11-15-2017, 01:07 AM
In reference to book 3 where it talks about the psychic attack when the instrument was with an alternate group and asked a question to Ra which by a 5th density negative being took the opportunity to try to lead the instrument into another place so that this being could inhabit the instruments body....
So first of all did I get it right.... I kinda left off at a cliff hanger lol and so did Ra lol... but is that what it was? The negative being was trying to lead the instrument into a "trap" so that it could use her body as its own vessel?
My 2nd question is... is this just when you have created a lot attention on yourself when this type of stuff happens?
I know I may be to concerned about this question when I know in my heart that I have nothing to fear but I am curious lol and curiosity is bugging me... but right now how do I know lol who is who haha... my guardians always work with me and sometimes they help me out of my astral body but lately I feel they have been trying to show me something... lol now i am hesitant lol because that something was in my closet lol....... and I am curious but I am super cautious... tsk tsk..
3rdly what is a demon in all of this.... would this fall into the category of thought form? What about a legendary demon like something from the amytyville horror or something from England that has been around for centuries?
Also what if you know how to portal back? I am pretty good with traveling in the astral planes and etc... while in a dream I realized that I was being watched.... I saw the being and it immediately ran through a portal... I teleported into the portal and went through the portal to find that it seemed like an area at the pit of a volcano filled with lava and beings swimming or floating in it...
So first of all did I get it right.... I kinda left off at a cliff hanger lol and so did Ra lol... but is that what it was? The negative being was trying to lead the instrument into a "trap" so that it could use her body as its own vessel?
My 2nd question is... is this just when you have created a lot attention on yourself when this type of stuff happens?
I know I may be to concerned about this question when I know in my heart that I have nothing to fear but I am curious lol and curiosity is bugging me... but right now how do I know lol who is who haha... my guardians always work with me and sometimes they help me out of my astral body but lately I feel they have been trying to show me something... lol now i am hesitant lol because that something was in my closet lol....... and I am curious but I am super cautious... tsk tsk..
3rdly what is a demon in all of this.... would this fall into the category of thought form? What about a legendary demon like something from the amytyville horror or something from England that has been around for centuries?
Also what if you know how to portal back? I am pretty good with traveling in the astral planes and etc... while in a dream I realized that I was being watched.... I saw the being and it immediately ran through a portal... I teleported into the portal and went through the portal to find that it seemed like an area at the pit of a volcano filled with lava and beings swimming or floating in it...