08-26-2012, 05:39 PM
http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/is..._0402.aspx Q'uo Wrote:We are not saying that you can create a meaning to numbers but rather that numbers, in and of themselves, have a character that you may come to know. In terms of repeating numbers, it is interesting to know what number is being repeated. Sometimes, there is no meaning to the repetition except as a wake-up call. If it is 11:11 when you have just thought a certain thought, if you look up and see that number, it is as though the creation were saying to you, “What did you just think? That was an interesting thought. Pay attention to that thought.”
In other cases, the number does have significance. Eleven, for instance, is a master number, so-called by this instrument and by the numerology books that she has read in the past. Therefore, if you are seeing 11:11 frequently, you are actually seeing a master number repeated, indicating that transformation is at hand. If you see 12:12 repeated, the energy of that number is an energy of completion. You may look further for yourself at the various numbers, one through nine and zero as well, to investigate this line of thinking further.
However, the most likely meaning of repeated numbers for entities who notice these things is that synchronicity from spirit that simply says, “Pay attention to your thoughts.
For myself personally, I have been noticing 11 and variations of that number in an ever-increasing manner. Mostly they are NOT after I have had a significant thought, but are just happening all the time in general.
I will take that "transformation is at hand".