10-03-2012, 02:17 PM
(10-01-2012, 10:04 PM)xise Wrote: Question: Is there any particular relationship required between an (incarnated) entity and it's greatest (incarnative) fear before a certain level of spiritual progress?....
I'm asking because, as others have noted, the speed of catalyst is increasing. I feel I came to this incarnation to explore my greatest fear (issues of self-love/unlovability...which make no rational sense I know!! But I also know I will process this catalyst completely one day).....
Xise, as one who has struggled with a very similar fear for many many years, (probably my whole life, but it only really started to show outside the comfy realm of childhood) I send you my love duder. I KNOW how difficult it is. At this very space/time nexus

Becoming aware of this fear many years ago, was my first experience with the Tower archetype and is was started my spiritual seeking. Since that first lightning strike, I have done much, much work (seemingly constant, honestly) to unknot and move past this fear, but while having made great progress, it persisted until it manifested. I admire your sureity that you will fully process this catalyst one day as I have no doubt that you will. You have a very strong spirit (you must to maintain course on your spiritual path in such a tumultous line of work.

I found some helpful bits in this Q'uo session:
http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/is..._0501.aspx Wrote:... We speak always about love. Our message continues to be simple, to the point of confounding the wise. We ask you to open to the love of the infinite Creator; we ask you to become aware of the presence of this love as the center of the life; we ask you that you work towards creating within the self a channel for that infinite love so that this highest truth may be attested to by the solid witness of your being.
Now, could you accomplish this, you would be dwelling within the fourth density at this time. It is expected and appreciated that the nature of learning is the attempt and often the failure to manifest the infinite love of the infinite Creator.
...One cannot maintain a mentality of a spiritual homework beyond a certain point, for the homework is for a test that will not be held within your lifetime. You see, the self seldom has any very accurate notion of its own essential issues, needs and excellences. Rather, the self tends to perceive the self in a fairly distorted pattern because the self is so hidden from the conscious mind, and because the self within the flesh cannot truly see the self within, there is that veil drawn.
...Each self carries a great and terrible burden, that is, the self-perceived difficulties and errors and mischief which the self has seen the self think, speak and do. No other entity who dwells with you will ever be able to share this burden with you, for even if you were able to talk, confessing every sin you could think of, every error you could remember, yet still would the self feel that such was not truly enough to wash clean human frailty. This is an accurate perception. You did not come into this incarnation to get everything right but to be a witness to love and light. You are not going to become right or better or finished but will remain one who seems to sow seeds in the wind.
(10-01-2012, 10:43 PM)Brittany Lynn Wrote: IIt's like running through a landmine to get to the grocery store. Sure, you hit that sale they were having on cake mix, but now you're missing a leg. Was the exchange worth it?
ROFL!! I adore your sense of humor Lynn!!
(10-02-2012, 05:52 PM)βαθμιαίος Wrote: ... you might try, if you think it safe, imagining the fear happening and yourself living through it. You could try forgiving and accepting your self and any others involved as you're envisioning the fearful situation.
I have found that if I can move mentally into a fear and inhabit it without resistance, then, like Brittany Lynn said, eventually it is released and joy replaces it.
I would note that with a technique such as this that there is a danger of side-stepping one's true intention of dissolving the fear by creating thoughtforms surrounding a situation that has yet to manifest. While I think it is a good practice in general, it seems that if one is unaware of the root cause of the fear, that there is a potential for disillusionment if the fear persists.
I agree with Lynn that while facing one's greatest fear is of the utmost value to your spiritual growth, I do not think that any relationship in particular (i.e. feeling a sense of completion/victory) is required in terms of graduation.