09-02-2012, 11:23 AM
Of course any here who know of Monica's love and desire for our animal friends to be treated with compassion know the gist of this post.
Should our 2d otherselves be given the same consideration with regard to compassion as our 3d otherselves if we are truly polarizing toward STO?
The answer in simplicity is "most certainly".
However, reality is not simplistic in nature. And many aspects of reality are meant to be treated in an intelligent compromise between emotional response and rational response. There would be no lessons to learn and no wisdom to be gained if all were as simple as acting spontaneously on emotion without consideration of complexity.
Much is to be taken into consideration, as I have tried to point out in many similar discussion on this matter.
What Michael D has said here is key to undetsnading this,
"Now, in terms of polarization in THIRD density, I believe there is a difference in each "level" of other-self. For instance, could you polarize STO if all you ever did was interact with second density other-selves? Possibly, but it would take much, much longer. I believe you need the incredibly complex set of emotions which only rises when interacting with third density other-selves. Would you ever discover the truly atrocious things in this world and in yourself by only interacting with second density other-selves? Then being able to accept these things and find compassion for the troubled beings which do them? This is just one of many examples of spiritual growth you would be denied if you only interacted second density other-selves." UNQUOTE
This understanding is wise beyond words, and I have earlier acknowledged his unique offering to this community.
There is an aspect to evolving which must be considered when trying to comprehend compassion, and that is the state of being during various stages of that process. What may be compassion in one state of being may not be compassion in another.
Compassion is defined in our state of being as an act of loving concern toward the state of being of another. In that very defintion we see that it is the 'state of being' that takes pecedence and must be therefore considered. the state of being of a grasshopper for example is very different than the state of being of a dog or cat. As a matter of fact I think many would acknowledge that the state of being between the cat and dog are very different.
In comparing the human state of being to 2d state of being, if we ignore the actual state of being as essential in the process, we create a dilemma that need be there.
I think it is alos key to apply what GWV has stated about interaction of fragments as one.
I always return to the fields of consciousness which I understand as our states of being. and as the state of being of every form in every density.
And when we understand that we interact as fields of consciousness moreso than we do as the temporary aspects of our temporary vibration in any particlualr desnity, than we can realize how very different such interaction would be from one density to another, and even between beings in their partuclar state of being within different densities.
How we interact is very personal and circumstantial. State of being must always be considered. Compassion cannot be defined the same from one state of being to another.
However love is the one constant that never changes regardless of state of being. However, love is not always a matter of similar reaction and interaction. Love is as complex as the universe which has spawned from it. Is euthenasia a form of love? Many will say no. Many others will say yes. Much is to be considered.
I may see an old man walking a poor old crippled dog down the road that is obviously in agony from being pulled along on the leash. In my observation the old man is torturing the poor animal. But the old man is simply walking the dog because he loves it and wants it to enjoy what he thinks is a nice walk. Is his form of love not love at all because of my perception an dunderstanding of the dynamics involved?
Is the old man expressing love or not?
State of being!
Degree of evolution!
All of these are key elements in comprehending interaction between fields of consciousness; or various forms of vibration, or 2d and 3d beings or states of being.
Should our 2d otherselves be given the same consideration with regard to compassion as our 3d otherselves if we are truly polarizing toward STO?
The answer in simplicity is "most certainly".
However, reality is not simplistic in nature. And many aspects of reality are meant to be treated in an intelligent compromise between emotional response and rational response. There would be no lessons to learn and no wisdom to be gained if all were as simple as acting spontaneously on emotion without consideration of complexity.
Much is to be taken into consideration, as I have tried to point out in many similar discussion on this matter.
What Michael D has said here is key to undetsnading this,
"Now, in terms of polarization in THIRD density, I believe there is a difference in each "level" of other-self. For instance, could you polarize STO if all you ever did was interact with second density other-selves? Possibly, but it would take much, much longer. I believe you need the incredibly complex set of emotions which only rises when interacting with third density other-selves. Would you ever discover the truly atrocious things in this world and in yourself by only interacting with second density other-selves? Then being able to accept these things and find compassion for the troubled beings which do them? This is just one of many examples of spiritual growth you would be denied if you only interacted second density other-selves." UNQUOTE
This understanding is wise beyond words, and I have earlier acknowledged his unique offering to this community.
There is an aspect to evolving which must be considered when trying to comprehend compassion, and that is the state of being during various stages of that process. What may be compassion in one state of being may not be compassion in another.
Compassion is defined in our state of being as an act of loving concern toward the state of being of another. In that very defintion we see that it is the 'state of being' that takes pecedence and must be therefore considered. the state of being of a grasshopper for example is very different than the state of being of a dog or cat. As a matter of fact I think many would acknowledge that the state of being between the cat and dog are very different.
In comparing the human state of being to 2d state of being, if we ignore the actual state of being as essential in the process, we create a dilemma that need be there.
I think it is alos key to apply what GWV has stated about interaction of fragments as one.
I always return to the fields of consciousness which I understand as our states of being. and as the state of being of every form in every density.
And when we understand that we interact as fields of consciousness moreso than we do as the temporary aspects of our temporary vibration in any particlualr desnity, than we can realize how very different such interaction would be from one density to another, and even between beings in their partuclar state of being within different densities.
How we interact is very personal and circumstantial. State of being must always be considered. Compassion cannot be defined the same from one state of being to another.
However love is the one constant that never changes regardless of state of being. However, love is not always a matter of similar reaction and interaction. Love is as complex as the universe which has spawned from it. Is euthenasia a form of love? Many will say no. Many others will say yes. Much is to be considered.
I may see an old man walking a poor old crippled dog down the road that is obviously in agony from being pulled along on the leash. In my observation the old man is torturing the poor animal. But the old man is simply walking the dog because he loves it and wants it to enjoy what he thinks is a nice walk. Is his form of love not love at all because of my perception an dunderstanding of the dynamics involved?
Is the old man expressing love or not?
State of being!
Degree of evolution!
All of these are key elements in comprehending interaction between fields of consciousness; or various forms of vibration, or 2d and 3d beings or states of being.