02-06-2010, 01:06 AM
I had the most awesome dream about three months ago and I think of it often. I felt to share it with you - it's awesome - at least I think so. I'll try not to be too wordy.
The thing about this dream was it felt SO real!
I dreamed I was suddenly outside, and there was a spaceship coming towards me. I pointed at it and started yelling out (happily) "See! This is what I was talking about! It's REAL! It's all REAL!" I waved at the UFO, and when I did, it landed in front of me - it was a saucer-type craft. It was shiny and metallic, and had bronze-like highlights running through it. It made no sound whatsoever. A door opened, and out walked an alien, but this alien appeared to be part robotic. I was stunned to see all this happening before my eyes.
I waved at the alien, as if I knew it. The alien lifted up it's hand, waved back, and then aimed the palm of his hand at me and out came a bright (BRIGHT!!) beam of light right towards my hand. I dodged it and I was terrified, thinking it was trying to destroy me or something. My big fear was not knowing what he beam would do.
The alien seemed unaffected and did not judge me. I felt he sensed my fear. He simply lifted his hand again and aimed it at me. This time I decided to be brave. I lifted my hand and faced my palm towards him. He shot out the beam of light and it hit my hand. I felt a buzzing sensation, and an enormous, warm energy enter my hand and spread up my arm and then throughout my entire body. The feeling that engulfed me and filled me was incredibly good - a massive euphoria.
Then the alien aimed at me again and this time his light beam hit me in the chest and I was filled with THE most incredible love feeling I have ever experienced. It was THICK...almost tangible. It was nearly overwhelming.
I began walking around and looking at every little thing in my world - people, plants, tables, chairs, buildings, leaves...everything. I felt a completely one-ness with all things, and I was TOTALLY IN LOVE with all things. I saw "mean" people and total jerks, and I loved them so much that I could hardly contain it. Everything and everybody was loved by me. I felt tears constantly welling up in my eyes. I was panting to keep from squealing as loud as I could.
I then saw a small toddler and the child was just sitting there playing quietly, with a smile on its face. The love that I felt for that child was more intense than any love I had felt previously. Tears freely flowed. During this entire experience, after being shot by the light, I was smiling from ear to ear non-stop.
People began to notice me and they knew I was filled with unconditional love. I felt like I was supposed to be this way, but just forgot. I was so happy that I cannot adequately describe it...not even a little bit.
Thanks for reading!