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Hey I wouldn't worry too much if I were you, Ra did allude to "inconveniences" and warlike attitudes and an STS inlux, so I guess that's all playing out now. That America has gone from greatly admired to severely distrusted also can't be disputed, but I think most non-Americans don't confuse ordinary Americans with their government. You are also very far from a failed state, although by 'your standards' it might appear to be heading in that direction. What's happening in Venezuela now is "failed state" conditions, and heartbreaking to watch.
America has just thrived at the expense of others, and people seem to be waking up to that and resisting it. Tony Blair's recent downfall might be a small consolation for Iraqis, but it's still symbolically significant. We live in a time of revelation, due to the 4D vibration becoming stronger, and the best we can hope for is that we don't go the Mars or Maldek route, and I doubt we will. Europe might also think twice before blindly following America into yet another war, because they've seen the cause and effect in action now, with the migrant crisis. My recommendation would be to not resist what's happening, resistance causes suffering. Adjust to every "new normal", which seems to be falling like dominoes nowadays, and relax into it all playing out. Meditation is a great aid.
07-31-2016, 01:22 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-31-2016, 01:25 AM by Brian_Sanchez.)
I think it's interesting that Baba Vanga alluded to Obama being the last president back in the day and that one of his last decisions will lead to civil unrest.
I bring it up because of how crazy it is that Americans in the majority agree in the coruptedness of the two big party nominees. Thus, one cannot stand if one is divided. Thus, I believe american politics shall soon meet its demise at least until it stands in unity for the people (STO), rather than having a few at top (STS). But as long as you're willing to adapt and help your community then we can all get through the changes to come. ColinT Wrote:Probably not. What does concern me is that most ordinary Americans still identify strongly with their national identity. Also true, but true for the majority of earthlings also. Identification is actually one of the things one consistently work on during a spiritual practise, because we link our identities to so many illusory things, consciously and unconsciously. For people without a strong sense of self, those identifications help them to maintain some sort of flimsy identity that is so fragile it can collapse like a house of cards at any moment. One of our top psychologists speaks quite a bit about identification, because he believes it is one of the main sources of so much internal suffering. We had a situation here where one of our biggest banks retrenched thousands, and some fainted, others considered suicide, and some even had to be dragged out of the building... this after decades of employment. So this psychologist worked with many of them individually, and they broadcasted these sessions live on the radio. And it was so interesting once he managed to sever the link in their heads, and explained to them that their indentities are not reliant on their positions in the bank, and he in fact spoke to all the listeners and said you are not your job, you are so much more, that some of them said they feel a sense of freedom they've never felt before, and that they feel expansive, because that identification caused internal restriction and anxiety, because there is always the gnawing awareness that the job is not safe. And national identity is one of the strongest, because it is consistently propped up and encouraged from a very tender age. Einstein said: "nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind." But if you consider that Ra said "the greater preponderance of your entities find themselves in what may be considered a perpetual childhood" then you will be more accepting of these things, because it is not going to change in the short run. How people can't live without "a badge", or belonging to "some club or group". Jiddu Krishnamurti also saw the perils of identification, so he said he has no allegiance to any nationality, caste, religion, or philosophy. So much of the strife in this world is because of identification, like violence breaking out at sport events for example. The folly continues. If anything, I think it will be a great catalyst for Americans when their identification with "we are no. 1" and "we are exceptional" is threatened. That is a wonderful catalyst for growth. I recently saw an example of this in the comments section of a tech article, when China launched the world's fastest computer, and without an Intel chip which is American, and some Americans posted such scornful comments that I sometimes laughed out loud, that's all identification... while without the identification they would have congratulated the Chinese, and realised the exciting possibilities for "us all". And so we identify with gender, sexual orientation, country, flag, race, heritage, social status, financial status, the car we drive, occupation, religion, philosophy, sports team, political party, liberal, conservative, our past achievements, our past failures, our partners, our friends, our families, vegetarianism, veganism, married, divorced, single, with kids, without kids...and the list is endless, and all that this does is, "I am this, and you are that, and thus we shall judge, quarrel, insult, point fingers and blame each other ad infinitum". The book Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion speaks of "foolish consistency" which is tied into identification. When someone has taken a stance on something, if they are identified with the stance they've taken, their sense of identity is linked to that stance, and they will stick to that no matter what evidence or more sensible counter arguments they are presented with. Our society punishes inconsistency, you can see it with politicians who change their position on something, they are called unreliable and untrustworthy, whereas changing position to a healthier position is a good thing, and necessary for evolution, growth and progress.
07-31-2016, 05:04 PM
As an American, I can tell you this whole election is not grounded in the actual desires of the America people, but extremely distorted ones.
Nobody really wants Hilary Clinton as president - in fact, she has to pay people to say that they do. Those who are voting for her are actually voting against Trump and his racist xenophobia, misogyny, and capitalistic views of the environment, mostly. Those who say they want Trump - well, yeah, of course, there are certainly some racist xenophobics. But most of these people are just reacting to what they have seen as a suppression of their freedom of expression - they may not actually believe that different ethnicities are inherently bad, but they really want to defend their right to be able to say such vulgar things, and to watch people squirm in the process. Please also understand that the majority of the media is also colluding with the Hilary campaign machine. This means everything will constantly sanitize Hilary and make it appear that she has a lot of support - and it also means that they give Trump a disproportionate amount of attention for his antics because again, Clinton has made it clear that she is primarily running her campaign against Trump's ugly ideas. It's a classic set up - Trump and Clinton have been long time friends. He goes on TV and acts like an ass and gets TONS of attention, and it helps her campaign. Win/win. I don't think he ever thought it would go this far (but he's happy to ride the train as far as it will) - because the fact is, the fix is already in for Hilary. We don't have a choice. And I think that's where a lot of Trump's support comes in - Hilary is obviously who the establishment has chosen without our consent, so let's at least try to slander her as far as possible on her way in. This is a really big catalyst right now for so many Americans, many who have never cared a bit about politics - and it's super fascinating. From my vantage point, I think Bernie would have actually won the election if he had been given a fair and legitimate chance - his ideas are what the majority of people actually desire - progressive socialism.
07-31-2016, 06:26 PM
I saw the weirdest thing today... I sometimes go to Russia Insider, and they are definitely not objective in their reporting (who is nowadays?), they have this Gonzo journalism style, which is still entertaining, so I came across this article, and thought "oh please" when I saw the heading, but then I watched the video they posted which is very bizarre.
I mean, is that an epileptic fit or what is that?
07-31-2016, 07:07 PM
> I mean, is that an epileptic fit or what is that?
People like Clinton are powerful authority figures in large Elementals on the "other side". Most insist that they are materialists: in a sense it is true, because their P-realm (physical) consciousness is deliberately isolated from their A-realm counterpart. In this way they are able to present a charming, charismatic persona completely convicingly, whereas on the other side they are ... not so nice, shall we say. As I remarked earlier, some of these big Elementals (unified social groups) have developed rudimentary personae of their own: the group has its own unique consciousness, separate and distinct from those of its component humans even though composed of them. Unfortunately, the most common elements are the lower emotions, so this embryonic persona is more like a brutish, hungry predatory animal than a decent human being, and this is expressed increasingly in its outward manifestations. It also operates powerfully in those tied most closely to it. In the case of those still incarnate, this can result in an inner conflict when the impulses from the Elemental conflict with those of the P-realm personality. One result is - yes, a form of epileptic fit. Others are seen when an apparently innocuous person commits some act of depravity or bestiality that is judged to be quite "out of character". Much terrorist activity derives from this phenomenon, and explains the need for the perpetrators first to "commit to jihad" - i.e. be accepted and joined into the Elemental - in order to acquire the ruthless motivation needed to carry out the act. Those who understand the workings of Black Magic will see much else. We seem to be on a roll here; hope it lasts for a bit.
07-31-2016, 07:48 PM
(07-31-2016, 05:04 PM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote: As an American, I can tell you this whole election is not grounded in the actual desires of the America people, but extremely distorted ones. Jill Stein 2016!
07-31-2016, 10:40 PM
(07-30-2016, 04:26 PM)ColinT Wrote: > relax into it all playing out. Hi Colin. Exactly! The first thing one can do is to live your life ethically and try to avoid main cabal businesses. If you have money, don't keep it in stock markets, and try to avoid the banking system however you can. Hold sovereign money, silver and gold, and to a lesser extent bitcoin. Also, a new form of gold backed money will be coming on line shortly: http://www.aurumcoin.com/ Currently, the power of the cabal's monetary system makes resistance quite challenging. I know this first hand. But their monetary system will not last forever, in fact, it may not last the remainder of the year. Watch Deutsche Bank especially - when they go down like Lehman, the whole system will go up in smoke. There will be no bailout this time. There are some new things waiting in the wings, but those things are currently on hold until the cabal weakens - most likely for the protection of the people involved. There are organized good guys out there, but they are very secretive for very good reason. Having said that, when the banking system collapses, many other structures will collapse as well. This, in my opinion, is why many good folks are here now - to rebuild when all falls apart around them. A very challenging time lies ahead, but perhaps a more rewarding time since we will be moving forward without a parasitic elite to hinder us and we also will have to potential opportunity to regain our sovereignty.. Ultimately, the goal is to do away with money, but I don't believe mankind is ready to achieve that goal for now. Cultures can't radically change in the blink of an eye, but progress can be made from the bottom - up. The United States is probably the most propagandized country in the history of the world. The negative elite have had the opportunity to hone their deception skills over quite a long time. I believe the people will wise up though once their bank accounts go away and that money goes *Poof*, gone forever..... Then the ordinary person will start to question their lives and those that control them, at long last. Jade Wrote:This is a really big catalyst right now for so many Americans, many who have never cared a bit about politics - and it's super fascinating. I think the whole world can't quite believe what they're seeing. I've been in so many conversations where Donald Trump came up, and people generally are appalled at some of his utterances, but they're rooting for him nonetheless because the prospect of Clinton as president is scarier. She is synonymous with war and bloodshed. No-one can forget "we came, we saw, he died" and then bursting out in laughter. We just cannot have another Middle Eastern country bombed to smithereens, and who knows who's next on "her list", probably Iran if her rhetoric is any indication, and with Iran things will be a little different, because Russia will not stand idly by if Iran is attacked, they're allies of sorts, at least in their opposition to US hegemony. The Russian intervention in Syria was already a message to the war hawks in Washington. And the lies, lies, lies which she constantly get caught out with. The Chinese have a curse "may you live in interesting times". If I was American I would vote for anyone standing against Hillary, and if that's Trump, then so be it... never thought I'd say this. At least with him it's what you see is what you get, because he just doesn't have a guard in front of his mouth. As per usual it's choosing between the lesser of two evils.
08-01-2016, 09:09 AM
Quote:> We don't have a choice. Well, I think I was defending the idea that this election is reflective of the American people's desires. In one weird distorted way it is, but only because we've been in this system and people are realizing that they DON'T have a choice. Yes, most Americans are raised thinking that they have a say in the elite ruling class. This has caused a big split. Quote:I think the whole world can't quite believe what they're seeing. I've been in so many conversations where Donald Trump came up, and people generally are appalled at some of his utterances, but they're rooting for him nonetheless because the prospect of Clinton as president is scarier. She is synonymous with war and bloodshed. No-one can forget "we came, we saw, he died" and then bursting out in laughter. We just cannot have another Middle Eastern country bombed to smithereens, and who knows who's next on "her list", probably Iran if her rhetoric is any indication, and with Iran things will be a little different, because Russia will not stand idly by if Iran is attacked, they're allies of sorts, at least in their opposition to US hegemony. The Russian intervention in Syria was already a message to the war hawks in Washington. And the lies, lies, lies which she constantly get caught out with. Yeah it's scary. ![]() The only hope is that there is a real smoking gun for either of them - both are known criminals, it's just a matter of whether or not anyone will charge/prosecute them for any of their crimes. Quote:As an aside, does the name Bring4th_Jade have anything to do with the group Jade Warrior? Their albumn Way of the Sun is a favourite of the period. The last track Death of Ra has always had a special significance for me since encountering The Ra Material since it causes me contemplate the culmination that Ra claims to anticipate in a few million years as it/they attain transition from 8dV to 9dV, or 6th to 7th Density. What an experience that must be! Jade is my given name. ![]() Jade Wrote:If you watch the documentary Clinton Money, it shows the Clinton Foundation receives large sums of money from warlords in Congo and Haiti, as well as others. I think these are the places that Hillary will focus on when she takes over. Sheesh, with Congo specifically it just makes my blood boil, because I'm so familiar with that country's story. Eve Ensler is quite involved there with the rape victims, she's doing an amazing job. Did you know that the uranium for both atom bombs dropped during WW2 comes out of Congo? Katanga Panhandle is like a geological quirk in terms of mineral riches.
08-01-2016, 10:23 AM
I am following the election coverage like its crack cocaine. The first time I've been sucked in like this. I am not really sure why, but it seems mainly just because it's entertaining to me.
That said, recently I've been reading about "Communist Normalization" lately, and some really smart inside-type people seem to think this election is the make-or-break moment for "Normalization" to happen in America. Ra said something about Russians taking over, didn't they?
08-01-2016, 10:46 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-01-2016, 10:50 AM by APeacefulWarrior.)
As I see it, there are only two small reasons to favor Hillary over Trump. One is that I simply would not EVER trust Trump to be in charge of the nuclear arsenal - especially given how little impulse control he has. (See also: His recent inability to stop trash-talking the parents of that dead Muslim soldier.) And the other is the Supreme Court. Besides the already-vacant spot, there's very likely to be at least more one vacancy, and Trump's short list of nominees is basically an ultraconservative wishlist of anti-rights regressionaries. Hillary would at least maintain the status quo with moderates.
But it's still astounding that the public is basically going to be forced to choose between two people who both so clearly should not be allowed anywhere near real power. Quote:Ra said something about Russians taking over, didn't they? Not in any predictive sense. He spoke of some weather-control technology they were working on (65.8) that they hoped would be able to force the US into surrendering if they got it working. However, thirty years on there's no sign of the technology, and Russia is nowhere near as powerful as they were during the Cold War. Honestly, Russia is a second-rate power at this point, and unlikely to be much of a threat to anyone besides their nearby neighbors. Between NATO to the west and China to the east, they're pretty well contained. And their internal political\economic troubles will pretty effectively prevent them from being able to mount any truly ambitious military plans. (Especially considering that, while they scoffed in public, nearly all available data suggests that the sanctions imposed after their Crimea invasion did hurt them quite a bit. They desperately need foreign trade to keep afloat.)
08-01-2016, 10:53 AM
(08-01-2016, 09:59 AM)YinYang Wrote:Jade Wrote:If you watch the documentary Clinton Money, it shows the Clinton Foundation receives large sums of money from warlords in Congo and Haiti, as well as others. I think these are the places that Hillary will focus on when she takes over. Yeah... pretty sure a lot of the schmoozing there has to do with mining contracts, even. ![]() Quote:I am following the election coverage like its crack cocaine. The first time I've been sucked in like this. I am not really sure why, but it seems mainly just because it's entertaining to me. My husband is exceedingly fascinated, so I am inundated at home. It seems a lot of Trump supporters are spurred by the "entertainment value", as well. These are the "end times"!! Might as well grab some popcorn. Quote:Ra said something about Russians taking over, didn't they? Ra said Russia would take us over in a "bloodless invasion", if they thought it was possible, which it isn't. Quoting for context: Quote:65.6 Questioner: Would the coming changes as we progress into fourth density— I’m speaking of changes not only in the physical third-density planet due to the heating effect but also the changes that are heralding fourth-density vibrations such as the ability of people to perform what we term paranormal activities— I’m assuming that both of these are also and will act as catalyst to create a greater seeking. Is this correct? This isn't the only time Ra mentions weather control being used as a weapon, either.
08-01-2016, 12:48 PM
BRICS is a coalition of convenience. They've got no political, cultural, sociological, or other major ties to each other. They wouldn't go to war on each others' behalf, not under any sort of normal circumstances. After all, most of them do far more trade with NATO countries than they do with anyone else. China alone exports nearly twenty times as much to western countries as they do to Russia. Cutting ties with the west would devastate their economy.
Likewise, South Africa also exports the majority of their products to the US, Germany, and Japan. Or India may import more from China, but they also export far more to the US. Brazil is in a similar situation. Plus, as we're seeing from the Olympics, they can barely even keep their own s*** together, much less do any international warfare. Really, there's *nothing* Russia could say to make them give up those sorts of trade deals, especially when Russia is a pretty minor trading partner for nearly all of them. Not unless the US went completely mad and started threatening to nuke the world or something.
Actually, China is South Africa's largest trading partner, and our political ties are equally strong, which is why we denied the Dalai Lama a visa. Something which caused major outrage here. We have had a "look East policy" since the end of apartheid.
As for war drums and trade considerations, China has published in their state owned newspaper that war with the US is looking increasingly likely if the US doesn't back off in the South China Sea situation, so naturally trade doesn't seem to be a deciding factor. I should also have mentioned when I said "BRICS" in a war situation, I mostly refer to a Russian/China alliance, SA and Brazil hardly have military capability to speak of, which is just wonderful.
08-01-2016, 01:54 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-01-2016, 02:04 PM by APeacefulWarrior.)
(08-01-2016, 01:25 PM)YinYang Wrote: Actually, China is South Africa's biggest trading partner, and our political ties are equally strong, which is why we denied the Dalai Lama a visa. Something which caused major outrage here. We have had a "look East policy" since the end of apartheid. According to the Wiki page on SA's foreign trade in total, China is only SA's top trade partner in terms of imports, and the big money is in exports - where the top countries are the US, Germany, and Japan, with China a distant fifth. Plus, those three combined also outweigh China in the import category by about half again as much. And one might as well count them as combined since they're all close allies. The loss of them as trade partners would be a big hit. But I don't dispute that China and SA (as well as other parts of Africa) are forming closer ties. That's certain. The US seems to have a real blind spot to Africa in general, and that may end up hurting them in the long run since Africa now has several rapidly-growing countries who are starting to get serious about international partners. Quote:As for war drums and trade considerations, China has published in their state owned newspaper that war with the US is looking increasingly likely if the US doesn't back off in the South China Sea situation, so naturally trade doesn't seem to be a deciding factor. I should also have mentioned when I said "BRICS" in a war situation, I mostly refer to a Russian/China alliance, SA and Brazil hardly have military capability to speak of, which is just wonderful. You don't honestly think the US is going to get militarily involved in the South Sea situation, right? That's all just diplomatic saber-rattling, and it's mostly for the benefit of citizens at home so they can put on a show of strength for their respective nationalists. Plus, as far as the Dalai Lama goes, Obama might have met with him this year, but the US continues to NOT support Tibetan independence and fully recognizes China's control over it - a major factor in keeping the Chinese happy. And as for a Russia/China alliance, honestly, just look at the numbers. Five out of their top six trade partners are all either western countries or closely western-allied. The only exception is Taiwan. In the meantime, Russia is number nine on the list, and represents a tiny fraction of the trade from the higher-ranked countries. China would never go to war against the west on Russia's behalf except in the most unimaginably extreme of circumstances. Trade is a deciding factor when you are talking about literal orders of magnitude in difference between the amounts involved. The economies of China and the US are far too intertwined for them to ever seriously go toe-to-toe. If they ever suddenly cut off trade with each other, and China leveraged all the US debt they hold to harm the Dollar, both countries would cause gigantic damage to each other's economy without actually gaining *anything* substantial from it. It's like a kinder gentler version of MAD. Basically, the more economically co-dependent the major powers are, the less sense going to war makes because it would simply be too costly.
08-01-2016, 02:03 PM
PeacefulWarrior, I'm not going to get into another tit for tat with you. This is my country, and these things are consistently discussed in our media.
http://mg.co.za/article/2016-01-11-south...nd-mirrors Quote:China has been South Africa’s largest trading partner since 2010, with a total trade volume of R270 billion in 2013.
08-01-2016, 02:07 PM
OK, that's fine - China/South African relations are sort of a secondary point here anyway. The key point is still how incredibly unlikely it is that China and Russia would form a military alliance against the west. THAT'S the thing that could theoretically bring about WWIII, but it's also a thing that has virtually no chance of happening.
08-01-2016, 02:28 PM
The only indication us "mere mortals" have, is by paying attention to what their politicians say... which is what I'm doing.