02-26-2010, 03:39 PM
I've come to a point in life where I can no longer trust any spirit guides or light beings in the dream state/metaphysical realms. I only trust myself and my own intentions when it comes to dreams, as well as lucid dreams. Of course there are degrees of trust, but I'm talking about FULL or BLIND trust. I question everything, and as long as I am alive in this realm, I will continue to do so...it is in my nature since being a child, and I have no intention of changing that attitude. It was a very taxing attitude for a while, but it has now become a comical/liberating attitude for me, as well as a subconscious safeguard against anyone who would like to mess around with me in this experience (physical or metaphysical). I realize there is VERRRY little information in the Law of One that I believe 100%, but that's mostly because the rest of it just seems unimportant to me.
In a recent meditation I stated to myself and to the cosmos my intention for the rest of this incarnation, concerning "outside" help. It went something like this...
"Only my higher self, and those guides who I chose to help me through this life before I was born are allowed to influence me in my non-physical adventures. Since I do not know who those guides are or what they look like, I cannot trust them fully either, so I will in essence only be trusting myself."
This new attitude is partly a response to the concept of malevolent beings who would try to trick you, as well as my dissatisfaction with veiled information (symbols meant to be interpreted) that is offered by those who must respect my free will.
It's quite humorous to me that when I am fully conscious in the metaphysical realms, I only trust myself 100% and my intentions to experience different things while exploring those realms. I have met quite a few beings who were seemingly individual entities and not just a manifestation of my desires AND who felt very much compassionate to me, but I still cannot trust any of them. Not fully. And I like it that way.
I can imagine myself at the end of this incarnation, waking in my metaphysical body saying to myself, "well, this life is over, I do not fully trust any outside entities to guide me to any new realms, Now I will wait for my loved ones to finish their lives, and then find my way home solo." This thought bring me much joy and excitement.
I wanted to share this new outlook, and I am interested in what kind of reflections or thoughts you might have concerning your own experience, in relation to this overall attitude I just described...I highly enjoy reading your perspectives on my perspective, and as always...
In a recent meditation I stated to myself and to the cosmos my intention for the rest of this incarnation, concerning "outside" help. It went something like this...
"Only my higher self, and those guides who I chose to help me through this life before I was born are allowed to influence me in my non-physical adventures. Since I do not know who those guides are or what they look like, I cannot trust them fully either, so I will in essence only be trusting myself."
This new attitude is partly a response to the concept of malevolent beings who would try to trick you, as well as my dissatisfaction with veiled information (symbols meant to be interpreted) that is offered by those who must respect my free will.
It's quite humorous to me that when I am fully conscious in the metaphysical realms, I only trust myself 100% and my intentions to experience different things while exploring those realms. I have met quite a few beings who were seemingly individual entities and not just a manifestation of my desires AND who felt very much compassionate to me, but I still cannot trust any of them. Not fully. And I like it that way.

I can imagine myself at the end of this incarnation, waking in my metaphysical body saying to myself, "well, this life is over, I do not fully trust any outside entities to guide me to any new realms, Now I will wait for my loved ones to finish their lives, and then find my way home solo." This thought bring me much joy and excitement.
I wanted to share this new outlook, and I am interested in what kind of reflections or thoughts you might have concerning your own experience, in relation to this overall attitude I just described...I highly enjoy reading your perspectives on my perspective, and as always...