05-26-2012, 03:41 PM
(05-24-2012, 11:51 AM)Pickle Wrote:Quote:Magnetics, gravitation, light and even time anomalies, because what it is, is a multidimensional event, imprinted onto a place on the planet that plays over and plays over and plays over. Multidimensional attributes also often carry temperature change, always to the cold side. We even told you that if you are going to develop a multidimensional lens, you will need to have a super cryogenic attribute. Do you remember? This is an attribute of things "out of 3D."http://www.kryon.com/k_channel10_berkeleysprings_.html
Hmm, interesting channeling, but may be of the most "mixed" content I have yet to read since it claims there is no such thing as the negative polarity in that session.