01-02-2010, 04:55 PM
I must say there was an immense amount of synchronity around this movie for me. I got myself an orange stone pyramid for some reason a while ago, I didn't know why but I felt I should. There was a lot of pyramids in this movie, and orange color.. then when I sat in wonder after watching this movie my gaze fell upon this particular stone pyramid and I felt that it couldn't be coincidence. That was beyond such.
Also I've asked for why I feel blockage in my lower chakras for a while now, what this is.. not red, not yellow, then after this movie I suddenly realized that it was orange. I was not comfortable with the polarity of things, I let experiences get stuck inside me - one side of the polarity - and I didn't let the opposite flow through me. Thus there was a lot of frustration. But no more, I am further enlightened thanks to this movie. The universe brought it to me.
Also I've asked for why I feel blockage in my lower chakras for a while now, what this is.. not red, not yellow, then after this movie I suddenly realized that it was orange. I was not comfortable with the polarity of things, I let experiences get stuck inside me - one side of the polarity - and I didn't let the opposite flow through me. Thus there was a lot of frustration. But no more, I am further enlightened thanks to this movie. The universe brought it to me.