(07-15-2012, 01:06 AM)Pickle Wrote: It appears that removing meat from my diet may not have been the cause of change in compassion, but rather the large increase of greens intake. Interesting.
That makes more sense. And, it's good news for those who still eat meat. It means they don't have to first 'give up' that which they still like, and see no reason to give up because they aren't feeling the compassion yet. So instead of forcing themselves to give it up in order to feel compassion, they could focus on juicing lots of greens, and that will help develop the compassion, and then they will be better able to quit the meat.
(07-15-2012, 01:37 AM)zenmaster Wrote: For what it's worth, I call total bullshit on this. If anything, body nourishment is related to root chakra. What we experience in the higher chakras is not the results of these foods, but our mental/spiritual awareness/balance irrespective of what types of food we've ingested.
Zen, have you ever done a juice fast?