12-10-2015, 09:04 AM
If you want to be a good teach/learner, you must understand the functions of the energy centers and balance them adequately within yourself. Then, at a high level of awareness, understand the other self with utmost patience. See (or feel) their balances/imbalances, and gently offer catalyst so that they may, by their own free will, choose to flow energy influxes to those energy centers inactive and central to their entity at this space/time. It is in the small things as well as in the big ones: letting the introvert character of the other self choose a direction to which to walk [in a group of friends?], entertaining seemingly negative means of behavior, which I do not suggest to take too far (you would have to balance the consequences of those actions), or helping that bitter entity who seldom receives or never received help from others so that you may shine as a bright example of the holy life you embody.
In this way you may teach those still 'sleeping', if I may use this misnomer. Although those overly compassionate seekers will not see the negativity with transparency. All is Love. How can you teach with compassion and wisdom that new seeker? Do not share too much knowledge in dialogues, guard her best interests in your Heart. Portray your message in a generally encouraging way. And how may you teach the wise one? Express your personal reality because you are the only one who can do it. The Self is the Creator. If you do not express your personal reality, then perhaps life will feel utterly numb for you---meaningless like it will offer you only bad presents, and you will live an unexamined life according to the choices of others and the society, which do not necessarily have your best interests in mind, whatever those are. I do not speak of anyone in particular, and I do not negate the value of such an experience. But perhaps most importantly, all beings are radiant, some more than others. It is only in this and lower densities that this radiancy of other selves is not generally felt on a conscious level, but nevertheless it is there. Upgrade your consciousness, your energy, so you may leave a trace of this divine spark everywhere you go. When you are yourself, you are serving all, by simply being.
Lastly, if you have accepted this honor/responsibility of being a 'lightworker', it is important you understand that you also learn from others. Help them because your love for them spills out of your being, but do not force anyone. Let them help you because you love yourself. All is one.
I know the tone of this post can sound extremely teach-oriented, but I do not speak with arrogance. I do not claim I have 'higher' knowledge, I am just a messenger. The learn/teach understandings are there in the midsts of sentences, between the lines. I hope this text can possibly inspire you or shed some clarity on how you can further your service to the Infinite Creator. I would also appreciate if you told your own perspectives, because I would be glad to hear them. And do not forget that everyone can serve! I am your friend. Thanks.
In this way you may teach those still 'sleeping', if I may use this misnomer. Although those overly compassionate seekers will not see the negativity with transparency. All is Love. How can you teach with compassion and wisdom that new seeker? Do not share too much knowledge in dialogues, guard her best interests in your Heart. Portray your message in a generally encouraging way. And how may you teach the wise one? Express your personal reality because you are the only one who can do it. The Self is the Creator. If you do not express your personal reality, then perhaps life will feel utterly numb for you---meaningless like it will offer you only bad presents, and you will live an unexamined life according to the choices of others and the society, which do not necessarily have your best interests in mind, whatever those are. I do not speak of anyone in particular, and I do not negate the value of such an experience. But perhaps most importantly, all beings are radiant, some more than others. It is only in this and lower densities that this radiancy of other selves is not generally felt on a conscious level, but nevertheless it is there. Upgrade your consciousness, your energy, so you may leave a trace of this divine spark everywhere you go. When you are yourself, you are serving all, by simply being.
Lastly, if you have accepted this honor/responsibility of being a 'lightworker', it is important you understand that you also learn from others. Help them because your love for them spills out of your being, but do not force anyone. Let them help you because you love yourself. All is one.
I know the tone of this post can sound extremely teach-oriented, but I do not speak with arrogance. I do not claim I have 'higher' knowledge, I am just a messenger. The learn/teach understandings are there in the midsts of sentences, between the lines. I hope this text can possibly inspire you or shed some clarity on how you can further your service to the Infinite Creator. I would also appreciate if you told your own perspectives, because I would be glad to hear them. And do not forget that everyone can serve! I am your friend. Thanks.