10-13-2016, 12:13 PM
As of Friday, August 5th, 2022, the Bring4th forums on this page have been converted to a permanent read-only archive. If you would like to continue your journey with Bring4th, the new forums are now at https://discourse.bring4th.org.
You are invited to enjoy many years worth of forum messages brought forth by our community of seekers. The site search feature remains available to discover topics of interest. (July 22, 2022)
10-13-2016, 12:14 PM
(10-13-2016, 11:57 AM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote: True, but each time that I have found out that he was fucking himself, we just worked through it together. I think that was the heart of the meaning of the Q'uote. Quote:Our harmony, however, has been a grievous source of naïveté as regards working with your planet. Is there a brief query before we leave this instrument?
We may talk about the terrible distortions of love, we may drag the name of love through the dirt of every battle and war that has ever been fought, we may deprive love of every satisfaction it has ever been given by poet or musician, yet there is not one honest spirit that can deny the palpable effect of love within the life experience.
January 10, 1987
10-29-2016, 02:22 PM
The Daily Q'uote for October 29, 2016
"Perhaps the most common mistake that positively-oriented seekers make is the mistake of feeling that they know what another entity needs. Indeed, it is the work of some patience to come to that place where you are willing to wait until you are asked in order to attempt to be of service. This sounds very simple but is very difficult when you feel that you have something to say that will help another. When this feeling hits there is the urge to share, and we do not say that this is wrong. We simply say that it may not be service to others, for what entities desire they shall ask for, and it is when that other entity asks that that precious gift of service may then be shared."
11-03-2016, 07:47 AM
The Daily Q'uote for November 2, 2016
"The nature of service to others is such that you will find again and again that you have nothing to offer except your very being. And yet, my friends, if you will investigate the nature of the one original Thought, you will discover that your consciousness, your attention, your sympathy, your compassion, your attempt to understand, is the most precious service you can offer."
11-09-2016, 06:22 AM
The Daily Ra and Q'uote for November 9, 2016
Ra Wrote:There will also be a sharp increase, in the short run, of negatively oriented or polarized mind/body/spirit complexes and social complexes, due to the polarizing conditions of the sharp delineation between fourth-density characteristics and third-density self-service orientation. Quo Wrote:Realize my friends that the free will of your planet is most difficult to predict for there are forces moving from ancient of days that would work against such harvest, those entities of a darker variety which seek in their own manner to be harvested by controlling the light of this harvest. And yet they shall fail, for the legions of the service-to-self entities will have only a short day where they shall reign supreme, and then their day shall be over, and the light shall shine, and the harvest shall be complete. ![]()
11-13-2016, 03:23 PM
Lovely complement to the last pre-election Q'uotes:
The Daily Q'uote for November 13, 2016 "When relating self-to-self you may encourage and support the good that you see in another in any way that comes to you, but rest from sharing your opinions except insofar as they seem to spring up in conversation of their own accord. As we have said before through this instrument, it is perfectly fine to share a thought and let that thought drop like a seed on the ground of another’s consciousness. But, like Johnny Appleseed, do not look back when you have dropped that seed. Move on. It is not a concern of yours whether the seed takes root or whether it withers and dies." -`ღ´-
12-06-2016, 11:08 PM
Although yours is the density of choice, yet also is there a level wherein all is one. And each choice that is made is far better served by preparatory time spent in the unitary and unified silence of your own heart, practicing the presence of the infinite Creator and allowing the questions in your heart simply to be so that you and the Creator and the questions with which you come rest all together, loved and loving, Creator known to created, created known to Creator. Each time that you come into this space, move into it with empty hands, for you know not what gifts the silence will bring you. You do not know what beasts, birds, winds and weathers may respond and come to bring you messages, giving eloquence to the silence and hints to the wise.
February 4, 2002
12-12-2016, 04:43 PM
The Daily Q'uote for December 12, 2016
"As we understand your time, the harvest shall be an event which is in process for many of your years. You shall come to it naturally, unless by your own artifacts you remove yourselves from your bodies. Be ready to die now. Be ready for harvest now. And then you are free to live for the Creator and in His service for however long you draw breath within the physical vehicle which loves you and has given itself to your use. Love it also, and see it as the helpful thing it is, but do not be its slave."
01-28-2017, 09:16 AM
The Daily Q'uote for January 28, 2017
"We are those who would inspire each of you to seek, to ask your questions with more and more care and love for the search itself, for your answers, as all answers, shall turn out to be illusion and with each revelation and transformation you shall discover that you have pushed back the frontier of mystery, only to find that same mystery beckoning from the new frontier. There is no information so complete and so satisfying that it constitutes the ultimate answer, for if it can be said, it is not the truth and he who says it has pride, not understanding."
01-28-2017, 10:36 AM
And the Dao which can be said is not the true Dao.
01-31-2017, 09:17 AM
The Daily Q'uote for January 31, 2017
"We encourage you to move into the paradox where service to others becomes service to self with the sure knowledge that it is only a paradox to the logical mind which does not have the view of all things as being one and of the universe as you now see it on Planet Earth as a system of infinite mirrors, so that everything about you speaks to you and you in turn offer yourself as a mirror reflecting others to themselves as well."
02-04-2017, 09:33 AM
The Daily Q'uote for February 02, 2017
"The presumption of the seeker is that all parameters are to be understood and searched out and that there is trail of wisdom to the stars, a series of questions that will lead one to infinite wisdom. This is not so. Wisdom is born of suffering, dilemma, contradiction and pain. The so-called happy times that you experience within the illusion are useful as randomly as are the difficult times, and the intrinsic value of happiness is quite low."
02-04-2017, 11:13 PM
Ah this one, this one of one of the best by far that I've read.
If you reflect a little further, you might come to the realization that you have not incarnated in third density in order to experience the exhilaration of liberation. You have incarnated in third density quite simply in order to serve, and the ones that are most in need of serving are most frequently the ones least inclined to receive your service gladly. And so, it can seem to one eager to fulfill the destiny of service, eager to lighten the vibrations of a planet long in distress, long laboring under the heavy weight of judgment compounded on judgment, it can seem, we say, that all hope of making a real difference is utterly forlorn. My friends, we are the brothers and sisters of sorrow. We are here in a capacity of serving and we merely call your attention to what we think you already know—that all here gathered are here in the same capacity. Service is not an easy undertaking—it is not that the one who seeks to serve can be prided and plumed with the knowledge of having the truth. For what is the truth when the task at hand is to make oneself available to those for whom judgment is all there is? It is as if in order to serve you must submit to this world where judgment reigns supreme and you must allow yourself to get down and dirty, if we may put it in this way, by working in the mines, by dredging up difficult feelings, by allowing oneself to present catalyst to others that is to them most unwelcome, thereby drawing judgment once again upon oneself. To serve, my friends, is not an experience of constant and unbridled joy, but involves also a capacity to take upon the self the sorrows of the world. - Q'uo
02-05-2017, 03:46 AM
Thank you so much, Jeremy, that's amazing! I was looking for a specific Q'uote yesterday (and didn't find it), but the one you just posted is very close to what I was looking for, and actually even expanding on it in a way. Lovely!
02-05-2017, 04:04 AM
Jeremy, would you know what session this was from? I can't seem to find it. Thank you!
02-05-2017, 08:39 AM
02-05-2017, 08:45 AM
Ah, it's from the latest session, that's why I haven't seen it yet. Thanks so much!
02-08-2017, 07:42 AM
The Daily Q'uote for February 08, 2017
"It is not what the seeker knows but what the seeker desires that creates the character of the distortions that the seeker is likely to settle upon as that which is the least distorted version of truth. Once it has been accepted that all truths are to some extent distortions of a truth that is ineffable and unknowable then there is perhaps an easier and more relaxed attitude towards this process of knowing the truth. If all things are shadows, if all things are to some extent not what they seem, then the heart is free to open in pure desire to whatever truth it may pick up with its various antennae which it does not know it has but which the being which lies within knows well how to use."
02-10-2017, 07:39 PM
"When you are in love with someone, they can do no wrong. They might make an error, but it is a small thing. The essence of that person is so appreciated and seen in such a strong and clear light that there are simply ways to love that entity based on their imperfections as well as their perfections.
It is easier for the thoughtful and sensitive seeker to love another with that kind of romantic glow than it is to love the self with that same aura of deep appreciation and respect and yet, dear one, you deserve it. You have earned it over and over. You are worthy." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/is..._1127.aspx
02-11-2017, 06:56 AM
The Daily Q'uote for February 11, 2017
"To those who feel that there is a question as to whether they are acting appropriately or whether they are moving beyond the bounds of acceptable influence and infringing upon another's free will, we might suggest that, in your mind, you turn the tables and see the situation as happening the opposite way, not from you to another but from another to you. If, in that turnaround, you see the goodness of your actions, you are most likely behaving appropriately and maintaining unity between yourself and the other self. If, when you turn the tables, you realize you would resent such a thing were it to happen to you, then you know that you have infringed upon the rights, the peace, and the liberty of another."
03-07-2017, 06:12 PM
The Daily Q'uote for March 7, 2017
"The worry and fear which move through the awareness of those who seek is not so much that which is a mistake or error as that which reacts rather than responds and in developing the faculty called faith the lesson learned of responding rather than reacting is key."[font=Verdana, sans-serif]017[/font]
03-26-2017, 11:57 PM
"If you respect your own emotions and regard them with affection and a lack of judgment, and if you persist in allowing yourself to feel those emotions and to let them move ever deeper, you shall find that the gift begins to bear fruit as you feel yourself becoming more spacious within, more responsive to the deeper emotions. You will find that you are an alchemist turning disharmony into harmony, fear into love, darkness into light. It is a natural process and it begins with the disharmony, with the darkness. Such are the ways of spirit.
And that is why we say that things are perfect at all times, although they may be uncomfortable. Do not cringe away from your suffering, but rather cradle yourself as you endure through the natural process of the alchemy of the transforming energy, of the love in your open heart." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/is..._0912.aspx
03-27-2017, 11:40 PM
"�Pain has a remarkable ability to focus the mind and the body. And therefore, in that focused state, the mind and body are vulnerable to work in consciousness where the discomfort has acted as that which collects the self so that if the mind is then turned to spiritual goals, such as the hunger and thirst for the presence of the one infinite Creator, that focus can become an opening into the light. And much balancing work can be done in that heightened, sensitized state that is not likely to be done when the self is comfortable and relatively oblivious and unfocused."
http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/is..._1127.aspx I noticed this myself that when one is comfortable one is less likely to be seeking than when one is in some sort of pain. I wish it wouldn't be like that.
03-28-2017, 10:06 PM
(03-27-2017, 11:40 PM)Ankh Wrote: I noticed this myself that when one is comfortable one is less likely to be seeking than when one is in some sort of pain. I wish it wouldn't be like that. I try to do uncomfortable things often, mindfully, and I've started to appreciate higher and higher levels of uncomfortable feelings. It's harder when it appears that the uncomfortable is forced upon you, but conscious seeking out of both uncomfortable and comfortable experience in mindfulness will help strengthen your uncomfortable-appreciation muscle. For example I've been sleeping on hard floor no cushion and taking freezing cold showers (although this one has started to become almost orgasmic in its ability to draw out unused energy reserves from your cells and energy pathways). Less physical but more difficult is talking to people face-to-face. I find it's best not to force but to allow yourself to desire conversation with random people. Conversations with people for me are like taking a cold plunge in a freezing lake, for the ego. It refreshes and terrifies your complex all at once. And makes you more accepting of future plunges.
04-02-2017, 05:06 PM
"…The positive emotions such as joy, admiration and love of a romantic or friendly nature are feel-good emotions that are hardly ever evaluated or judged. Nevertheless, it is very helpful when working with positive emotions to pay attention to them also. For just like the negative emotions, the surface of a positive emotion is only the beginning of its intensity, its clarity and its vitality, and it is to the spiritual seeker who focuses on such surface emotions such as joy and allows them to expand and, as we said before, to tell their story around the campfire of the self as it experiences itself that the gift of positive emotions shall come.
Likewise, when experiencing the seemingly negative or shadow emotions it is quite useful to behold and allow the awareness of these surface emotions to remain, not pushing them away because they are uncomfortable to behold, but rather gazing at this dark color of emotion and asking it to clarify, to refine itself, to become more pure." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/is..._1226.aspx
04-03-2017, 03:25 AM
The Daily Q'uote for April 3, 2017
"Finding some focus such as [following the breath] is very helpful in entering the silence and maintaining that silence within so that you may receive the information that is richly given in the silence. In that silence is the one infinite Creator. And as you are one with the infinite Creator, you know all that the Creator knows. You understand all that the Creator understands. Of course, this occurs far below the conscious mind�s awareness. Nevertheless, as you take in that information-laden silence and lay it upon your heart, it will bubble up into your daylight consciousness and you shall be changed by the wisdom and compassion of that silence. We encourage your tasting of it on a daily basis, if you possibly can." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/is..._0926.aspx
04-04-2017, 10:08 PM
"Whether one who is served is a parent, a child, a member of the family or of the extended family of friendship, or of the nature of complete strangers, service is always service if it is given purely. The challenge is to love others as one loves the self."
http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/is..._0426.aspx Just couple of days ago I've been thinking about how people are fond of making some sort of separation between work and private life. And although it is probably healthy to have some sort of division between when one is working and then resting, people at work and work itself is a matter of yellow ray. One can say that it is one's extended family or perhaps second family. And why then would one not to want to help this family as one helps the birth family? I've been helping my birth family a lot lately and they have been helping me, and I have been enjoying this co-operation so much! Then it was time to go to work and I had this realization about co-workers being of the same family. It is more difficult to be of the same service to them than it is to one's own family as I don't know them as much I know my family and they are not as close. But nevertheless, if one has the same desire to help them as one wants to help its own family, then the step to help strangers on the street is not that far away from that either. And see, what Q'uote came across my path when having this realization! ![]()
They're going hard on faith lately, which is not all that bad.
Really liked this one : Quote:Indeed, each of you must live by faith, completely by reason of your own free will. Each of you must learn the lessons of love and service for yourselves, chosen only by your own free will. When the free will of an entity turns towards faith there is the tendency and the temptation to reach out as if there is something out there that can be gotten into the light, into the mind, that will change things. Yet we say to you that in terms of the spirit the knowledge, the awareness, the transformation that you seek lies waiting within you, and it is to those who reach into the self that faith will come. lol, just saw this a day after posting although this was posted before I made my post : Quote:Greetings readers of The L/L Book of Face. You may have noticed that we’ve been focusing on a consistent theme in the Q’uotes shared the past few weeks. Sharing in this manner gives us, and we hope you, the space to collect the wayward focus and dive deeper into a given subject. No.. hadn't noticed ![]()
04-11-2017, 02:29 PM
(03-28-2017, 10:06 PM)sjel Wrote:(03-27-2017, 11:40 PM)Ankh Wrote: I noticed this myself that when one is comfortable one is less likely to be seeking than when one is in some sort of pain. I wish it wouldn't be like that. I totally agree with what is written here, but I recall a Q'uote: "Attempt not the courage, but the lack of discouragement" I think it is easier to force yourself into an uncomfortable situation because you created it, but to not be discouraged is another sort of challenge |