10-18-2012, 02:25 PM
(10-18-2012, 01:55 PM)Meerie Wrote:(10-18-2012, 12:49 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote:Quote:Ra may have said, "In truth, there is no right and wrong" but that is sort of a theoretical statement that applies to their density, but not ours. Here in third density there actually IS right and wrong. These are called "STO" and "STS". Even if they aren't absolute right and wrong, they are certainly relative right and wrong, depending on how we wish to polarize.
Similarly, though the Law of One might say there is no distinction between "self" and "other", this again is merely theoretical. Here in third density, there is a real difference between "self" and "other", and this difference is VERY IMPORTANT for us to understand here, or else we will never graduate.
This is because "The Choice" is given to us to decide BETWEEN "STO" and "STS". We make "The Choice" every time we decide to serve others, rather than serving ourselves. This is how we polarize and graduate from third density.
We cannot both serve others and serve the self simultaneously. That is impossible. Since there is a real distinction between "self" and "other", we must choose between them here in third density. What is more, don't be fooled by those who claim there really is no difference. They are in the "sinkhole of indifference" and if you believe them, you will not polarize and you will not graduate.
STO, or service-to-others, is kind of like being a goody-two-shoes. It is doing nice things for people, trying to placate them, and acquiescing to their incessant demands. In order to accomplish this, we must put others before ourselves, and subjugate our own heart's desire in order to be "of service" to others. Thus being "STO" boils down to being a servant to other people's egos, and projecting "love and light" at all times, even if this is not our experience in the moment.
STS, or service-to-self, means being selfish by attending to one's own needs and desires. If we put ourselves first in life, surely we are negatively polarizing. And moreover, this is wrong. If we keep doing this, we will eventually become "evil" beings. Like the "Illuminati" or the "Cabal". We must be ever vigilant about these "others" which we have termed the "Illuminati" and the "Cabal" because their primary goal in life is to trick us into becoming STS like them.
In fact, the primary way that they trick us is by getting us to believe that the Law of One applies here in third density. By causing us to believe that "in truth, there is no right and wrong" and that "there is no real distinction between self and other" we will fall into the trap of accepting these others as ourselves. And if we accept them, that means we approve of what they are doing, and are complicit in their actions.
Hurry! Time is running out!
Tenet, I think the confusion stems from that we are dealing with two different paradigms here, 3D and then the upper levels, that Ra speaks about from their point of view, where "in truth, there is no right or wrong".
I do however believe
1) that they do interlap here already and that we all had glimpses of that already
2) that it is possible to reach a state even in this 3D density where there in deed is no difference anymore.
Where the self and other selves are not viewed as separate anymore.
I think that is what buddhists and teachers like Alan Watts talk about, that happens when we reach what is commonly termed enlightenment.
And then the choice between STO and STS is obsolete because once you view there is no separation, how could you then possibly be harming anyone?
since all is one anyways...
Which is why the STS path is so confused as far as I'm concerned. Throughout history, it's clearly evident that STO allows you development that is much more comprehensive here in 3d. If one were clearly self centered, and wise I would think you would seek the most rapid path to developing as quickly and completely as possible.