(06-05-2012, 06:26 PM)TheFifty9Sound Wrote: I agree with you Oldern, I have very a similar philosophy.
Consider this. Imagine we had a middle age woman with 6 kids, and who works at a Drug and Alcohol rehabilitation centre for people who were committed against their will. Now, this lady might spend 80% of her life in control mode. She HAS to, or her kids will run riot, and her patients will find ways to relapse and won't get better. She is essentially, "infringing on the free will" of many in her life, which we equate with having a negative impact on polarization, but she is doing it all out of love. So how does this effect her harvestability? Her life is totally STO, but her life is also dependent on control. Surely we can't chalk that control up as a STS act.
I do have a point I'm trying to work towards here.
First of all, I know that this might sound nitpicky, but it is actually not. : D
So: how does one get 6 kids? Why do we assume that they will "run riot" if she is not in control? And how did she find herself in a situation where no husband is beside her and she has to rely on a job like this? Does she love what she is doing? Is she transforming the pain and suffering in her job into love as much as she can in her position?
Why am I asking these questions? Because they determine the type of the catalyst and the setup of a storytelling, basically. Because this is not one story. It is one situation, that you described, and many, many intertwining soul-level contracts and catalysts. A few examples, if you may:
- If the woman is a caring mother of 6 six children who had a reckless youngster years and wants to do everything to prevent it now, but is stuck with a job, then she most likely will have to face some things before she gets rid of all the stress that "comes with the job". As in: SHE did not listen to her parents either, for one, otherwise she would not end up with 6 kids and with a job that is nor fruitful, nor supportive. When she lets loose in the leashes and relaxes the notion of control, she might find out that her childs are more than capable of taking care of themselves like a tiny society does when the parents are not home. Responvible children are not less rare than responsible adults nowadays.
- If the woman turns her job into pure love, then yes, she is living a stress-free, positively oriented life. She most likely calls in favors whenever she can, and gets away with it. Smiles through the day because the reward is patients that DO listen and DO improve - sometimes more steadily than they "should", according to the data.
- If the patient mets this woman, the face they show each other totally depends on their attitude. For example, if a positively oriented, yet a vulnerable being went into a place like that, "fate" could easily arrange what type of doctor will treat him/her. In a positive case, a caring, really loving mother of the six child will meet this dumbly optimistic patient. In a negative case, a frustrated, controlling mother of six will meet the angry, world-hating patient. Different scenarios.
- "Six kid" means a lot of different things nowadays. Do they see their mothers frustration (if that exists?). Do they talk about it? I bet ya they do. Kids are not dumb, they just like to play dumb most of the time : ) Do they decide to keep it a bit down once they see a frustrated mother coming home? Do they make little surprises for her to lighten her up? Do they learn responsibility about life (taking care of each other) - in a positive case -, or do they just learn how to shop at disney.com with mom's credit card and how to effectively kill in Call of Duty: Black Ops? BIG difference in attitude, situations and soul-level contracts.
If anything, your point might very well be this: it is dumb to approach this whole situation in a mathematical manner, looking at percentages and harvestability. After all, I have the weirdo view that believes that "after" an incarnation that ends in, hm...2012, for example, one could have her "next" incarnation in 1996. Or 1356. Because I assume that they are connected both ways, as they are lived at the same moment after all. So what would stop someone who "misses" the harvest to just, after living enough lives, experiencing enough lives, to tune into one that is again here, at this day and age, and is ready for higher densities?
For every missed opportunity at this harvest, I urge every optimist to remember that there are dozens of oversoul-fragments who gathered succesful and VERY important experiences with those lifetimes, and they can utilize that in literally infinite ways in other incarnations, other lifetimes - and simultaneously, at "another", already happening Harvest.
Two more things. First: Sorry for writing a long post, but I love playing out imaginary scenarios, trying to think about how and why they make or make no sense.
Second: I firmly believe that graduation to 4d in a positive manner ultimately includes a recognition that it is not individual souls who graduate, but newborn (again) social memory complexes. Which means that it is a wise and good idea to turn our eyes towards those that we call "negatively oriented", "less harvestable" or "lukewarm" (as Ra said it : ) - as otherwise, it would be as if one finger out of my five would go into an elevator, leaving the body behind. It can do it, but it is not going to be a fun ride for my lost finger.