-Please read this post before voting-
I noticed several forum members mentioning their significant others being 'awake' to some degree or engaging in activities that could indicate they are awake or 4D harvestable. Yes, I realize it's not possible to determine the harvestability of another entity, so please give your best guess for the sake of the poll. I am just curious what percentage of the population of this forum has awakened / harvestable significant others.
Use your best judgement, but if you are unsure, please vote yes ONLY if they are openly intellectually 'awakened' to you and / or are so unconditionally loving that it is obvious they are harvestable 4D positive. There is nothing wrong with being unawakened / unharvestable, so please don't be shy to vote honestly.
This poll is anonymous (myself and other people can't see your vote). However, you are welcome to post in the thread what you think their awakened status / harvestibility is, what experiences you've had with them as a result of you both being awakened (or not being awakened), and / or how different your life would be if they were opposite their current state of awakening (or lack thereof).
I have no problem sharing that I feel my wife definitely isn't intellectually aware of the unity of creation and is 'too close to call' her harvestability or not. So I voted no.
I don't want to get into a debate in this thread on what exactly 'awakened' means, so please direct that here if you feel it necessary: http://www.bring4th.org/forums/showthread.php?tid=12416
I noticed several forum members mentioning their significant others being 'awake' to some degree or engaging in activities that could indicate they are awake or 4D harvestable. Yes, I realize it's not possible to determine the harvestability of another entity, so please give your best guess for the sake of the poll. I am just curious what percentage of the population of this forum has awakened / harvestable significant others.
Use your best judgement, but if you are unsure, please vote yes ONLY if they are openly intellectually 'awakened' to you and / or are so unconditionally loving that it is obvious they are harvestable 4D positive. There is nothing wrong with being unawakened / unharvestable, so please don't be shy to vote honestly.
This poll is anonymous (myself and other people can't see your vote). However, you are welcome to post in the thread what you think their awakened status / harvestibility is, what experiences you've had with them as a result of you both being awakened (or not being awakened), and / or how different your life would be if they were opposite their current state of awakening (or lack thereof).
I have no problem sharing that I feel my wife definitely isn't intellectually aware of the unity of creation and is 'too close to call' her harvestability or not. So I voted no.
I don't want to get into a debate in this thread on what exactly 'awakened' means, so please direct that here if you feel it necessary: http://www.bring4th.org/forums/showthread.php?tid=12416