05-29-2014, 03:57 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-29-2014, 12:24 PM by Adonai One.)
Ray: A phenomenon of radiation of the will of the self towards the will of the macrocosm.
Blockage: A restriction of the will towards either polarity. A blockage in this case applies towards polarization towards the positive.
Red-ray: Will towards consciousness of the self and experience.
Blockage: A desire to be unconscious of certain experience or experiences. (e.g. a lack of will to live, great fear of trauma)
Orange-ray: Will towards expression of the self in potential; Consideration of the self's present desires.
Blockage: A desire to be unconscious of the self's desires in the face of an experience or experiences. (e.g. self-sacrifice)
Yellow-ray: Will of expression of the self towards other selves.
Blockage: A desire not to have the will contrast anothers; A fear of causing tension in the will of the self or the will of the other.
Green-ray: Will of expression of the self towards the desires of others.
Blockage: A lack of desire of seeing the desires of other individuals; Seeing society as an ideal state and image and not as individuals with desires.
Blue-ray: Will of expression of the self towards the completion of the desires of others.
Blockage: A lack of desire to work with others out of fear that a goal cannot be completed with others and/or the control of others towards a certain goal.
Indigo-ray: Will of expression of the self towards unifying the will in two or more selves as well as with general reality.
Blockage: An inability to see the other as yourself and vice-versa (majority of human beings); An inability to see yourself in your work.
Violet-ray: Will of expression of the self unifying with all things.
Blockage: No blockages truly exist in this ray as the evolution of the spirit is the constant unblocking of this ray towards becoming the entire macrocosm. To unblock this ray completely is to see the self as the macrocosm in complete consciousness of all things.
The Seven Wills:
1. A will to be.
2. A will to see the self as true.
3. A will to see others as true.
4. A will to see pleasure in the self and others as true.
5. A will to see fulfilled pleasure as true.
6. A will to see all as true.
7. A will to be true.
Blockage: A restriction of the will towards either polarity. A blockage in this case applies towards polarization towards the positive.
Red-ray: Will towards consciousness of the self and experience.
Blockage: A desire to be unconscious of certain experience or experiences. (e.g. a lack of will to live, great fear of trauma)
Orange-ray: Will towards expression of the self in potential; Consideration of the self's present desires.
Blockage: A desire to be unconscious of the self's desires in the face of an experience or experiences. (e.g. self-sacrifice)
Yellow-ray: Will of expression of the self towards other selves.
Blockage: A desire not to have the will contrast anothers; A fear of causing tension in the will of the self or the will of the other.
Green-ray: Will of expression of the self towards the desires of others.
Blockage: A lack of desire of seeing the desires of other individuals; Seeing society as an ideal state and image and not as individuals with desires.
Blue-ray: Will of expression of the self towards the completion of the desires of others.
Blockage: A lack of desire to work with others out of fear that a goal cannot be completed with others and/or the control of others towards a certain goal.
Indigo-ray: Will of expression of the self towards unifying the will in two or more selves as well as with general reality.
Blockage: An inability to see the other as yourself and vice-versa (majority of human beings); An inability to see yourself in your work.
Violet-ray: Will of expression of the self unifying with all things.
Blockage: No blockages truly exist in this ray as the evolution of the spirit is the constant unblocking of this ray towards becoming the entire macrocosm. To unblock this ray completely is to see the self as the macrocosm in complete consciousness of all things.
The Seven Wills:
1. A will to be.
2. A will to see the self as true.
3. A will to see others as true.
4. A will to see pleasure in the self and others as true.
5. A will to see fulfilled pleasure as true.
6. A will to see all as true.
7. A will to be true.