07-06-2012, 09:26 AM
(12-29-2011, 06:09 PM)plenum Wrote: taken from http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/is..._0325.aspx
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There is no function for the woman having an orgasm during sexual relations if the desire begins and ends in the sacred mission of creating a child. Therefore, the easy access, shall we say, to stimulation which would result naturally in orgasm, was covered over by folds which one could think of as petals of a rose. They are not defensive but they are protective and in an archetypal way. Just as the archetype of the potentiator [2] has a cover over the book of wisdom that she holds to her heart, so a woman’s womanhood has a veil that protects it from the casual stimulation of sexual congress.
In order to create a female orgasm, it is most often necessary for the mated pair to go about that in a careful and conscious manner. You have heard the phrase about pearls before swine, and we do not mean to insinuate or in any suggest that your physical bodies are swine. What we do mean to suggest is that the energy of red ray is an energy that cannot function as an energy transfer in the same sense in which we speak when we are talking about sacred sex.
Indeed, for the untutored entity who may indeed be fond of this lover, or even have decided to marry and take a spouse, these orange- and yellow-ray activities of personal relationship and legal relationship are not yet enough to create a true energy exchange. The only kind of energy exchange that is possible at this level is a one-way exchange from one entity to another. This has been experienced by many within personal relationships and within marriages.
And we feel it is safe to say that, in most people’s experience, this kind of sexual intercourse, left at the level of the relationship and without opening the heart to a great deal more than is suggested by the simple running of orange or yellow-ray energy, results in the typical exchange of energy, where one entity manipulates, uses or otherwise dominates another entity. Therefore, one is indeed giving energy to the other and the other is accepting that energy. It is an exchange of a kind but is tremendously prone to being abused and becoming a toxic kind of energy exchange where the honor, dignity and self-worth of the entity that is being controlled and manipulated comes into question by both mates.
Consequently, when we speak of true energy exchange, we must consider that the energy between two people has moved a very long way from that beginning red-ray attraction which eventually initiates sexual congress. It has gone from lust to a personal relationship and then often to a legal relationship or a committed relationship which is mated. And then the couple has the opportunity to ask for the Creator Itself to enter the sexual relationship through the open heart.
And so the couple that wishes to express sacred sexuality and to become entities who serve in a certain way in the environment of planet Earth agree together, very consciously, to set forth on a journey together in which they woo each other with true affection and patience, in which they see the Creator in each other, and in which they feel the power of the Creator’s love and the Creator’s light. Each mate dedicates itself to loving the other unconditionally.
This is green-ray affection and it is at this point that the female orgasm becomes useful. There are more miles to go indeed in exploring sacred sexuality, but this is where it begins.
When true affection has been established in a sexual relationship and when that sexuality has been dedicated to the Creator, to each other, and to planet Earth, then the path of progression, for a sexually maturing mated pair, is to spend a good deal of time working with the blue-ray energy of communication. Each entity that is involved in personal relationships and sexual relationships is an oddity, a one-of-a-kind item. That is why entities are so specific about whom they love. They become used to a certain flavor of being that this entity exudes or vibrates. And so they prefer that entity’s company.
Therefore, in communicating with each other, history is shared. The reasons for this quirk and that quirk become available, either because the mate understands herself or himself, or because you observe and become able to understand your mate all on your own.
Every piece of intelligence that you have, then, you see, is a kind of piece of power, as this song today was suggesting, “a golden feather, a heart of stone”[3]. What shall you do with this knowledge of each other? Shall you use it kindly or shall you use it to make points the next time you become upset over a trifle?
When working with sexual energy, it is very important to realize that you are dealing with enormously powerful forces, and therefore, as you become more intimate with your partner, you need to become ever more careful, ever more affectionate, and ever more thoughtful about how you say things as well as what you say. For you have become a powerful person to your mate and you wish to treat this mate with all the honor and respect that you would give to the Creator Himself or Herself.
You see, if you are a man, your mate is the feminine energy of the Creator. If you are a woman, your mate is the male energy of the Creator. Together, you make the full 360 degrees of Creatorship that takes in all the polarities that you both express. You have shared all that you are and you have become one with the Creator.
How can you, then, value the female orgasm? You value it by creating a safe atmosphere in which such a thing can take place. You value it by continuing an atmosphere of gentleness, honor, romance, if you will: those small things that, to the feminine temperament, indicate a genuine and deep interest and not simply the red-ray sexual energy of lust.
If you are a woman, you treasure yourself. You do not worry about having an orgasm, as if it were the same thing as a man’s orgasm for, my friends, it is not. Certainly it can be made rough and primitive. It can have the energy simply of sexual congress in the red ray. However, it is far more likely for the feminine temperament to appreciate what’s going on when that orgasm happens to her. For a woman tends to have more of a connection with the unseen world. So, she is actually more aware of the kind of energy that is pouring through her when she is expressing an orgasm physically.
Consequently, a woman in that position is a priestess, just as a man is a priest, in sexual intercourse when they are working together sacredly. But to the man goes that kind of energy that is called by this instrument “yang,” to the woman goes the energy that is considered by this instrument “yin,” so that, in the sexual energy exchange that is sacred in nature, from the man comes that powerful energy of physical wellness and vitality—that which you think of when you think of the word “masculine.”
What the feminine offers is the inspiration from spirit. That is the other portion of that male expression of strength, power and virility. The woman is expressing acceptance, unconditional love, and the energy of the Creator Itself. For you see, the woman, unlike man, is possessed of a direct route or connection to the womb of, shall we say, Mother Nature or the red-ray energy of planet Earth.
The woman has that sea of infinity and eternity flowing through her. She is much closer to her priestliness because she must tend to the circumstances of her menses monthly and she feels the pull of the moon, the tides, and her passions in a way that, generally speaking, men are not encouraged to do in your culture.
Consequently, if two entities choose to become magical in their sexual practice, they have the ability to become great ambassadors, if you will, of light. For as they consciously call up this power that they have together and give it to each other, when they are completely saturated and filled up with this energy of orgasm, they then allow that orgasm to shine, both into the world of time/space and the world of space/time.
In the world of time/space, it is a kind of birth of created light. You have, in your own way, lightened that expression of the Creator that is occurring upon your Earth at this particular moment. You have energized and healed, with your magically offered energy, the natural function of your sexuality. It is a long way from the red-ray disturbance of the senses that adds fire and color to the life by creating sexual desire and by giving a way for it to be fulfilled to the work in indigo where entities become sacred to each other in a very formal way, so that what they offer to the Creator and to the world is very consciously offered.
Oh man, if you only knew! The intimacy of the sexual relationship between man and woman is a sacred thing which has been desecrated by many in the seeking of self-gratification.
The true orgasm is experienced when shared with a lover in intimacy of the kind that can only be experienced between two that share in love of the same intimate intensity. When two lovers have shared such an experience together, no other aspect of sex can compare.