05-26-2012, 04:00 PM
Rather than creating a brand new thread for this, I think this thread is the perfect place to add this tidbit.
http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/is..._0114.aspx Q'uo Wrote:We are here within your inner planes at this time because there is a time of harvest approaching. Indeed, this harvest has begun. There is a time when entities may choose how to continue in fellowship with each other. Your creation is expanding and changing as your entire solar system moves into a new area of space and time. Your scientists have begun to study many new subatomic particles which are native to this new area of space. Within the instreamings of light into this particular portion of the infinite creation, the physical illusion which you enjoy as your life, your incarnation, will change. The physical vehicle will become lighter. The experience of dwelling in a physical reality will be quite a bit easier, for within these new vibrations there lies the opportunity for sharing of thoughts and experiences which is now, within your illusion, not possible.
Not all entities, however, will move into this new vibration because some there are who do not find themselves at all weary of the present world scene. Those who are pleased with this present world scene shall continue to work on the lessons of love that your illusion provides so generously. Those who wish to accelerate the process of their spiritual evolution will find that they wish to make a fundamental choice. This choice is the choice of how to manifest that love. The two paths of manifesting love we have often called “service to others” and “service to self,” for if one looks into another’s eyes and sees the Creator, if one can gaze in the mirror and see the Creator, then to serve the self is to serve the Creator and to serve others is to serve the Creator. We are those who have chosen the service-to-others path. This is what we know and what we share.