06-06-2012, 06:15 AM
Oldern, don't apologies for long posts! I have one coming..
Ok, I've done a terrible job of trying to prelude this point, but, in doing so I did get the chance to clarify my own thinking a little. This is what my thought process is:
Free Will - not the most important lesson in this density.
Not UNIMPORTANT, but I think we may be, or at least I have been, missing the point about free will and polarity.
In my brain, I always thought the scale was like this..
STS {-------------------------------0------------------------------}STO
But are STS and STO really polar opposites in the true sense of the definition? I think it's more like this..
FEAR {-------------------------------------------------------------} LOVE
FEAR {-------------------------------------------------------------} LOVE
3rd density is the density in which we make a choice, STS or STO, but both are paths of LOVE, its just one radiates love inward, the other radiates love outward. We hit the fork in the road and then have to decide which way we'd best like to explore love.
If this is the case, then we no longer look at an action and just say, is this a STS act or an STO act, we also have to ask ourselves, where does this action lie in the balance between fear and love? And that can only be measured against what is in our own hearts. In infringing upon free will for the benefit of another, we have to evaluate how far along the scale our intentions are.
For example, keeping with the parent theme, an over protective parent might not allow their child to a party because they are just terrified of what might happen. Will they try drugs, unsafe sex, crash their car etc? This might be a reoccurring theme in the child's life where the parents fear leading to restriction, outbalances the love that leads to protection. Whereas another set of parents might be more discriminate against which parties their child attends and which they don't, and love might outweigh the fear, having faith that the kid will make sound decisions when needed.
If this theory is to hold out, then abridging free will must have some impact on a STS entity.
So its in a STS entity's best interest not to infringe on free will either. I think it works like this. If a STS seeks to restrain me by, I dunno, locking me in a box, it's because I upset his inward streaming of love in someway. I don't follow his orders, causing him to question his influence of authority, or I am not taken in by his beauty, causing him to question his grandeur - or something to that effect. So he is fearful he has not reached perfection. He cannot love himself completely (Keeping in mind you need to polarise 95% to be harvestable to STS). If the entity was perfect, I would want to follow him on my own free will, right? Alas, it's his LOVE for himself, causing him to infringe upon my free will. Again, it's the balance between fear and love.
This leads me to believe that all infringements on free will are a result of fear in someway. This is why its detrimental to polarity.
Imagine your heart is a vase. Fear is a black liquid and love is water. Every time we act out of fear, black liquid goes into that vase, every time we act out of love, water goes into that vase. When we act out of fear/love or love/fear a mixture of both, depending on the balance you're utilizing, goes in the vase. The goal if you're STO is to have 51% water by the time the harvest comes around, and if you're STS the goal is to have 95%.
Once you hit 4th density and above, observing free will would carry more weight. 4th density you have to master love, be rid of fear. 5th density you're learning the ways of Wisdom, which would include the knowledge on how to best be of service (inward or outward) without infringing on free will. 6th, is a combination of both compassion and wisdom right?
IN CONCLUSION - My current theory is, in 3rd density, we have a bit of leeway, and it IS possible to polarise and become harvestable, even if you're infringing on free will, provided it's balanced with enough love.
Ok, I've done a terrible job of trying to prelude this point, but, in doing so I did get the chance to clarify my own thinking a little. This is what my thought process is:
Free Will - not the most important lesson in this density.
Not UNIMPORTANT, but I think we may be, or at least I have been, missing the point about free will and polarity.
In my brain, I always thought the scale was like this..
STS {-------------------------------0------------------------------}STO
But are STS and STO really polar opposites in the true sense of the definition? I think it's more like this..
FEAR {-------------------------------------------------------------} LOVE
FEAR {-------------------------------------------------------------} LOVE
3rd density is the density in which we make a choice, STS or STO, but both are paths of LOVE, its just one radiates love inward, the other radiates love outward. We hit the fork in the road and then have to decide which way we'd best like to explore love.
If this is the case, then we no longer look at an action and just say, is this a STS act or an STO act, we also have to ask ourselves, where does this action lie in the balance between fear and love? And that can only be measured against what is in our own hearts. In infringing upon free will for the benefit of another, we have to evaluate how far along the scale our intentions are.
For example, keeping with the parent theme, an over protective parent might not allow their child to a party because they are just terrified of what might happen. Will they try drugs, unsafe sex, crash their car etc? This might be a reoccurring theme in the child's life where the parents fear leading to restriction, outbalances the love that leads to protection. Whereas another set of parents might be more discriminate against which parties their child attends and which they don't, and love might outweigh the fear, having faith that the kid will make sound decisions when needed.
If this theory is to hold out, then abridging free will must have some impact on a STS entity.
Quote:16.9 Questioner: If the Orion group was able to land, would this increase their polarization? What I am trying to get at is, is it better for them to work behind the scenes to get recruits, shall we say, from our planet, the person from our planet going strictly on his own using free will, or is it just as good for the Orion group to land on our planet and demonstrate remarkable powers and get people like that?
Ra: I am Ra. This first instance is, in the long run, shall we put it, more salubrious for the Orion group in that it does not infringe upon the Law of One by landing and, thus, does its work through those of this planet. In the second circumstance, a mass landing would create a loss of polarization due to the infringement upon the free will of the planet. However, it would be a gamble. If the planet then were conquered and became part of the Empire, the free will would then be re-established. This is restrained in action due to the desire of the Orion group to progress towards the One Creator. This desire to progress inhibits the group from breaking the Law of Confusion.
So its in a STS entity's best interest not to infringe on free will either. I think it works like this. If a STS seeks to restrain me by, I dunno, locking me in a box, it's because I upset his inward streaming of love in someway. I don't follow his orders, causing him to question his influence of authority, or I am not taken in by his beauty, causing him to question his grandeur - or something to that effect. So he is fearful he has not reached perfection. He cannot love himself completely (Keeping in mind you need to polarise 95% to be harvestable to STS). If the entity was perfect, I would want to follow him on my own free will, right? Alas, it's his LOVE for himself, causing him to infringe upon my free will. Again, it's the balance between fear and love.
This leads me to believe that all infringements on free will are a result of fear in someway. This is why its detrimental to polarity.
Imagine your heart is a vase. Fear is a black liquid and love is water. Every time we act out of fear, black liquid goes into that vase, every time we act out of love, water goes into that vase. When we act out of fear/love or love/fear a mixture of both, depending on the balance you're utilizing, goes in the vase. The goal if you're STO is to have 51% water by the time the harvest comes around, and if you're STS the goal is to have 95%.
Once you hit 4th density and above, observing free will would carry more weight. 4th density you have to master love, be rid of fear. 5th density you're learning the ways of Wisdom, which would include the knowledge on how to best be of service (inward or outward) without infringing on free will. 6th, is a combination of both compassion and wisdom right?
IN CONCLUSION - My current theory is, in 3rd density, we have a bit of leeway, and it IS possible to polarise and become harvestable, even if you're infringing on free will, provided it's balanced with enough love.