09-23-2012, 04:26 PM
(09-23-2012, 01:16 PM)Siren Wrote:(09-23-2012, 09:14 AM)ShinAr Wrote: This undoubtedly disagrees with many who say that their loved one returns to guide them or to watch over them. Or to those who say that the deceased return in that identity to haunt or to follow those they once interacted with.
What are your thoughts on the dead returning to us?
First of all, from my perspective there are no "dead." I see no distinction between "living" and "dead." There are only living fields of consciousness, as you would put it, that are either incarnated or discarnated (i.e. "born" in space/time or "dead" in time/space—yet both of them are alive).
Now, the time/space metaphysical environment functions under a different set of parameters than its space/time physical reality counterpart. Because of the inherent limitations of a 3rd density experience (and largely because of the veil in 3D space/time), the nature of reality and the mechanisms behind it will naturally be difficult to grasp and make sense of (as Ra said, 3D is not the density of understanding—and it really isn't). Therefore, I may only offer my current perspective on this (limited as it may be):
The "ghost" phenomenon is simply a sort of residual self-image, or gestalt, projected by the now discarnate entity from time/space in the image of its prior incarnate existence in space/time. This thought-form is created out of mental/emotional attachment to the most recent physical form. Contrary to popular belief, the 3D discarnate entity is not suddenly aware of the oneness and love of the Creator; the thoughts, biases and distortions, as well as the level of awareness and degree of spiritual development of the entity, will still be present in (and largely affect the) time/space experience. A 3D discarnate entity is still a 3D entity.
Thus, the great majority of "ghost hauntings" (if not all) are examples of earthly attachments and inability/unwillingness to move on and/or accept the "death" of its physicality (sometimes the discarnate entity is not even aware it is actually "dead"). This is, of course, only temporal.
The "ghost" itself (just as you in your physical form now) are not really your true "identity." Whether in space/time or time/space, each personality shell or construct is but a manifestation/projection/extension of your higher/inner selfness, which we could call an "oversoul." This oversoul has various simultaneous manifestations/projections/extensions of yourself across the densities (which obviously means that some of those projections are fauna/flora 2D entities too). Yet all of these, in sequential progression of evolutionary development, lead back to their/its oversoul. In this sense, the oversoul harvests all the experience in a cumulative thought-focus process.
As for the "dead" returning to visit the "living," this is entirely possible and does occur. However, what must be understood, once again, is that time/space functions quite differently than 3D space/time, thus many of these things are somewhat difficult to process from a 3D space/time perspective (heavily veiled, no less):
For example, the recently "deceased" can visit its family after its death. This will of course depend (and be filtered by) both the receptivity and perceptual awareness of the "living" as well as the conscious capacities of the newly "dead." In this case the contact would occur in a more or less a "real-time" fashion for both the "living" contactee and the discarnate entity.
In other cases, the "living" will yearn so much to contact its "dearly departed" that through a mental projection may create/invoke a thought-form in the image of the "beloved dead" imbued by the energy/consciousness/memory of said discarnate entity, even though this entity may have already left the time/space plane and may now be residing within another physical body in space/time.
In another case, a 3D incarnate entity may contact/summon/invoke some old, ancient discarnate being that lived over 2,000 years ago. This is the case with some magic practitioners, or spiritual seekers/adepts. Think of your friend Thoth, for example. What is being contacted/summoned/invoked, however, is the personality shell/construct associated to that particular "lifetime" of the entity. But you and I know, Shin'Ar, that Thoth is but a manifestation/projection/extension of an a greater oversoul [who knows, maybe you are part of that oversoul—hence your strong ties with Thoth—, and in that sense, you are Thoth; or rather, Thoth is part of your overall personality, or inner/higher selfness].
To clarify this example, let's say I contact/invoke Genghis Khan to lend me some negative wisdom associated to his particular lifetime. Mr. Khan may very well manifest through time/space to yield me some practical knowledge, even though Mr. Khan is—last I checked—a 4th density shipping clerk for the Orion Empire. How is this possible? This is possible because of the trans-temporal nature of time/space.
And yet in other instances, much of the "living-dead" communications and visitations are being handled by a 6D oversoul, or "magic personality" (either your own, or one connected to the "dead" entity in question).
Hope this wasn't too convoluted.
On one hand you suggest that the dead return to visit their loved ones, and on what evidence you base that I do not know,and yet, on the other hand you state that there is no death, and then, if you had yet another hand, and of that I admit that I also do not know, you declare that the disincarnate is naught but a 'personality shell/construct'.
I am glad that you have no more hands on which to count your many variations of what is.
Yes, my dear Siren, we do both know.
But your temporary identity still struggles with the reality of your 'personality shell/construct'. And you seem confident until one reads your words and sees the confusion and contradiction.
This is not meant as an insult for we all seek to discern our thought processes and make sense of our speculations in the quest for truth and knowledge. I simply remind you of that.
Now, death is very real. You will meet it quite intimately one day.
But this is the death of the temporary vehicle only. Nevertheless, in that experience, it is the certain death and final experience of that identity.
In the Inbetween that identity does not continue to exist as some immortal entity. And it shall certainly not return to existence as that identity. That which was is memory, and survives only as stored memory in the fields with which it connected.
Memory cannot return except in the minds of those that contain it.
What age and evolved degree that field, or as you call it, that 'personality shell/construct', had acquired through the course of its existence in this universe does not matter to those that connected with it as its last incarnation, or those which had ever connected with it as any of it previous identities. They knew only that it was someone they knew as a specific identity, which is now nothing more than a memory. They did not know it as a field of consciousness. A field of consciousness does not exist as a field of consciousness, it exists as memory in the stored consciousness of others. Its true form is a 'flame being' which experiences many forms of being, always returning to its eternal form of fire inbetween each material form.
Identity is only meaningful to those who remember it; those who have that experience stored in their field of consciousness.
To the field that experienced that incarnation and identity, now that it is ended, is no more than waste material and dust of the earth. That field now realizes that the identity it had then, was no more than a vehicle with which to drive through a particular journey of lessons and further development. And it now knows the next identity will be the same.
But it only knows this in the inbetween state of being. Once reincarnated, the new identity becomes veiled once more, only this time having the experience from past lessons learned which it did not have prior.
Each vehicle is another opportunity to discover that our true being does not really require a vehicle at all.
And in between vehicles we know this.
That knowledge gives the field no reason to intercede or return to any remnant of its past vehicle. All that it needs to do is discern that life and its lessons to prepare for the next vehicle, unless it has reached the state of awareness and being where it no longer requires being reincarnated in human form.
What purpose would there be in interfering with the lessons of others in a design and process in which your own field has been, and is going through?
Why would it don the facade of an old vehicle for the sake of entertaining the experiences of others who are caught up in exactly the same process?
The Lord Thoth is what I call that field which once bore that identity. In communication we who are incarnate, may honor those who we choose, and acknowledge any of their past vehicles, especially if a particular vehicle was responsible for enhancing or revealing certain experiences which correlate with your own path and experience.
It does not mean that such a Field of Consciousness continues to return or communicate as that past vehicle or identity. It simply means that It acknowledges my desire to honor that particular experience which it had and the legacy it left behind.
It is Thoth, just as it is many other names. But I do not call it by all the names it has ever known, for I call to it as Thoth.
And it does not exist in the future of Shin'Ar. It exists now.
But it does not exist now as Thoth, except in my memory, in my desire to recall that memory, and in my desire to connect with that present field of consciousness as a name and experience that it once bore.
Should my field return again to those who might know my field as Shin'Ar, it will not be as Shin'Ar, it will be as their memory of Shin'Ar, should they choose to recall me by that name.
This is what Ra is saying here my friend. And what I believe you are trying to say as well. But you fight your memories and experience for the sake of your temporary desires. Your desire to create truth is greater than your desire to discover it.
What ability or opportunity that one might have in the Inbetween is not known to us in our temporary form of being. It is all speculation. To some it is speculation based upon various thought processes that may not involve true seeking, but rather their need to be recognized as wise. To others it is speculation based upon much effort to learn and gather information from various sources.
None can declare that they have solved the Mystery.
But we can speak with some degree of wisdom if what we say is supported by many sources, rather than ego alone.
It is this same ego which sees the ghost before them as their loved one returned to them from the dead. It is their own memory and desire to reunite. It is the power and energy of the memory of that field which has moved on, and yet continues to remain connected to their own field in ways beyond anything the fragment can comprehend.
These are our ghosts. Powerful connections between fields which continue to resonate like a song will linger in the wind long after the minstrel is gone.
Those who understand these fields will know where their old friends really are. And they will know that those identities now exist as a beings very different than the one they once knew.
Those who understand will have no reason to think of ghosts and expect old vehicles to return.
Those who continue to struggle with their own ego, will also struggle over the identity of others.
Identity does not return. Memory will.