(12-14-2020, 07:42 AM)Louisabell Wrote: Ok - serious question ... doesn't anyone think that there may be some "trickery afoot" when it comes to progressing on the STS path?
Example - you live your 3D existence busting your butt to build up this godly ego, only then to graduate as a pleb into a 4D negative social-memory-complex with a 5D entity at its head. You go from being Genghis Khan, greatest warlord that ever lived, to ... a shipping clerk![]()
Quote:11.15 ... Ra: I am Ra. ... He is, as you would term this entity, a shipping clerk.
Like it has to be some kind of joke right?
Hmm yes..
But that is nothing new for Temujin...
He started out as a little boy in a small tribe, watching his dad got murdered, abandoned and betrayed by his own tribe, tortured and enslaved by other tribe, wife got kidnapped, raped and pregnant by the seed of her kidnapper.
Through experiencing pain, hardship, humiliation and fear he will built his power to the top, as he has did before.
For 'the negs' all of the fear and hate based experience is a catalyst to become stronger.
He might serve his current master now, out of fear, as 'shipping clerk' but after he gained enough strength eventually he will lay out a 'coup' to his own master to become the new master. Only to find out that there's another master up in the hierarchy, and the cycle repeat as he works his way to the top of the hierarchy.
Quote:And yes, I admit to totally projecting my own fears onto this equation. I hate the concept of a STS path, I wish it was never mentioned in the LOO, which was supposed to be a philosophy of unity, not duality. All this focus on duality has given me this ridiculous irrational fear that I'll somehow graduate to 4D negative, unwittingly. I have no idea why I can't shake this irrational fear, as I actually do really love people, that's never been all that hard for me.
Stay focus on the 'hate', the 'fear', the 'pain' and the 'anger' to explore the negative polarity...