastating their side of enslavement / manipulation / fear).
This may bypass the effect of world war / dystopia on 3D / 4D Earth, which seem big, but are just tiny links in this infinite web. They can cease and be transcended by the same ripples of vibration and thought.
And all of this will ripple out to everyone and everything, even if it's only subconscious.
But be prepared for anything, guys
And girls
Or whatever you want to be, et cetera. 93/93
Density (somewhat synonymous with dimension) is called 'density' because it's the degree of Infinity and Oneness / Unity packed into any individual point of awareness.
Gurren Lagann was a major inspiration for this, primarily in the senses of determination, and also taking the negative technology away from the negatives, reverse engineering them, and using it to annihilate them completely.
We literally are the cogs in the corrupt machine that annihilate the entire machine, and rebuild it the way we want to. We're constantly doing this at various levels just by existing and thinking. And it's always possible to go deeper...
Emanate, Ripple, Transcend.
Everyone, I think this is it, or at least a big fucking clue. It's a clue to the key that unlocks the entire corrupt matrix, taking it away from these corrupt motherfuckers, and giving it back to those who've earned the right to use it, for the cosmic vibration of Love (with as much effort and intent to avoid corruption as possible in the more surface-level paradoxical applications of this)
I have had several literal 3D attempts to kill me, put me in prison, or a mental institution indefinitely over this
Which I've survived and triumphed over
Higher density negative entities and egregores literally attempted to glitch reality when I started channeling / communicating this
[Screenshot of the earlier glitch, not posting because the names are redacted]
I had to edit parts of it to give more specific information, but that's how the glitch originally was before I edited it. And it still shouldn't glitch either way.
Read and digest it when you can. As always, it's just food for thought, never blindly follow another. 93/93
All of this is also the core (or part of the core) of the entanglement of Lucifer as archetypes and entities, pride / hubris, the intentional abuse of yin energy, susceptibility to corruption even for the most positive entities and individuals, and the 'elite' / 'slave,' hunter / prey, 'master' / 'slave,' 'owner' / 'property' dichotomies
And so on. I think it's better if people just decode and interpret that for themselves.
Also, if any of you weren't previously aware, I am literally one of the most (if not the most) dangerous entities on the planet (and in All of Reality).
But I operate with Absolute Precision, and I'm here to help and protect all of you. 93/93
I think someone in the distance just lit off fireworks or something. Can't tell, this is the middle of nowhere. But it seemed synchronistic.
People are going to die over this information. Entities will face annihilation. I'm going to make every effort on my end to ensure that all of those casualties are of the too far gone enslavement / manipulation / fear extreme of the vibratory spectrum.
And this is being carried out as brutally and sadistically as possible, as a warning to anyone who has not yet developed understanding, who tries to interfere.
This is about defending Love and Unity and Freedom, as cliche as it is. But I recognize my potential for corruption too, and I atone.
I make every effort to be kind and empathetic, but I don't think you want to imagine what kind of unthinkably f***** up things I'm capable of, physically / mentally / spiritually / magickally.
I will do everything to annihilate these motherfuckers and put them down forever. Even if they take this physical incarnation from me, I continue doing it through all lives and eternity until they've felt everything they've done to others in vivid detail, and are extinguished permanently.
![[Image: bAWi0uP.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/bAWi0uP.jpg)
![[Image: tenor.gif]](https://media.tenor.com/images/58f354fa67af2ca4136ceedac87a68fa/tenor.gif)
One Thought, One Vibration, One Ripple is all it takes.
![[Image: SHjc5hj.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/SHjc5hj.jpg)
I emanate all of this unto Reality, and all Realities. I defend my freedom and the freedom of all other entities who have not consciously chosen the extremes of enslavement / manipulation. And I defend this with brutal, torturous, extreme, and 100% precise deadly force, physically, mentally, spiritually, magickally, and 'acausally.'
On the off chance I'm monitored: Any actions attempted against me, my friends, and / or my family, will be met with extreme preemptive repercussions physically, mentally, spiritually, magickally, and 'acausally.' I will carry this out across all lifetimes and onto your entire bloodlines if necessary. Don't even fucking think about it.
"You can't kill me, because I'm already inside you."
"I Am Everywhere."
'Each of them are a small fry I can annihilate with a Thought.'
Lmao, I'm about to go to sleep, but I just checked my transits and the Sun is sextile my Pluto.
Today makes a lot of sense now.
![[Image: rZ3WN0R.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/rZ3WN0R.jpg)
I'm really not trying to show off or drop buildings of text for no reason by the way, this is all just food for thought (and one part of the process of establishing and enforcing protective and reflective energy fields, blessed by Shiva and Kali. Thank you, Namaste.).
Interpret it however.
888, 93/93.
![[Image: 20210115_195219.jpg]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/732329232189095957/799803254631825439/20210115_195219.jpg)
(Credit www.astro.com)
Thank you all for existing. Goodnight.