I was waiting for someone at a mall one day, and started chatting to a young gay man about him being gay. He must have been about 18-20 thereabouts, and told me that his parents wrote him off about 2 years earlier, so I said that's a bit harsh, and he said he's hurt, but he'll wait for them to come around and he's not cross with them, he can understand their position because his own internal homophobia caused him to stay in the closet until his announcement to his parents which caused him to leave the house the same day.
So his reasoning was that if he himself, who's gay, found it unacceptable for so long, then his parents who's not gay, will likely find it much harder to comprehend. These coming out stories are the worst, some people just shouldn't be parents...
So his reasoning was that if he himself, who's gay, found it unacceptable for so long, then his parents who's not gay, will likely find it much harder to comprehend. These coming out stories are the worst, some people just shouldn't be parents...