07-23-2012, 08:05 PM
In creating mandala there is always the center, it's zero point where all is one. It is contracted with infinite possibilities as simililar points build around it. When the mandala finishes and we look inward and if the mandalas key pattern is intact, it will create vortices which become 3D. Some people are happy to leave it as an optical illusion. If you are a seeker of visions it will become a vehicle in which to ride the higher dimensions opening the mind to infinite possibilities.
So numerically speaking, six equal fields surround the original and become seven. When the mandala 'orbs' it creates points 8 and 9 holographically. As above so below. It is always there but most cannot see this.
I work visually so trying to write what I see when creating a mandala is like a horse of a different color.
So numerically speaking, six equal fields surround the original and become seven. When the mandala 'orbs' it creates points 8 and 9 holographically. As above so below. It is always there but most cannot see this.
I work visually so trying to write what I see when creating a mandala is like a horse of a different color.