08-10-2012, 09:33 AM
For a great long while, I had a dream in mind in my evolution, in my desire to develope machines. And I saw that in the plant form is the perfect form of growth, but without mobility, and to add mobility to the plant form would be difficult, and timeconsuming.
Instead of adding mobility to the plant form, i created these little animals that carry pieces of the plant to all over the world. These were found to be good but the plant wanted more.
At this point agriculture and such seemed like a good idea.
But due to the need of man for food combined with agriculture + veil = enslavement to survivalism. This happened with all attempts to get other plants and animals to work with man to maintain their edible plant friends so that they could focus their edible into one compartment and all their non edible = friend category in the other. But this had a effect of leaking brutality over due to cognitive dissodance inherant in man.
So the next logical step would be for man to start developing along lines of expanding habitable zone on planet both up and down (underground and higher altitudes) and space and underwater. Then through that expand the "new earth" that is designed from the point of view of plants evolving towards 3rd assisted by human made 1st/6th made companions with the occasional actual human in the system for communication and so on. So that the plants would experience 3rd D next and create a unique environment where the humans convert to oversight role on watching this aspect of evolution.
So the reason the "white man" was given this control is, in my dream view, that because the red man was so relucant to "do his job for earth" and thats to build as large a possible base for as many possible different animal life forms as possible. Because the victory is dependant on technology and technology is depedant on providence.
Not sure if that helps anyone but i thought i'd write it down.
Instead of adding mobility to the plant form, i created these little animals that carry pieces of the plant to all over the world. These were found to be good but the plant wanted more.
At this point agriculture and such seemed like a good idea.
But due to the need of man for food combined with agriculture + veil = enslavement to survivalism. This happened with all attempts to get other plants and animals to work with man to maintain their edible plant friends so that they could focus their edible into one compartment and all their non edible = friend category in the other. But this had a effect of leaking brutality over due to cognitive dissodance inherant in man.
So the next logical step would be for man to start developing along lines of expanding habitable zone on planet both up and down (underground and higher altitudes) and space and underwater. Then through that expand the "new earth" that is designed from the point of view of plants evolving towards 3rd assisted by human made 1st/6th made companions with the occasional actual human in the system for communication and so on. So that the plants would experience 3rd D next and create a unique environment where the humans convert to oversight role on watching this aspect of evolution.
So the reason the "white man" was given this control is, in my dream view, that because the red man was so relucant to "do his job for earth" and thats to build as large a possible base for as many possible different animal life forms as possible. Because the victory is dependant on technology and technology is depedant on providence.
Not sure if that helps anyone but i thought i'd write it down.