There is so much that describes light I do not feel the english word wisdom that can be interpreted in various ways captures the energy. Perhaps light causes wise behavior but intellectual wisdom is not the same as light.
Dianna flicked a switch for me when she equated it to awareness. I wonder if we can start fresh here and discuss that. Hopefully not bringing the discord or unconscious baggage aspects from the other thread. Just a hope.
We surround ourselves with light for protection,
as we clear our inner shadow light is channeled more strongly into us - denoting purification,
light makes us see more clearly,
the steps of light gauge our ability to tolerate seeing/feeling/understanding it all, and let us stop where our vibration fits.
I have an incling that light in 3D is the seeing/understanding awareness state that gradually as it grows clears our shadow bringing wisdom
In the light as it grows in strengths it allows us to no longer make other peoples karma(lessons) our own. The shadow doesn't stick.
It also doesn't trigger our shadow/karma/lessons, because again within the light of awareness the shadow cannot hide. It is instead understood with the compassion of love.
Perhaps negative wisdom is the light not letting other peoples karma stick and the heart being blocked you cannot see into another to find the unity. So the light not imbued with love keeps one still clear of the effect of others shadows.Seems perfect for sts exploration.
I obviously am not really clear on the light without love part, I am sure it is much more nuanced than I am seeing in this moment but if they work in the light of non-unity it makes sense their light will be only of themselves.
Anyways just some thoughts to explore. Perhaps exploring them isnt even wise... seems a stumbling block here that light/wisdom is often seen as our egos intellectualization so maybe it is wise to fully define this as a group as best we can for future understanding?
I think we are honestly selling light short by equating it with academic thought, or intellect.
It is clearly a much deeper concept or else they wouldn't have used such a vague term like light to be matched up with love.
Surely wisdom comes from light, but it seems it is much more of an awareness that lifts us above karma than one of thought and intellectual exploration of 3D concepts. There are people who are just wise without being terribly smart or terribly interested in anything. They are just wise. It is an energy to be sure that is hard to define.
I wonder what other people could add to this understanding of wisdom/light.
Hopefully this thread can work above the shadow we all carry and be more about light.
Love to you all
Dianna flicked a switch for me when she equated it to awareness. I wonder if we can start fresh here and discuss that. Hopefully not bringing the discord or unconscious baggage aspects from the other thread. Just a hope.
We surround ourselves with light for protection,
as we clear our inner shadow light is channeled more strongly into us - denoting purification,
light makes us see more clearly,
the steps of light gauge our ability to tolerate seeing/feeling/understanding it all, and let us stop where our vibration fits.
I have an incling that light in 3D is the seeing/understanding awareness state that gradually as it grows clears our shadow bringing wisdom
In the light as it grows in strengths it allows us to no longer make other peoples karma(lessons) our own. The shadow doesn't stick.
It also doesn't trigger our shadow/karma/lessons, because again within the light of awareness the shadow cannot hide. It is instead understood with the compassion of love.
Perhaps negative wisdom is the light not letting other peoples karma stick and the heart being blocked you cannot see into another to find the unity. So the light not imbued with love keeps one still clear of the effect of others shadows.Seems perfect for sts exploration.
I obviously am not really clear on the light without love part, I am sure it is much more nuanced than I am seeing in this moment but if they work in the light of non-unity it makes sense their light will be only of themselves.
Anyways just some thoughts to explore. Perhaps exploring them isnt even wise... seems a stumbling block here that light/wisdom is often seen as our egos intellectualization so maybe it is wise to fully define this as a group as best we can for future understanding?
I think we are honestly selling light short by equating it with academic thought, or intellect.
It is clearly a much deeper concept or else they wouldn't have used such a vague term like light to be matched up with love.
Surely wisdom comes from light, but it seems it is much more of an awareness that lifts us above karma than one of thought and intellectual exploration of 3D concepts. There are people who are just wise without being terribly smart or terribly interested in anything. They are just wise. It is an energy to be sure that is hard to define.
I wonder what other people could add to this understanding of wisdom/light.
Hopefully this thread can work above the shadow we all carry and be more about light.
Love to you all