06-28-2012, 02:42 AM
what everyone says is true. i am looking at it from the aspect of a new and totally different paradigm. i am SO SO tired of seeing people suffer, of suffering , of seeing the human race being the play thing of fallen angels, evil aliens and whatever else piece of garbage is controlling us, this would be a way for people to become sovereign without some evil jerk having any control over them. be nice do good receive an enhanced power that no one , no external force could stop. personally i dont like this creation and the enslavement of the human race. i know absolutely that i am a beautiful sovereign being regardless of whatever defect i might have in my body mind or spirit. and i view others like that . i SO SO want the control system to end. dick cheny is not my master he is an absolute piece of garbage who has a lot of power because of his evil ways. evil rules on this planet and i am tired of it. it is time for the good guys to rule . just my thoughts.