09-23-2012, 08:04 PM
1987 is an illusion and so the harvest began within an illusion. Therefore the harvest began when each soul caused it to begin according to the birth or creation of that soul and the completion of their season of third density. All is illusion and so too are dates and times. So I ask - Who did the harvest begin for in 1987? Answer - The One! Who does it begin for today? The One as well! Was there a yesterday and tomorrow for the One? Only in the illusion. The One will begin the harvest and the One will end the Consummation of the Ages( the harvest). Time means nothing here as it is the illusion. You are variable and the subject that matters. Ra tells you this in so many words. 2012 means nothing more than a stated date for the harvest of a certain soul. Are you that soul? You are if you are the One!.