The Biblical idea of the 'lion lying down with the lamb' is considered an icon of the 'end times.' I don't care much for the Bible, but I've sometimes wondered whether there is any truth to the idea of 2D entities somehow living harmoniously, without having to kill one another for survival. I've wondered how common it is for such an arrangement. Do 2D entities slaughter one another on other 3D planets, or is this bloody way of life unique to our 'school for juvenile delinquents'?
As we near 4D, what is going on with the 2D population? Are they evolving too? We know that many animals, and even some trees, are harvestable to 3D. This might indicate that many others are in various stages of reaching harvestability.
I find it fascinating to see the myriad examples of animals behaving in ways outside the norms of their instinct. Animals thinking...and even thinking outside the box...thinking creatively...helping other animals...seeming to feel compassion! ...and even doing things that seem almost...human.
We all know dogs are known for saving the lives of humans. But what about cows saving other cows? Chickens learning how to trick their captors? And...lions adopting baby animals that would normally be their prey?
What is the significance of these odd incidents? They aren't so rare anymore. A quick youtube search will yield many, many examples of 'odd' animal behavior. In many cases, it really does seem like the animals are thinking complex, creative ideas, and feeling complex emotions.
The following video is but one of many, many examples. Please post any you find. It would be fascinating to accumulate a collection of documentation regarding the ongoing evolution of our younger other-selves.
Must Watch: A Lioness Adopts a baby antelope. A short documentary that will open your eyes.
And here's another similar story:
Leopard saves baby baboon
As we near 4D, what is going on with the 2D population? Are they evolving too? We know that many animals, and even some trees, are harvestable to 3D. This might indicate that many others are in various stages of reaching harvestability.
I find it fascinating to see the myriad examples of animals behaving in ways outside the norms of their instinct. Animals thinking...and even thinking outside the box...thinking creatively...helping other animals...seeming to feel compassion! ...and even doing things that seem almost...human.
We all know dogs are known for saving the lives of humans. But what about cows saving other cows? Chickens learning how to trick their captors? And...lions adopting baby animals that would normally be their prey?
What is the significance of these odd incidents? They aren't so rare anymore. A quick youtube search will yield many, many examples of 'odd' animal behavior. In many cases, it really does seem like the animals are thinking complex, creative ideas, and feeling complex emotions.
The following video is but one of many, many examples. Please post any you find. It would be fascinating to accumulate a collection of documentation regarding the ongoing evolution of our younger other-selves.
Must Watch: A Lioness Adopts a baby antelope. A short documentary that will open your eyes.
And here's another similar story:
Leopard saves baby baboon