08-19-2012, 09:41 PM
(08-14-2012, 07:45 PM)anagogy Wrote: "Densities" are basically just thresholds of consciousness.
As I read through the thread to this post, I was preparing to say exactly what Anagogy has said here.
This is another one of those instances where students of Ra become so confused by its terminology that actual interpretation becomes impossible.
If you replace density with field of consciousness one will better understand what Ra means when it speaks of densities.
Start with the Field of Consciousness from which All has spawned.
Place whatever number on that which makes you feel happy.
From that another field of consciousness spawns as the First Field expands by thought process and experience of its existence.
This would be the next density of the First experiencing its reality in a state of awareness. So the next density is just the next field of consciousness becoming/being/evolving.
This second is not separate from the first, or outside of the density that First Field. It is contained within that One density, and no matter how it vibrates, it will continue to of that same density. The evolution of it is not in becoming a different density. The evolution is in the information that is gathered by it as it experiences its existence.
It cannot contain the same information stored in the First Field because only that Field has experienced that event of existence, in other words the density of the second field is not as great as the First simply because the First contains more information and experience than the second.
However certain aspects of that First Field can be shared with the second, based upon its ability to comprehend and interpret the data that is shared. As more fields expand from those first, the densities/abilities/capacities to store and interpret data decrease in efficiency compared to that of the higher fields.
The evolution of these fields progresses as they share information with each other and experience their own unique set of realities. The First evolves via the sharing of the unique experiences of the lower fields. And the lower fields evolve via the sharing of each and every other field including that of the First.
This is the Sacred Geometry of The All; the Divine Design.
This is the Flower of Life; the microcosm and the macrocosm, as above so below.
As a field of consciousness evolves through this sharing of information between fields, its density/capacity increases and its ability/knowledge enables it to progress from lower to higher being/existing. In that progression we find both fields of ancient age/experience evolving, as well as fields of younger states/more recent thoughts of The One, also evolving from their particular densities into higher evolved states.
Obviously within this Design there will then be fields that were spawned as the first thoughts of The One, ancient and vastly dense, containing information and knowledge/ability far beyond a field that would not have been spawned for countless years after it.
And we will have fields being born into existence with each and every continuing thought process of The One. One was just born this very second somewhere and will begin the journey of evolving from its lower density of experience and capacity to the higher being it will become.
Thus we have the stones of a planet, the vegetation and other lower fields of consciousness that may or may not have actually even achieved a state of awareness.
And we have a field of consciousness in a higher density which has taken the form of a planet on which many lower fields will spawn and experience evolution. in this planetary form the field is no different than any other evolving field.
Consider that we human forms have residing on our own forms many lower forms that evolve just as we do on this planet. We might say that we are their planet. One higher field accommodating lower fields all within the same process.
When we think of density in this way we can begin to understand how they are thresholds to higher densities.
I am not sure why there is a designation of densities by numeration. All religions do this using references such as portals, gateways, ladders,etc., but I attribute that to human attempt at comprehending what is incomprehensible.
Is it possible that within the Divine Design that there are particular degrees of density which when achieved progress into another degree of density?
Who knows for sure!
In my thinking, density is more a matter of 'capacity of conscious' ,awareness and experience, which directly correlates to the event of evolving which I have just described above.
So when we ask about the awareness between fields of various densities, what we are really talking about is capacity to interpret that which is being experienced.
If we think of our own field of consciousness as being a literal field of sensitivity surrounding our temporary physical form, like a sonar or radar, we realize that it has a limited field of contact with our environment. Some are greater than others and more able to interpret the environment around them because of the information and experience stored within them.
The field of a lower consciousness would not extend as far around it as the field of a higher consciousness. Thus the ability to interpret and interact within its environment is limited to its capacity/density.
A highly evolved field of consciousness, or one that is of ancient experience, would have a field that extends around it of vast proportions.
The field of The One will extend beyond and contain the All.
The field of a solar system will extend much further than the field of a planet, and so on and so one all the way down through the capacities and experiences/evolution of each and every field of consciousness that comprises the All.
The stone may not be aware of your presence and interaction. You may be unaware of the presence of the Earth and its interaction with you. And yet All interact and evolve as One Field of Consciousness from the lowest to the Highest.
There should be no seeking of ascension from a lower density into the next, for the achievement of that is the simple and natural progression of the evolution of the Process of Being.
What we seek is direction so that such progression continues, as opposed to there being an unnecessarily slow rate of progression that causes a field to 'run around in circles' so to speak without any actual gain of density.
And to achieve that direction one must acknowledge and manage the duality of the Divine Design. Balance!
The seed of the oak does not strive to become another oak. That achievement is built into its Design. As it naturally evolves through the Process of Being, it will become its higher being.
However the success of that evolution requires direction which will allow for the necessities of that design to be fulfilled. That seed must go through a series of events that, when accomplished successfully as designed, will result in the transformation. many factors play in this design, such as sun, pollination, wind, adequate fertilization, etc.
Direction! The successful fulfilling of the requirements necessary to reach the next degree of density.
Direction! The choices made in a state of consciousness which enable the progressive evolution/Process of Being of that field into higher being.
Progression is not a matter of going from one density into another. It is a matter of direction, for with awareness comes decision/choice of direction which establishes the rate of progression.
That which is referred to as 'the veil' is simply the different frequencies between fields which inhibits lower fields from being able to interpret/or contain/absorb/gather the information stored in higher fields. The further in vibration one field is from another the more incompatible the ability to interact and share.