01-26-2010, 06:29 AM
(01-26-2010, 02:02 AM)Chett Wrote: So if an STS type wants to control you, you as an STO serve them by accepting. If you refuse you are serving self instead of other ... by this rationale we should all just be slaves to the will of other. Something about this is just not right.
If you investigate other STS/STO threads you will find that a number of us attempts to ignore to deem our actions as anything, we simply are ourselves. If you focus on the thought that all you do is proper and well and perfect, you need not deem. If you look upon all with love, you need not know wrong or right.
As for the 'not just right' perhaps you're referring to the paradox of servitude.
If I am you, then I serve you by serving me. STO becomes STS
If you am I, then I serve me by serving you. STS becomes STO
This obvious dilemma makes me refrain from judging. This is not the density of understanding. That's a long way to go!
We all serve each other by being ourselves - we serve the infinite creator which is you/me.