(07-14-2012, 12:38 PM)ShinAr Wrote: I think you guys are completely missing my point. and I really can't see how because I have constantly made it clear that noone is accusing and I have also clearly stated that I think it is okay to show compassion and have such noble causes.
I used the extreme action of burning down a restaurant as an example of extremity. I am pretty sure that you guys are smart enough to know that and also smart enough to know that I have not accused you of wanting to do such a thing, so what am I left to think about this. It seems like deliberate evasion of the points that I bring up.
Thank you for the explanation, Shin'Ar. It didn't change anything for me because I already understood your point. I just don't see the point of discussing that point, because, to me, it's already such a given, so obvious that the world is complex and people are complex and there's no way I could single-handedly change it, so what's the point of discussing something that's impossible?
Maybe I am still misunderstanding you, but your comments seem to suggest that you misunderstood our objective with this discussion. Our objective isn't to change this complex planet overnight just by talking about it on an internet discussion forum! That would be foolhardy!
We are Law of One students, and thus some of us believe in a holographic universe. Because of this, we do see value in any activity that might raise the consciousness of even one single person. We are holographic. That one single person might send out ripples...
Ever heard of the Power of One?
This discussion might not directly save many animals. But, in contrast to what you seem to think we're doing, I see what we're doing as vitally important. I see it as probing deeply into the root issues of how otherwise spiritually-oriented people can attempt to justify what is obviously a contradiction to the core principles they believe in.
Again, thank you for expressing your views, Shin'Ar. Speaking for myself, I'm not trying to evade anything uncomfortable. I'm just not really interested in discussing the complexity of the world because it's already obvious to me.