07-02-2012, 08:27 AM
It is a disgrace that the human leaves such a horrendous footprint on this planet, and there are many things that we can improve upon vastly in that regard.
But the human cannot be held accountable as stewards of the planet anymore than any other species should be. We are as much at the mercy of nature as all species.
One cannot destroy the natural process of Divine design, but they can interfere with it and create problems within it. But nature can also be the harbinger of cataclysmic events that are way beyond the control of any would be steward.
I say this as a Druid Priest. I spend my life enchanting nature in as many ways as I can. I live according to an ancient code of caring for Mother earth. But I do so in the understanding that my obligation is no different than the stone or the tree. All is Process. Process is beyond stewardship. The human is simply not that important in the grand design to consider themselves stewards of an entire planet and the natural course of existence.
Will we now try to find homes for all the misplaced animals in the rain forest when we cannot even provide our own brothers and sisters with the basics of survival
I am in no way condoning apathy or wanton destruction, nor ignorance of options to address problems that arise, especially problems that arise as a result of our ignorance.
What I am suggesting is that when it comes to issues of natural design, such as abortion and birth control, where the human really has no idea what the actual result of their interference will be, than we should walk very softly and try to consider all of the ramifications of our decisions. And realize our limitations.
It is one thing to see the need to control the overbreeding of our pets. It is quite another to think that we can save every animal on the planet that finds itself in distress, or to attempt to control the natural process in ways that benefit us at the expense of other species. Which leads into the theme around the Meat Thread once again.
As a species of compassion we feel the desire to be compassionate in some cases. But as a species of intelligence we must also realize that the civilization we have established on this planet is not natural, and many issues and problems have arisen around this way of life that are beyond the scope of human compassion to bring under control.
I know this seems to be a far cry from the simplicity of spaying our pets, but when one considers the smaller issues in their greater contexts this is the barrier that we face. One can choose to be a Bob Barker and satisfy themselves that they have done the world justice. One can be an Alex Trebek and feel proud of those you may have saved from starvation. One can be a Ghandi or a Mother Theresa, and accomplish much more on a grander scale.
And such humanity should be applauded and appreciated. But what about the person who invented the atomic bomb, and was responsible for the thinning of the human population which is a much greater problem to Mother Earth than our puppiesé Is that person to be commended for their contribution to solving population problemsÉ do you promote genocide or some sort of population control where many lives will be brought to en end to accomplish an immediate result for the sake of the planetÉ
Let us apply our intelligence and realize that we live on a planet where there are many more issues to be dealt with and questions to be considered than the one small facet that we might have adopted. You cannot play a game of poker if only one person is really playing, nor can you play it if each player is playing with the same card.
The bigger picture is that the Earth and our place within it is part of a Grand design that is wrought with many pleasures and sorrows. Light and dark. Chaos and harmony. To think of ourselves as a species different from all others in that we alone have some obligation to be stewards of the planet, in the face of the fact that it is we as a civilization that have created such a burden to the planet, is to deny that footprint is ours.
The human is destroying this planet by their very existence on it. we are all humans. Instead of adopting one small problem from the many and trying to make it better as though you have accomplished something, while many other issues go unaddressed, try to understand how you are a part of this whole process and just live your life doing what you think is the right thing to do at any given moment, but do so with the realization that not everyone will agree with what you think to be righteous. The Nature of the universe and even the nature of our own humanity is far too complex for us to assume a position as stewards of a planet. The human is simply not that capable. The state of our civilization and the imprint is indisputable evidence of that truth.
It is heroic to stand in front of a moving tank in rebellion. is it wiseÉ
It is commendable to sacrifice your life for a cause. But then you are dead, and nature moves on, as does the nature of the human species and its affect on the planet.
Who is to say that this is not exactly the way things have been designed as some sort of lesson in this densityÉ
Who can say what happens to the life that we bring to an end as the result of an abortionÉ We cannot answer what happens after death in fact. We can only speculate. Does our ignorance not matterÉ
Who can say what affect we have when we interfere with the natural course of natural designÉ we cannot and yet we act anyway based upon what we believe to be right, out of sheer ignorance of the true results of our actions.
we see the immediate results in that more puppies are not born, and that less are havinjg to be put down. But what about the more dynamic and higher reaching questionsÉ Is it right to just dismiss them for the sake of the immediate results that please usÉ
We need to apply intelligence and wisdom to many situations and far too often we settle for immediate results instead. is that not the path that has resulted in many of these problems in the first place, where if we had though further ahead and acted differently many of these problems would not ariseÉ
Somehwre in ancient past wolves began to get close to humans and we each adopted each others company. If the human had used intelligence instead of whimsy back then we would not have this problem of pet overpopulation now.
But here it is now and what do we do with itÉ
Do we now castrate all male caninesÉ
Do we try to save the planet with our great intellecté
Why do we, after the fact of our own destructive ways, suddenly decide that we now have the capability to be stewards of this planetÉ Iam sure if the animals could understand our arrogance they would laugh at us.
we ahve obligations to Mother earth and to all living beings. we have the obligation to be one of them. we do not have the obligation to control them or make them slaves to our belief in what is right and wrong.
that should be the difference between us and the Anunnaki. I wonder why it is not!
Arrogance seems to bred into our very genetic makeup. i wonder where that comes fromé
So let`s get out there and save the planet. We will start by only eating vegetables and spaying all of our pets. Somehow we will work our way up to solving world peace, ending famine and disease, providing a home for every single human, and most importantly building that throne for the human to sit upon as king of the world.
I applaud the love and compassion of all who stand up and cry foul and desire to make the world a better place. i do what I can myself. But I do not fall into the delusion that humanity is somehow a unique entity on this planet that deserves to assume the role of steward of all. I deny my arrogance and accept our natural design along with our unnatural deisgn.
that is just the way that it is, and delusion is not a solution. Facing reality and working wisely to adapt within it is a solution.
Balance! Not control.
the fact is that humanity has been desensitized by its constant quest for immediate results, and the constant bombardment of the consequences of that quest. And until we are ready to move back into our caves, this desensitized state will overrule wisdom.
But the human cannot be held accountable as stewards of the planet anymore than any other species should be. We are as much at the mercy of nature as all species.
One cannot destroy the natural process of Divine design, but they can interfere with it and create problems within it. But nature can also be the harbinger of cataclysmic events that are way beyond the control of any would be steward.
I say this as a Druid Priest. I spend my life enchanting nature in as many ways as I can. I live according to an ancient code of caring for Mother earth. But I do so in the understanding that my obligation is no different than the stone or the tree. All is Process. Process is beyond stewardship. The human is simply not that important in the grand design to consider themselves stewards of an entire planet and the natural course of existence.
Will we now try to find homes for all the misplaced animals in the rain forest when we cannot even provide our own brothers and sisters with the basics of survival
I am in no way condoning apathy or wanton destruction, nor ignorance of options to address problems that arise, especially problems that arise as a result of our ignorance.
What I am suggesting is that when it comes to issues of natural design, such as abortion and birth control, where the human really has no idea what the actual result of their interference will be, than we should walk very softly and try to consider all of the ramifications of our decisions. And realize our limitations.
It is one thing to see the need to control the overbreeding of our pets. It is quite another to think that we can save every animal on the planet that finds itself in distress, or to attempt to control the natural process in ways that benefit us at the expense of other species. Which leads into the theme around the Meat Thread once again.
As a species of compassion we feel the desire to be compassionate in some cases. But as a species of intelligence we must also realize that the civilization we have established on this planet is not natural, and many issues and problems have arisen around this way of life that are beyond the scope of human compassion to bring under control.
I know this seems to be a far cry from the simplicity of spaying our pets, but when one considers the smaller issues in their greater contexts this is the barrier that we face. One can choose to be a Bob Barker and satisfy themselves that they have done the world justice. One can be an Alex Trebek and feel proud of those you may have saved from starvation. One can be a Ghandi or a Mother Theresa, and accomplish much more on a grander scale.
And such humanity should be applauded and appreciated. But what about the person who invented the atomic bomb, and was responsible for the thinning of the human population which is a much greater problem to Mother Earth than our puppiesé Is that person to be commended for their contribution to solving population problemsÉ do you promote genocide or some sort of population control where many lives will be brought to en end to accomplish an immediate result for the sake of the planetÉ
Let us apply our intelligence and realize that we live on a planet where there are many more issues to be dealt with and questions to be considered than the one small facet that we might have adopted. You cannot play a game of poker if only one person is really playing, nor can you play it if each player is playing with the same card.
The bigger picture is that the Earth and our place within it is part of a Grand design that is wrought with many pleasures and sorrows. Light and dark. Chaos and harmony. To think of ourselves as a species different from all others in that we alone have some obligation to be stewards of the planet, in the face of the fact that it is we as a civilization that have created such a burden to the planet, is to deny that footprint is ours.
The human is destroying this planet by their very existence on it. we are all humans. Instead of adopting one small problem from the many and trying to make it better as though you have accomplished something, while many other issues go unaddressed, try to understand how you are a part of this whole process and just live your life doing what you think is the right thing to do at any given moment, but do so with the realization that not everyone will agree with what you think to be righteous. The Nature of the universe and even the nature of our own humanity is far too complex for us to assume a position as stewards of a planet. The human is simply not that capable. The state of our civilization and the imprint is indisputable evidence of that truth.
It is heroic to stand in front of a moving tank in rebellion. is it wiseÉ
It is commendable to sacrifice your life for a cause. But then you are dead, and nature moves on, as does the nature of the human species and its affect on the planet.
Who is to say that this is not exactly the way things have been designed as some sort of lesson in this densityÉ
Who can say what happens to the life that we bring to an end as the result of an abortionÉ We cannot answer what happens after death in fact. We can only speculate. Does our ignorance not matterÉ
Who can say what affect we have when we interfere with the natural course of natural designÉ we cannot and yet we act anyway based upon what we believe to be right, out of sheer ignorance of the true results of our actions.
we see the immediate results in that more puppies are not born, and that less are havinjg to be put down. But what about the more dynamic and higher reaching questionsÉ Is it right to just dismiss them for the sake of the immediate results that please usÉ
We need to apply intelligence and wisdom to many situations and far too often we settle for immediate results instead. is that not the path that has resulted in many of these problems in the first place, where if we had though further ahead and acted differently many of these problems would not ariseÉ
Somehwre in ancient past wolves began to get close to humans and we each adopted each others company. If the human had used intelligence instead of whimsy back then we would not have this problem of pet overpopulation now.
But here it is now and what do we do with itÉ
Do we now castrate all male caninesÉ
Do we try to save the planet with our great intellecté
Why do we, after the fact of our own destructive ways, suddenly decide that we now have the capability to be stewards of this planetÉ Iam sure if the animals could understand our arrogance they would laugh at us.
we ahve obligations to Mother earth and to all living beings. we have the obligation to be one of them. we do not have the obligation to control them or make them slaves to our belief in what is right and wrong.
that should be the difference between us and the Anunnaki. I wonder why it is not!
Arrogance seems to bred into our very genetic makeup. i wonder where that comes fromé
So let`s get out there and save the planet. We will start by only eating vegetables and spaying all of our pets. Somehow we will work our way up to solving world peace, ending famine and disease, providing a home for every single human, and most importantly building that throne for the human to sit upon as king of the world.
I applaud the love and compassion of all who stand up and cry foul and desire to make the world a better place. i do what I can myself. But I do not fall into the delusion that humanity is somehow a unique entity on this planet that deserves to assume the role of steward of all. I deny my arrogance and accept our natural design along with our unnatural deisgn.
that is just the way that it is, and delusion is not a solution. Facing reality and working wisely to adapt within it is a solution.
Balance! Not control.
the fact is that humanity has been desensitized by its constant quest for immediate results, and the constant bombardment of the consequences of that quest. And until we are ready to move back into our caves, this desensitized state will overrule wisdom.