01-18-2010, 09:17 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-18-2010, 09:21 PM by Steppingfeet.)
(01-18-2010, 05:35 PM)blargg Wrote: i understand there are resource management issues while we are here
but selling this, it's not the way
the audio has been kept from the public for decades, why?
the original audio tapes, even if they be poor quality, should be released and allowed to be freely distributed to all who are willing to hear them.
if it costs money to do so, then do it for a short time, then allow others to carry on the burden by hosting themselves.
Dear Blargg,
Thank you for expressing your concerns on this forum and thank you for your kind remarks concerning those involved with L/L Research and Bring4th in a later post you made. I agree wholeheartedly with your positive comments. ; ) Hopefully I can clarify things a bit for you in my response. Please know that while I intend to be firm, I do not intend to chide.
The practice of vocal channeling, recording channeling, transcribing channeling, and editing channeling has been going on without interruption since 1974. The process of publishing this material to a website did not begin in earnest until the mid-90's when the webmaster of LLResearch.org began manually scanning thousands of hardcopy documents into digital format.
From taking the time to gather in a circle come rain or shine for over thirty years for the purpose of meditation, to the actual vocal channeling, to transcribing, to editing, to publishing the channeling, to living ones life in accord with the principles of the channeling, to the many, many other details that come up during this process -- a massive, collaborative effort of time, energy, health, money, and love has gone into this four decade old, ongoing project.
Jim and Carla McCarty have dedicated their whole lives to serving as instruments through which come these channeled messages that you seem to appreciate. Jim doing so despite constant exhaustion from hard work; Carla doing so despite constant pain from her physical ailments. Ian, LLResearch.org's webmaster, has dedicated the latter half of his life to making a home for this information on the web. Not to mention the hundreds of volunteers who have donated ten times as many hours transcribing these sessions over the years. You likely do not grasp all the effort that has gone into this venture. These are no small investments.
None of these parties have received any monetary gain for their efforts. On the contrary, up until the past two years, Carla and Jim have had to fund their non-profit organization, L/L Research, out of their own pockets each and every year for lack of needed revenue. And Ian, LLResearch.org's webguy, has offered countless hours, days, months, and years of his life without remuneration in order to make this material available to any interested seeker through L/L's archive website.
(Steve, Bring4th’s webmaster – also a volunteer who created and maintains this website after taking care of family, a full time job, and a long commute – created an online store for L/L Research in February of 2008. This has enabled more people to purchase L/L’s book and many generous others to make donations. This has kept L/L Research in the black, meaning Jim and Carla have not had to pay out of their own pocket to fund L/L beyond providing the organization a place from which to operate. This however does not mean that they have received any money personally. All monies received go to keeping L/L Research running.)
This has been a very costly venture for all parties involved, a constant sacrifice in terms of time, energy, health, money, and in the case of the Ra Contact, the loss of Don Elkins. The reward has come in the form of spirit - in the fulfillment that positively oriented entities feel when being of service to their fellow beings.
Considering the expenditure of time, energy, and money necessary to keep the project going, and the low return of money, one would expect that the instruments for and/or authors of this material would make it available for sale only - in order to recuperate expenses and save the outflow from their own wallets.
However, those to whom you ultimately address your complaint, Carla and Jim McCarty, made the decision to make virtually ALL of their life's work available for free to the interested seeker. Their thinking was simple and service-oriented: the material should not be withheld from anyone for lack of money. Though this has cost them who knows how many dollars and how many headaches of funding issues, they have faithfully stuck with this altruistic philosophy, making over 1,500 channeling transcripts and 11 some publications available for *free* from their archive website www.llresearch.org.
Typically when the seeker stumbles upon this treasure chest of information available at LLResearch.org - recognizing the material's infinite value to the entity desirous of spiritual evolution - they tend to feel and express gratitude for the opportunity and the privilege to have complete access to thousands of documents in a library brimming full of shining diamonds, material which they may bring into their heart without need to give L/L Research a single penny.
In the case of your honest and well-intentioned criticism, Blargg, your implication that vital, spiritually-oriented information has been deliberately "kept from the public for decades" is completely baseless. (I mean you no offense.) On the contrary, as I have explained, Carla and Jim have made virtually all of their life's work available for free.
No channeling has ever been withheld from the seeker because the complete *content* of the channeling lies forever accessible in the transcripts on the website. The audio on the other hand is just another form to enjoy the already freely available content.
The audio has been locked up on over 1,500 cassettes on shelves at L/L Research. While they have been accessible to anybody physically present in the house since each one was first recorded, it is only within the past year that an effort has begun to get the cassettes over to CD in order to make them available through our online store.
As the content of each channeling session is already available for free at www.llresearch.org in the form of written transcripts, we do certainly and without reservation plan on offering digital downloads of each channeling session, the Ra Contact included, for a small fee in order to raise revenue for the organization which offers its material nearly all of its content for free.
Please feel free to enjoy the free material at llresearch.org without obligation of purchasing the audio version of the same sessions.
And thank you again for your kind thoughts. : )
GLB – Admin, L/L Research
Explanation by the tongue makes most things clear, but love unexplained is clearer. - Rumi