04-06-2013, 12:36 AM
(04-05-2013, 02:39 AM)52midnight Wrote: > Always remember, if you feel that you're a wanderer, you're here to help *other selves* make the harvest.
I disagree strongly. In my experience, a wanderer may have many different motives. I have very little interest in helping "*other selves* make the harvest", if only because there are plenty of others already doing that.
This planet has a unique "colour" of negativity that has created many unique aspects of consciousness, and I'm most interested in retaining these aspects, but detached from their negative origins. This requires me to "identify" with the negative aspects that created them, then "dis-identify" whilst carrying the valuable "condensations" with me. Very difficult and only ever partially successful in a first attempt, but my success rate is improving. This leaves me no time to trouble myself with the "harvestability" of those who are probably lost causes in any case.
My best wishes to those carrying on this other humanitarian work, but I think it's very misleading to insist that novice wanderers should abide by what is essentially an Abrahamic interpretation of the role.
That sounds like a very interesting and wonderful adventure. I wish you, as the creator, love/light in your journey. There is no "divine will" that one must follow but rather one creates their own divine will and then follows it. Each person is here for their own purpose of discovering themselves/the creator. I may join you in your experiments with consciousness in some time/space.