As a side note, I work with addicts every day in California. I have probably talked to hundreds, maybe thousands. I've helped referred people to tens of different drug/rehab programs. Ones that are outpatient. Inpatient. Incustody (jail/prison). None of them forces people to stay in the program (even the prison/jail ones - if you don't want to be there you can go to general population).
I'm not pointing this out to suggest there is something wrong with your hypothetical.
I'm pointing this out because the I think of all the fields of rehabilitation, they have figured out in the rehab field that the _best_ way to truly help someone is to not force change upon someone, but in essence respect their decisions and desires, to respect their free will. Because they have realized that you can't change someone's belief systems by force (and indeed, whenever probation or dependency courts incentivize completing a drug program to gain some other benefit, you usually have those clients complete the program to receive the other benefit, and then go back to using.)
Perhaps that your example including rehab, is an area where modern thinking and Law of One principles actually coexist in society. Wow. What a beautiful realization . Thank you for the example!
I'm not pointing this out to suggest there is something wrong with your hypothetical.
I'm pointing this out because the I think of all the fields of rehabilitation, they have figured out in the rehab field that the _best_ way to truly help someone is to not force change upon someone, but in essence respect their decisions and desires, to respect their free will. Because they have realized that you can't change someone's belief systems by force (and indeed, whenever probation or dependency courts incentivize completing a drug program to gain some other benefit, you usually have those clients complete the program to receive the other benefit, and then go back to using.)
Perhaps that your example including rehab, is an area where modern thinking and Law of One principles actually coexist in society. Wow. What a beautiful realization . Thank you for the example!