Quote:Try to imagine it more as different viewpoints into how the universe works and Ra being one viewpoint, mostly focused on the "internal" that is, the work that benefits the individual. And The Hive represents the work that benefits the collective, Greens the work tha tbenefits the planet, the university work tha tbenefits knowledge and so on. In my opinion, of the quoted viewpoints the aliens reprsent Ra the best, and the Planet itself represents the soul itself the best.
Ok, I see what you mean. And that is kind of cool, personifying each viewpoint as culture.. I just see this same pattern in today's civilization. The Church (Lord's Believers) preaches fear and obedience to avoid eternal damnation after-death, since it is accepted in society today that no-one can know what happens after death and that's how it will always be *sigh*.. these preachers thus suggest that the way to live proper is to work the System (Morgan Industries) to protect the people (The Hive) and supply the military (Spartan Federation) with the weapons needed to crush enemy combatants (Nautilus Pirates), freedom fighters (Free Drones), and Hippies (Gaia's Stepdaughters). And the only reason these viewpoints exist is to show that an iron fist will lose their sand a grain at a time.
I wanted to bring this up in another thread, but I'll mention it here. Are we as a species volatile and dangerous, or are we compassionate, understanding and of service to others, naturally? Do we depend on rules to survive, or can we live from the goodness of our hearts as free-men? Read this article about Batman and the Joker, I'm not even done with it yet. It's great. Inside the Joker's Mind
The article says something about the joker meaning the world needs "primal honesty," and I agree: we've become sooo comfortable in our made up world with couches, televisions, and supermarkets, that we are literally LOSING our RED CHAKRA ENERGIES. Our capacity for that energy! That is very troubling to me, for a species as a whole to think we're advancing when we're losing the very foundation to our individual selves, not just our personalities or identities, our ability to think for ourselves.
Funny, because I just read "As the film reveals, disbelief in values and disbelief in purpose lead the Joker to accept the only philosophical option he has left: nihilism."
I guess it all comes back to the limits of this density and its purpose: choice. Also explored in the Matrix, mainly the 3rd one. "Why, Mr. Anderson? Why, why, why do you persist!?" "Because I choose to."
I knew there was a reason choice is equated to The Law of Confusion. /facepalm-mindblown
All I know is that you gotta love what you're doing to keep doing it. And love ain't a rule. It is, however, the greatest power conceivable.