01-18-2010, 12:17 AM
I have some info...Im not sure it will be welcome though...and just please know, Im only the messenger and Im not trying to pull a rug out from under someone here.
Part of my path has involved me watching the sky and the stars. Comparing astrology with the real positions has made me aware of what I believe to be one of the biggest blunders in man kinds history...that is when astrology used the zodiac as a fixed tool, starting some 2000 years ago.
The positions change...the stars need to be observed because if not, one will be out of synch.
Saturn...is in Virgo. You can observe this through any astronomy sight. Here is a link from heavens above...it is a planetary chart for the positions of the planets for today. You can do this with the sun, moon, and planets from this site. The home page has a small astronomy section and you can observe further by downloading Stellarium.
Some people still chose to use the older zodiac positions even after being shown this. I dont know why...to me its similar to someone having to change their belief...its hard to do and takes away a long time comfort from them.
As much as I dont want to ruffle feathers...this learning was a huge part of my path and I wouldnt feel right not placing a note here.
I know of Saturns power...and I can clearly tell it just left my sign of Leo and entered my old astrology sign of Virgo. The entire time Saturn was in Leo....my world turned upside down and seemed like another world. I believe Saturn played a part in awakening me, along with stubborn Mars who brought me catalysts I wont ever forget.
This whole astrology vs astronomy changes many peoples births signs also, another reason why some just cant handle it. To much change.
My love to all
I have some info...Im not sure it will be welcome though...and just please know, Im only the messenger and Im not trying to pull a rug out from under someone here.
Part of my path has involved me watching the sky and the stars. Comparing astrology with the real positions has made me aware of what I believe to be one of the biggest blunders in man kinds history...that is when astrology used the zodiac as a fixed tool, starting some 2000 years ago.
The positions change...the stars need to be observed because if not, one will be out of synch.
Saturn...is in Virgo. You can observe this through any astronomy sight. Here is a link from heavens above...it is a planetary chart for the positions of the planets for today. You can do this with the sun, moon, and planets from this site. The home page has a small astronomy section and you can observe further by downloading Stellarium.
Some people still chose to use the older zodiac positions even after being shown this. I dont know why...to me its similar to someone having to change their belief...its hard to do and takes away a long time comfort from them.
As much as I dont want to ruffle feathers...this learning was a huge part of my path and I wouldnt feel right not placing a note here.
I know of Saturns power...and I can clearly tell it just left my sign of Leo and entered my old astrology sign of Virgo. The entire time Saturn was in Leo....my world turned upside down and seemed like another world. I believe Saturn played a part in awakening me, along with stubborn Mars who brought me catalysts I wont ever forget.
This whole astrology vs astronomy changes many peoples births signs also, another reason why some just cant handle it. To much change.
My love to all