06-15-2012, 11:19 PM
(06-13-2012, 04:14 PM)LsavedSmeD Wrote: I recently started trying astral projection and was successful in that I was out of my body in a familiar version of my room but really it just felt like I was dreaming.
Disregarding my experience, do any of my brothers and sisters have an explanation on the difference betwixt the two?
I personally think the term "astral projection" is misguiding (in that it implies something stellar; that is, pertaining to the stars).
That being said, here's my answer to your question: prior to consciously experiencing what is called astral projection/vision, I didn't know what it was. I read about it, heard about it, but until I had my first experience I could have no idea what it was. There are many things that can positively "warp" one's own paradigm about reality. Astral projection was one of those things to me. Once you achieve it, you will clearly, absolutely know it's not just another dream: you are consciously aware that you are not "in" your body, specially if you look at yourself sleeping in bed; and that you are "awake" and "outside" your body, in a very literal way.
As for dreams, as the term is generally understood, they are generally a sort of "residual image" resulting from what actually occurs in 3rd density time/space: due to the "veil" the mind was separated into the so-called conscious and sub-conscious, and dreams were one of the things that resulted out of it.
For one who has become more "awake" about reality in general, dreams take a whole different meaning, and they begin to become more real as the entity begins to partake more consciously of the time/space (metaphysical) aspects of reality.
Were you to ask me what's the difference between dream and reality, I would answer: NONE.
Certainly, I can tell the difference between space/time and time/space, but all of reality is simply a hollographic light illusion, regardless.