06-17-2012, 02:10 PM
(06-17-2012, 01:44 PM)indolering Wrote: .
@Sagittarius & Patrick:
I think you both may have missed the real point here - will you have that peace when the cabal blows apart your daughter? In case you haven't noticed, no country or ethnicity is safe from these war mongers. There will be no peace until they are removed from power. You may not feel the responsibility to actively remove the conditions of our enslavement...
In order to do this, I can only work on smoothing the distortions I find within my Self. We can never do this for other selves.
I just created a thread (previously posted on another forum) about this subject.
(06-17-2012, 02:08 PM)Patrick Wrote: Are you awake my friend?
If you are awake or just realized that there are indeed Elites running a big part of the show.
How do you react to this? Are you preparing to stand up to the Elites? Are you even willing to fight so we can be free?
If so then you might as well not be awake for all the help this attitude brings us. Because it's not nearly awake enough!
This attitude actually helps the Elites very much. The unawakened people's vibrations are higher than yours if you think that we need to fight the Elites.
So I would suggest that you stop stressing about the Elites and their plans and this attitude will help your real awakening.
Once truly awake, you will understand that it is by working on our Selves that the Elites will ultimately become obsolete. Each of us becoming more heart centered is what truly helps us all.
Realize how judging each others is what gave rise to the Elites in the first place. Realize how forgiveness stops the effects that all these judgements has put in motion.
Once you have realized this, you will find your Self standing in unconditional love. You will have won the game and made it so that the Elites have no effects on you anymore and eventually the whole world. Not by taking arms but by your compassionate attitude.
I hope you found this awakening.