01-25-2010, 09:43 PM
(01-16-2010, 11:07 PM)kristy1111 Wrote: [align=justify]I know this isn't a huge deal but I've always wondered about it. Why is it that so many entities come through channelers with different accents? Some sound British, Australian, Indian, and some even roll their "R's". For some reason, when I hear one with an accent, it is harder for me to take them serious because in some ways it sounds silly to me. I guess I just figured that a higher entity would speak in the 'accent' of their instrument and not sound like they're from London...which I am assuming...they're not.
Hi kristy1111,
This is my first post here. On LOO I asked a question similar to yours and got nowhere. I was eventually directed here. So I became a member. The question I asked was about something in LOO Books. I noticed English 'terminology' and words only used in European English-speaking countries.
Of course there is no accent (Can we have access to hearing the tapes of Ra speaking through Carla?) The Books are all I have to go on but I know the difference between England and USA language that we have in common. No one seemed to take you seriously. That's what happens when people don't know the answer (no offence to anyone). Well, anyway I'm curious.