10-10-2012, 06:09 AM
If all is Illusion except the Infinite Creator.....
In the last couple of months, I have been investigating my inability to clearly see/visualize in my mind the things that I desire to have manifested and when I have a glimps, I immediately feel an inability to focus/concentrate on it.
I then tried to experiment with some of the solutions I read about on the Internet; one of these is to choose something to observe/to just look at without thoughts and judgement or labeling. I chose the candle, I lit it and started the experiment. I would try my best to observe the flame for up to 3 minutes but have only managed about one minute or less.
It was during one of my attempts that I started thinking about how my thoughts would always jump from one problem to another. I considered the frustration for a while and I could hear clearly in my mind the words, 'everything is an illusion, even problems are illusory'.
I stayed with this thought for as long as I could before my mind jumped off again and I have since been returning to the thought as often as I can remember to.
One of the ideas that came to me after this is; if all is illusory, including problems, then what exactly am I or other humans trying to solve?, if the problems do not exist, it does mean that there really are no solutions or are there....?
I left the thought and the ideas floating and just looking at them once in a while until, Enoch Tan sent me an email with content from the Hidden Hand, I read through and began to see what seems to be the root of all problems. The Hidden Hand said he knew about a Ra MATERIAL or Law of One and made a statement about it's correctness and this took me to L/L Reseach website and Bring4th.
I have read the Law of One now and other excerpts and I feel very humbled/happy about my new found outlook even though I am still working on the focus thing. I also think it is funny how lighting a candle seemed to lead me to this light.
I would really like to learn more from those that know more and will appreciate comments and new knowledge as I wonder still...
If all except the Infinite Creator is an illusion or a grand dream, should I in realizing this just look at problems and smile; e.g. I am learning to properly focus my mind and concentrate my thoughts and this seems a problem, do I consider it an illusion and quit trying to solve the illusion.
I really would love your ideas ane help with this.
Thank you, and may the blessings of the Infinite Creator be!
In the last couple of months, I have been investigating my inability to clearly see/visualize in my mind the things that I desire to have manifested and when I have a glimps, I immediately feel an inability to focus/concentrate on it.
I then tried to experiment with some of the solutions I read about on the Internet; one of these is to choose something to observe/to just look at without thoughts and judgement or labeling. I chose the candle, I lit it and started the experiment. I would try my best to observe the flame for up to 3 minutes but have only managed about one minute or less.
It was during one of my attempts that I started thinking about how my thoughts would always jump from one problem to another. I considered the frustration for a while and I could hear clearly in my mind the words, 'everything is an illusion, even problems are illusory'.
I stayed with this thought for as long as I could before my mind jumped off again and I have since been returning to the thought as often as I can remember to.
One of the ideas that came to me after this is; if all is illusory, including problems, then what exactly am I or other humans trying to solve?, if the problems do not exist, it does mean that there really are no solutions or are there....?
I left the thought and the ideas floating and just looking at them once in a while until, Enoch Tan sent me an email with content from the Hidden Hand, I read through and began to see what seems to be the root of all problems. The Hidden Hand said he knew about a Ra MATERIAL or Law of One and made a statement about it's correctness and this took me to L/L Reseach website and Bring4th.
I have read the Law of One now and other excerpts and I feel very humbled/happy about my new found outlook even though I am still working on the focus thing. I also think it is funny how lighting a candle seemed to lead me to this light.
I would really like to learn more from those that know more and will appreciate comments and new knowledge as I wonder still...
If all except the Infinite Creator is an illusion or a grand dream, should I in realizing this just look at problems and smile; e.g. I am learning to properly focus my mind and concentrate my thoughts and this seems a problem, do I consider it an illusion and quit trying to solve the illusion.
I really would love your ideas ane help with this.
Thank you, and may the blessings of the Infinite Creator be!