06-05-2012, 03:10 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-05-2012, 03:19 PM by godwide_void.)
One will find themselves in the environment of the corresponding vibration determined by one's particular vibrational make-up consisting of the various mental formations one holds, typically biases which seep into the subconscious mind which lead to the generation of the conscious mind's thoughts, which then act as the springboard for the manifestation of one's externalized experience in consciousness both through direct means of action and the quasi-indirect yet highly significant and decisive manner of the Law of Attraction in flux. There are no moments which are inherently positive or negative except for those in which our perceptions deem them so, and the more one allows the perceptual filter of either polarity to act as the underlying paradigm for experience then all subsequent experiences will convey elements or attributes which may be categorized into either polarity.
Experiences one may consider heavenly may be considered hellish to another. To the reclusive hermit or introverted meditant, a small and enclosed space may be the ideal and most 'heavenly' circumstance. To the claustrophobic individual, this same setting is viewed as 'hellish' or negative. Consider for a moment, that it is set to be a rainy day and you have happened to leave your umbrella on the seat of the bus you were just riding, have gotten off the bus and realized your perceived loss. To many, this loss would entail that the rest of the day will be "hell". And yet to particular others, this loss may be seen as being of benefit to whomsoever happens to discover the umbrella, and perhaps there is a chance that this discoverer of the umbrella had no umbrella of their own and would be subject to the rainy day even moreso than you would be, thus from this supposed loss and negative happening the transmutation of positivity occurred conceptually and perceptually. This personal loss managed to potentially be of service to another, and the alleged negativity that would have arisen would be a surface superficiality, reactionary, and dependent upon the egoic standpoint.
Conceptions of moments and experiences having a set innate polarity become superfluous when it is perceived that all moments are sustained by and within a being which knows only harmonious unity in all which is, that there is never a moment or circumstance when the Creator is not present, in essence which pervades and underlines all experiences, animates all forms and gives rise to all circumstance. There exists a mechanical and wholly impersonal precision in the crafting of the environment of an individuated consciousness best characterized as a boomerang effect on the dispersing of one's energetic vibrations. Fearful or hellish experience will befall the one who retains dreary and dark intent, and to the one who is situated in peace and harmony will all experiences which manifest be observed and approached calmly, resulting in the sustaining and conclusion of the experience with a tinge of Heaven.
Consider that the 'Kingdom of God' is in all of one's surroundings, as all of the creation. If you experience a negative aspect of this kingdom it is only reflective of any negativity present within your psyche, even if it is buried deep within the subconscious and manifests consciously in trace amounts. So, do literal places or more accurately environments generated by vibrational frequencies in either extremity of polarity in dimensions and realms beyond this one that appear very representative of what the human envisions Heaven or Hell to be like actually exist? That all depends upon you, for your inner reality is what gives rise to the outer.
Experiences one may consider heavenly may be considered hellish to another. To the reclusive hermit or introverted meditant, a small and enclosed space may be the ideal and most 'heavenly' circumstance. To the claustrophobic individual, this same setting is viewed as 'hellish' or negative. Consider for a moment, that it is set to be a rainy day and you have happened to leave your umbrella on the seat of the bus you were just riding, have gotten off the bus and realized your perceived loss. To many, this loss would entail that the rest of the day will be "hell". And yet to particular others, this loss may be seen as being of benefit to whomsoever happens to discover the umbrella, and perhaps there is a chance that this discoverer of the umbrella had no umbrella of their own and would be subject to the rainy day even moreso than you would be, thus from this supposed loss and negative happening the transmutation of positivity occurred conceptually and perceptually. This personal loss managed to potentially be of service to another, and the alleged negativity that would have arisen would be a surface superficiality, reactionary, and dependent upon the egoic standpoint.
Conceptions of moments and experiences having a set innate polarity become superfluous when it is perceived that all moments are sustained by and within a being which knows only harmonious unity in all which is, that there is never a moment or circumstance when the Creator is not present, in essence which pervades and underlines all experiences, animates all forms and gives rise to all circumstance. There exists a mechanical and wholly impersonal precision in the crafting of the environment of an individuated consciousness best characterized as a boomerang effect on the dispersing of one's energetic vibrations. Fearful or hellish experience will befall the one who retains dreary and dark intent, and to the one who is situated in peace and harmony will all experiences which manifest be observed and approached calmly, resulting in the sustaining and conclusion of the experience with a tinge of Heaven.
Consider that the 'Kingdom of God' is in all of one's surroundings, as all of the creation. If you experience a negative aspect of this kingdom it is only reflective of any negativity present within your psyche, even if it is buried deep within the subconscious and manifests consciously in trace amounts. So, do literal places or more accurately environments generated by vibrational frequencies in either extremity of polarity in dimensions and realms beyond this one that appear very representative of what the human envisions Heaven or Hell to be like actually exist? That all depends upon you, for your inner reality is what gives rise to the outer.