07-03-2011, 11:50 PM
bang kaew, i don't see their message the same way. sides, didn't Abraham say it was Jesus who healed the sick by not seeing them as sick but instead focusing on the source field flow of wellness that belongs to everybody and thus making them well? (paraphrasing)
lowering your vibration to care for another is noble but foolish, if you can instead stay high and thus affect the other one much more that way. Abraham has never said afaik that you should not care for a dying person. if you've ever heard Esther say that please gimme a link. Abraham teaches a tool, they do not tell you to use it for good or bad, they instead provide information. so it's up to the person to use it for either. Abraham doesn't judge.
lowering your vibration to care for another is noble but foolish, if you can instead stay high and thus affect the other one much more that way. Abraham has never said afaik that you should not care for a dying person. if you've ever heard Esther say that please gimme a link. Abraham teaches a tool, they do not tell you to use it for good or bad, they instead provide information. so it's up to the person to use it for either. Abraham doesn't judge.