03-28-2014, 02:55 PM
from: http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/is..._0829.aspx
the question of the Free Will in choosing one's incarnational plan before birth, and the Free Will of experiencing one's life choices during one's incarnation has passed through my mind at various times.
the question of the Free Will in choosing one's incarnational plan before birth, and the Free Will of experiencing one's life choices during one's incarnation has passed through my mind at various times.
Q'uo Wrote:Sunday Meditation
August 29, 1993
Group question: The question this afternoon has to with destiny. We are wondering if our destinies are fixed, more or less, or if we can affect our destiny. And we would like to know just a little bit about how destiny works and how it manifests in our lives.
(Carla channeling)
I am Q’uo. Greetings in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. We are most pleased to be called to this group to discuss destiny with you and we humbly thank each for allowing us to share our opinions through this instrument.
Our personal destiny, in the short term, is to await the call of spiritual seekers such as you, and to respond either through channels such as this one or in the dreamings of those who are seeking. Through this instrument’s senses we feel the sun as its rays warm her and each of you through the window of your dwelling place. The light is golden and clear, the temperature balmy and warm. And it is easy to find—we correct this instrument—to feel that golden hours such as this shall never end. Yet each knows that the seasons will cycle around to the winter and where there is now golden warmth, there will one day, not too far away, be chill and cold where now the skies brim with light. This is the destiny of the home upon whose surface you live—to turn ceaselessly, moving through days and seasons and cycles.
So, too, it is with the beings which we could call heavenly bodies which are your true selves. Each, before the beginning of incarnation, has either of his own volition or with the aid of guidance chosen the lessons to be learned within the incarnation. This sets up one axis of event stream.
Agreements also have been made, before the beginning of incarnation, with each entity which shall be in key relationship to you—the mother and father, the brothers or sisters, the mate, the children. These relationships, be they informal—called friends—or formal—such as marriage and family—represent the perpendicular axis of what you could loosely call personal destiny.
Freedom of will is retained throughout the outworking of the long trail of a personal history. There is almost always far more than one option from which to chose at any juncture in which the seeker attempts to mold his destiny. One might, as this instrument has in the past, use the concept of a trip to Chicago. If three seekers go from Louisville to Chicago, they may well go three different ways. What is destined is the eventual arrival in Chicago. Within the bounds of this destination, free will may be used to choose the manner of conveyance and the rate of speed with which this destination is approached.
To move into a somewhat deeper consideration, we would suggest that the destiny may be thought of as that which comes into and captures the heart and the spirit within a seeker so that, even though many other options may be available, there is a sense of gazing into a lane or avenue which is simply more appealing than other options. Although a seeker has his destiny, that—we correct this instrument—it does not follow that the seeker knows or can fully know his destiny.
Consequently, when attempting to cooperate with destiny, as you discussed earlier, it is well to attempt to become ever more sensitive to that feeling of rightness, of clarity, and the feeling of fitting well into one particular option. When once this feeling is followed, then for those willing to live by faith and the feeling of rightness, the life may feel that it is being lived more and more without effort, more and more like the well-oiled rifle which accepts the bullet and powers it most swiftly and straightly to the target through all the air in between.
The spirit within has the capacity to live as the bullet does: swiftly, straightly, accurately and with substantial force. Even those who are without any sense of personal destiny may well find events quickening and becoming more simple, simply because there has been, for whatever reason, a willingness to move forward without resistance when change of some kind is seemingly necessary.
So, we would say to you that the greatest skill which the spirit may offer, when working with one’s destiny, is that skill which surrenders the intellectual and logical modes of thought, and instead adopts a willing and flowing attitude which allows the seeker to feel its way until that which feels right within has been discovered.
The permeability of destiny to accident is variable, depending upon how far from the target or hub of destiny a seeker may be. When a lesson has just been begun, that is the equivalent of being in Louisville and having enough supply of money to afford a variety of ways to Chicago. As choices are made and the lessons go forward, that is, analogously, as Chicago is neared, there are fewer uncertainties about how the next few occurrences will unfold, for there is less room in which to work, less latitude concerning the approach to the, shall we say, punch line of the lesson.
And in terms of living and cycling into the end of your particular incarnation, this holds true, so that at the beginning of the incarnation, there is at least one locus or point at which the opportunity to end the incarnational lesson shall be great. This opportunity may come, however, more than once, and this is due to there being not one lesson upon most entities’ agendas for an incarnation, but more than one. And after a certain minimum number of lessons, which varies, has been reached, there is the choice to allow this lesson to be the last or to work through another lesson. So we cannot say that the time of an entity’s death is fixed. However, in the sense that there is perhaps one extra choice or perhaps two extra choices to be made and know, more than certainly the destiny awaiting each may be seen to be inevitable.
You may see the effect of this walking away from the hard work of learning the lessons reflected in so many of your people who find themselves within what they feel to be an empty existence without rhyme or reason. Once a sufficient number of lessons have been avoided, it is very difficult to get into the rhythm of the dance which destiny, in its outwork, truly is.