07-24-2012, 10:18 AM
(06-12-2012, 12:17 PM)godwide_void Wrote: Each and every moment there occurs omni-directional expansion of the very boundaries of the edges of the all-encompassing void-like beingness of the One Infinite Creator/Creation/Process, and with each new region of 'empty' space which is freed up there automatically is generated a plethora of new Universes to fill this space up, and within these newly manifested Universes spring forth a multitude of fresh synthesizations leading to even further chain reactions of experience dictated by the multifaceted interactions among all sentient fields of vibration which thus find origin in these novelty arenas of existence.
There is no sleep for the All inasmuch as the algorithm upon which Its systematic and incessant functionality is dependent upon never reaches exhaustion of all potential. Within the abyss of all possibility there exists no distinction, categorization or division between its functions or states. To the All, being active and being inactive are states of simultaneity for indeed all processes as perceived through the scope of the All are simultaneous. To denote that the All is either one or the other would imply that there is a brief pause and shift to another mode of being, when within the Creator are contained all modes of being, all pauses, all shifts, and all continuations. It is First Cause and beyond all concepts for all concepts which spring forth are done so from the ground of Its essence. The "re-creation" of the Creator is moreso an infinitely occurring addition and the annexation of all new elements is momentary and all processes simultaneous.
It will always stay the same inasmuch as it will always be One, the singular totality of all things, its being is infinite in that the totality of all things knows no cap-off point and continues to be forged within and of it, and it will always create all things and more. And yet, in its dual attributes of being an unchanging and 'unmoving' being but also a being which experiences instantaneous change within it, there is paradox. There is change, and yet this change occurs to an unchanging being. Yet this unchanging being knows Its being as always changing. In this process of change, this process of creation, it creates Itself as a creator of creations by creating Itself as new creations, the creation which It is one which creates itself as a creator which is creation and a creation which is a creator, ad infinitum. This does not happen in timings or increments. All phenomenon as known to the All is stacked upon each other, overlayed, overlapping, instantaneous and simultaneous.
It is both cause and consequence.
You would all do well to try to grasp what this field is relaying to you above.
It is as close to the most accurate description I have heard. Although I would change a few terms for reasons to fit my own understanding, what Godwide has passed on here offers us all a chance to finally grasp the idea behind Infinity and Mystery. But in all of our effort we will never fully solve this Mystery no matter how ancient the field of information being accessed nor the vault of information made available simply because the Origin of Infinity remains hidden in the womb of creation, beyond the creation. And because the Mystery continues into further Mystery.
This is why those who attempt to realize existence as the Creator run into their dilemmas and paradoxes of simultaneity and identity. The Source is our perception of the Creator, but it is actually just the origin of this existence. The Source, whatever It is, comes from beyond. It peeks out from the womb like an infant's head protruding from one existence into another. It is incomprehensible because it is not of this existence. The All is a result of its existence. The All is the Process of Its Being, and as such is One Process. But The All cannot be The Source. And no one aspect of that 'process of being' can be The Source. The Source is beyond the All. The All spawns from that Source. Trying to connect the dots of The All to include their Source in a way that identifies or designates The Source is futile. The Source holds the power to move The All, and The All moves because of that Power, but it is not that power. The Being infused with Power from Mystery cannot claim to be the Glory of that Power, nor the Mystery. This is why we have the Ba and the Ka.
Even the few here who are forms connected to and being used by ancient fields of consciousness are unable to break through the Mystery, except in their own limited states of comprehension, (and they know it), despite their valiant efforts to relate to the ancient stores of information and memory to which they have access. It is precisely this vast knowledge that causes the problems of being able to perfectly relay the information and memory, which has resulted in the need for the right hand path and the left hand path. It is this availability of vast stores of consciousness which both enable ancient knowledge to desire to be professed, evolution to occur in the process, and also the dilemma of incomprehension because of the continuing Mystery and the inaccessibility of the Infinite beyond of The Source which cannot be tapped into by any other than the Source.
Every field having spawned from that source develop their own memories and experiences and pass them on in the sharing of the Mandala, the Sacred Eye, the mating of the circles. But only that which is experienced within this creation is shared between that which is created here. That which is contained within. The Source and the Mystery was not shared with its spawn.
What is shared is past memory of this creation, not what lies beyond Mystery.
This is what makes it Infinite and Mystery, unattainable and incomprehensible. MYSTERY!
Hear the words of my Master and do this at the moment of death:
Know ye, O men, that thus pass the great Souls,
changing at will from life unto life.
Thus ever passes the Avatar,
willing his Death as he wills his own life.
List ye, O man, drink of my wisdom.
Learn ye the secret that is Master of Time.
Learn ye how those ye call Masters are
able to remember the lives of the past.
Great is the secret yet easy to master,
giving to thee the mastery of time.
When upon thee death fast approaches,
fear not but know ye are master of Death.
Relax thy body, resist not with tension.
Place in thy heart the flame of thy Soul.
Swiftly then sweep it to the seat of the triangle.
Hold for a moment, then move to the goal.
This, thy goal, is the place between thine eyebrows,
the place where the memory of life must hold sway.
Hold thou thy flame here in thy brain-seat
until the fingers of Death grasp thy Soul.
Then as thou pass through the state of transition,
surely the memories of life shall pass, too.
Then shalt the past be as one with the present.
Then shall the memory of all be retained.
Free shalt thou be from all retrogression.
The things of the past shall live in today.
I would not use the term 'unmoving' to describe The Source as a point of Origin. And the reason for this is because of my understanding of duality. The creation that we experience is the result of duality because this creation began with the opposing forces moving apart. The Source is not one entity in the way that we comprehend individual being. Just as The All is made up of many, so also The Source is not one thing, but two. And there is only one way for the perception of the thing created to describe these two things; Mystery and Infinity.
There is the Mystery from which All came, from which the Source came, and which the Source moves into. And there is the creation which has been initiated by the opposing force moving away from The Source into what we realize as our existence; Infinity beyond the Mystery.
We simply cannot define the Mystery nor Infinity, and trying to designate a zero point of origin is futile. There is nothing outside of the All except the Mystery, which we cannot simply define as the Creator because we cannot define the Creator.
The Ouroboros is created not by the closing of a circle, not by the returning of the beginning to the end, but by the opposing forces moving away from each other returning to Mystery. the head swallowing the tail represents not the conclusion, nor the recycling, but The Mystery continuing.
The serpent does not shed its skin in death of its existence, but in continuance of renewed being. This is the representation of ascension in casting off the temporary finite physical to higher states of renewed infinite being.
A more plausible explanation of Siren's diagram above would be to suggest that the 8/0 point is the destination of Mystery, rather than the Source.
Godwide has clearly shown to 'those who have ears to hear', that The All is All. One! No beginning and no completion. The All is beyond designations because its origin exists in Mystery.
All that exists beyond Mystery remains Mystery.
All which exists in this existence is One being, one Process of Being. The result of the movement of opposing forces which are both of this existence and of Mystery as well. Of Infinity and of Mystery.
To try to designate or comprehend this automatically implies solution to that which is Mystery, which cannot happen because the Mystery is continuing and ever changing existing both in the possibilities of what this force of being that we are part of continues to create before it, and also existing in that other force spawning from the Mystery where Infinity itself spawned and where the answer to the true origin remains hidden.
We struggle to comprehend our Oneness, our connection to the Divine Process of Being, our place within the Divine Design, and we attempt to answer our queries with capacities limited to our density and evolved status. We think according to our limitations. We are The Being trying to comprehend being, which is Mystery, therefore a Process of Being that cannot be other than Mystery.
The limitations of The All are bound between Infinity and Mystery, and will ever be so as long as the Infinity continues, and Mystery remains unsolved and changing.
Can we draw the shape of a drifting cloud as the wind blows it across the sky? we can only draw one point in time, which will never succeed in depicting its true being because it will not be that form in the next minute of its ever changing reality.
Should that cloud stop changing for the purpose of identifying itself as one of those moments in time? Should the cloud identify itself with some future form that it will take as it moves along within the process of being?
Why would it want to? If it is acting within the Divine Design which takes it from Infinity to Mystery, as it was deigned to do, it will accomplish that which is its design. That is its goal. To be a functioning aspect of the Divine Design, to be the Process of Being, being.
We are that cloud my friends. One of many millions upon millions of forms as we move through this process of ever changing infinity into Mystery. The Flower of Amenti.
We can never be just one aspect of that process like we now think of ourselves.
and we can never designate or identify any one point on an infinite scale that continues into Mystery.
This Secret I reveal here with great risk to my own powers, but I do so because I have been made aware that there are fields here that need this information, and only for the sake of the few that have ears to hear, and only they shall take truth from it as we near the turning of the wheel.
List ye, O man, to the words I shall give ye.
In them shall ye find the Essence of Life.
Before I return to the Halls of Amenti,
taught shall ye be the Secrets of Secrets,
how ye, too, may arise to the Light.
Preserve them and guard them,
hide them in symbols,
so the profane will laugh and renounce.
In every land, form ye the mysteries.
Make the way hard for the seeker to tread.
Thus will the weak and the wavering be rejected.
Thus will the secrets be hidden and guarded,
held till the time when the wheel shall be turned.
Through the dark ages, waiting and watching,
my Spirit shall remain in the deep hidden land.
When one has passed all the trials of the outer,
summon ye me by the Key that ye hold.
Then will I, the Initiator, answer,
come from the Halls of the Gods in Amenti.
Then will I receive the initiate, give him the words of power.
Hark ye, remember, these words of warning:
bring not to me one lacking in wisdom,
impure in heart or weak in his purpose.
Else I will withdraw from ye your power
to summon me from the place of my sleeping.
I beg of those who understand me, do not attempt to claim the glory. Do not attempt to free the secrets from their hidden places. Allow the process of being to unfold by the wisdom of the Ancients, else be prepared to lose that which you have been shared.
I direct you all to the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, as I have tried to direct the 'few', where the vibrations, and the secrets they reveal to those in the right frequency, will assist you in understanding these things which perplex you. Seek the Keys of Wisdom there, and summon The Master to learn the Words of Power. But do not proceed to summon until you understand the Nine.
The Law of One is nutrition when consumed with discernment and understanding, as is many other offerings of ancient fields of information. Truth and inaccurate perception will be found throughout all because of the need for Free will in Divine Design, which cannot be challenged, disputed or conquered, and simply because no one field of consciousness spawned from The Source, regardless of age or wisdom, will bear the answer to Mystery.
The Lord Thoth, the Master of space and time, was shown the Mystery so that he would know it exists, not to demand that he be lacking in full revelation, but simply to know without any doubt that Mystery exists.
Never deny the Mystery by attempting to solve it.
Hear again the words of this Ancient Serpent Master:
Give the key to ascend to the
Presence of Light in the Great world.
Stood I before the Holy One
enthroned in the Flower of Fire.
Veiled was he by the lightnings of darkness,
else my Soul by the Glory have been shattered.
Forth from the feet of his Throne like the diamond,
rolled forth four rivers of flame from his footstool,
rolled through the channels of clouds to the Man-world.
Filled was the hall with Spirits of Heaven.
Wonder of wonders was the Starry palace.
Above the sky, like a rainbow of Fire and Sunlight,
were Formed the Spirits.
Sang they the glories of the Holy One.
Then from the midst of the Fire came a voice:
Behold the Glory of the first Cause.
I beheld that Light, high above all darkness,
reflected in my own being.
I attained, as it were, to the God of all Gods,
the Spirit-Sun, the Sovereign of the Sun spheres.
There is One, Even the First,
who hath no beginning,
who hath no end;
who hath made all things,
who govern all,
who is good,
who is just,
who illumines,
who sustains.
Then from the throne, there poured a great radiance,
surrounding and lifting my soul by its power.
Swiftly I moved through the spaces of Heaven,
shown was I the mystery of mysteries,
shown the Secret heart of the cosmos.
I realize that most will not read the length of this post fully, but I have to believe and intend, and will, that this is not in vain. My love to those who know that which I am!
Hear and proceed to be both Ka and Ba!
Know this and understand if you can, that The Source of this existence is the First Thought of The Mystery.
And now I return to the Heart of The Earth, and leave to your sibling, and my present state of consciousness. My purpose and calling is done.