06-05-2012, 10:00 AM
(06-05-2012, 09:23 AM)TheFifty9Sound Wrote: Guys I'm aware that scenario is both flawed and unrealistic, and not conducive to the heart of the topic I really want to discuss. I tired to drill the subject down further in my second post. Let's forget the global annihilation and look at it from a more personal standpoint.
My point of view on this is that you do not actually need to save those that are consciously doing bad deeds.
Saving a puppy, saving someone who is about to drown is one thing.
"Saving" our kid from alcohol and having sex with their classmates after 15-16 years mark is another.
There are things that one needs to explore on their own unless they wont get the lesson. "Alcohol is bad", said my dad to me, but I explored it anyway. And now I know why alcohol is bad and why I still decide to use it regardless. It takes years to build restrictions and proper uses regarding things that might be destructive in nature. "Just do not use them" wont cut it. When a young man, for example, sees all their mates smoking, smiling and talking outside, all he has is empty words and empty guidelines (do not do it, it is bad, mkay?) - but he will not "get it" until he cannot smoke enough. Does that mean every child would have to undergo through years and years addiction before they recognize its effect? I do not think so. There are plenty of kids that are not drawn to that stuff for some reason* (*reason being, they chose different dilemmas, usually more violet-ray and blue-ray oriented).
The whole point of being here is to create situations where we are vulnerable, where we make mistakes - to learn from them. We will never learn anything if we are bailed out by our guides/parents/etc all the time. That is my opinion it, but that wont mean that I will not have a bias when it comes to guiding a young life, if we decide to finally have childrens. I do not know what the post-2012 future will bring, so that is a different story for a different day.
So, back to the original topic: when did interventions really help you? When they were not forcing anything on you. When they shared (however strongly) a different point of view with you, but not when they forced something on you. ("you" not being you but anyone who reads this.). Sometimes there is lag between recognizing the truth behind those words, but when it really hits, it hits because one understands, not because one was forced to accept.